Versions Compared


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These files are then converted into a format appropriate for the slic simulation program and the hps-java reconstruction code using the following prescription.

First, determine the field setting for the energy of the beam.

Find the closest fieldmap calculation in the above list and determine the scaling factor to bring the central value of the fieldmap into accord with the desired setting.

Scale, unfold and convert units of the txt file into a file which can be used by slic and hps-java using the following command:


java ~/.m2/repository/org/hps/hps-distribution/3.11-SNAPSHOT/hps-distribution-3.11-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar org.hps.util.UnfoldFieldmap < fieldmap > < scaling factor >


The resulting file, out.dat, should be renamed to preserve the provenance, e.g.

125acm2_3kg_corrected_unfolded_scaled_0.7992.dat    (1.056 GeV running)

209acm2_5kg_corrected_unfolded_scaled_1.04545.dat  (2.3 GeV running)


The fieldmaps are archived at




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