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Saqib's old supervisor  agreed to appoint a master student to take of PingER in UTM. Saqib has emailed  3/9/2016, no progress 4/6/2016.



MYREN is working again. 

However and were not responding to pings. Emali sent to Fitzi 4/5/2016. is now working again. is still not. Tomorrow Fitzi will try abd to contact person at USM tomorrow because he noticed that on the MYREN switch to the server the connection port is down.


down. Emailed Fitzi 5/12/2016.


Hassaan's student (Mian Anas Abrar <>) reports: "Sir haven't disabled Hassaan's student (Mian Anas Abrar <>) reports: "Sir haven't disabled any of them which i told earlier and actually can't even get back to them because of their wrong contact numbers or their numbers not responding since then. I have tried contacting Dr.Les earlier  few time as per your instructions but don't know why i wasn't able to email him. rest the status is actually same nodes being down". We believe we have solved the mail problem.

No responses for over 30 days from


We are unable to gather data from the following Pakistani PingER monitors:

PingER at SLAC

Preparing a presentation for an NREN conference (BDREN) in Dhaka Bangladesh on 18 April. Will present by video.

 Working on the following hosts to be able to gather data


They will start to move PingER installation to a new machine and let us know when it's done.. The IP address of this new server will change. No longer use IP

No progress 4/6/2016.


* This hosts was noted at the 3/9/2016 meeting as being down for the last 30 days.

How should we proceed?


PingER at SLAC

Preparing a presentation for an NREN conference (BDREN) in Dhaka Bangladesh on 18 April. Will present by video.

 Working on the following hosts to be able to gather data

HostStatelast seenStatus
web.hepgrid.uerj.eduWorked from April 26th to May 3rd, then not pingable. Sent email 5/12/2016.Apr 26, 2016

does not ping

pinger.arn.dzemail 1/30/2016, 2/22/2016, 4/11/2016 no response. Giving up.Nov 2015Does not ping email 5/12/2016March 2016Does not ping  Does not ping


Fixed 4/28/2016ctrical problems


Gathering data from the following Pakistani monitoring hosts that we ( have been unable to gather data from for 6 months or more has been disabled:


Next Meeting

Next meeting:  Wednesday May 4th 9:00pm Pacific Standard Time, Thursday May 5th, 2016  9:00am Pakistan time, Thursday May 5th  2016 12:00noon Malaysian time, Thursday may 5th 2016 02:00am Rio Standard Time.  
