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  • Les provided input to a paper on the impact on PingER of the  Vardha cyclone In India
  • Amity provided  progress/code/screen shots of the pinger android implementation attached. We have also attached the executable file.
  • Their PingER MA system has crashed and they are reinstalling the project.


One student is working on: Data Mining doing research on PingER data. He will be using Hadoop on a supercomputer at NUST.

  • The student is getting to know Hadoop.  Once the student is comfortable with the tools we can start applying the tools to pinger data. he is working on Hadoop. Student is working on exams at the monent, Wajahat will conttact student

We were unable to gather data from:
Trying to locate other hosts/sites in Pakistan who are interested contacting .  As we add new sites we will disable non working sites, see below.
We were unable to gather data from:
  •  not pingable as of March 6th, 2017. Wajahat still trying, not given up. Still down 4/15/2017, 7/3/2017, 8/11/2017, 9/16/2017 (does not ping). Not responding. Contacted and they will fix the problem soon.10/24/2017
  • working again as of 3/6/2017. Down since March 17, 2017. Down 7/3/2017, Down 8/11/2017 did not ping, 9/16/2017 pings but unable to gather any data. Reconfigured 9/19/2017. Intermittent access this month (10/24/2017)
  • pings but unable to gather data 8/11/2017, unable to ping, Contacted. 9/16/2017.  Unable to gather data. Contacted fix problem soon. 10/24/2017.
  • Down 8/11/2017, 9/16/2017 pings unable to gather data. Reconfigured 9/19/2017.  Working
  • down since 23 April, down 7/3/2017. Usually working 9/16/2017. Working
  • (host is not pingable). Institution unreachable from start, we are trying to locate the person in charge, fingers crossed (Wajahat 1/10/206). Working 2/1/2018, still working 3/20/2017. Down since April 1st 2017. Down 7/3/2017, 8/11/2017. 9/16/2016 pings unable to gather data. Contact person missing. No data 10/24/2017. Unable to access this nodeDo we give up/Disable?
  • down since March 24th, 2017. Down 7/3/2017, 8/11/2017,9/16/2017 unable to ping, still unable to ping or gather data. No contact information. 10/24/2017.
  •  down since April 15th, down 73/2017, 8/11/2017. 9/16/2017 unable  to ping. Not Interested.They are not interested, Disabled 10/24/2017.
  • pings but can't gather data 8/11/2017 and 9/16/2017. Contacted. Pings but can't gather data 10/24/2017.
  • down since May 22nd, down 7/3/2017. Problem with missing XML/ missing. Unable to gather data, pings 8/11/2017 and 9/16/2017.  Reconfigured 9/19/2017.  No data to gather 10/24/2017, it pings OK, however there is no data in the 200 OK reponse to Port 80 is reponding.  takes you a front page for the Virtual University of Pakistan.The link to works (a bit slow), however the link to Get PingER data (i.e. does not work. Person who started left, current people do not respond. 
