Versions Compared


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  • We maintain our own installation of openmpi to make it lsf aware and build with verbs
  • We add lsf_verbs to the package name
  • It appears possible to build other mpi vendor implementations for lsf, google lsf aware mpi

 Updating MPI

  • We will maintain the file manage/config/package_build_order
  • This will tell us the order to rebuild packages, ie, openmpi, szip, hdf, mpi4py, h5py, pytables.
    • Usually szip doe not need to be rebuilt

Build MPI Package

  • from the conda root dir, in a dev miniconda, do: ana-rel-manage -c bld-pkg -r manage/recipes/system/openmpi-1.10.3
  • Do this on rhel5/6/7
  • We'll build packages in the dev and install them in both dev and prod

Test Built MPI Package

  • From a psana node with bsub,
    • sudo as psreldev
    • setup_condadev7
    • source activate _test
      • Gets you in the _test environment that was just used to build openmpi
    • cd $CONDA_ROOT/test/mpi
    • mpicc one of the C programs
    • bsub -n 3 mpirun -o output.log ./a.out
    • Check that it ran correctly