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  • daq_config
  • regdb (many tables, see above)
  • roles
  • logbook
  • interface_db (hdf translation, keeps requests, lists of files in run, state (submitted))
  • iface_db_ffb (monitoring translator)
  • webportal (several different things)

See this Database design slide in confluence.

Web Infrastructure

Production webserver: pswww, but two machines behind the scenes: pswww1/pswww2.  pswww is only one in DMZ-pub subnet, with only ports 80 and 443 open (http/https).  Two network interfaces on pswww: eth0, and eth0:0. switch between them on the two machines with "ifdown eth0:0" on one machine and "ifup eth0:0" on the other (called a "virtual IP address").

pswww-dev is also open to internet (used for experimentation).  runs on machine pswww3.  no redundancy for this one, but could be used as a backup for pswww.

authentication is done by pswebkdc.  pswww[1-2] know about this.   points to two machines with active failover: pswebkdc1,2.  both of these talk to kerberos satellite server @PCDS.

pswebkdc-dev is pswebkdc3

psdb points to machines psdb4,5 and there is replication using "SQL MASTER-MASTER REPLICATION".  These two machines are directly connected with a cable for this replication.

also have second psdb-user which has same model for psdb1,2 is used for less critical stuff.

psdb3 is a development machine (like other dev machines above)

two ldap machines: psldap1,2.

What's on PSWWW?

apache 2.2 (rhel5) and 2.4 (rhel7) configuration stored in /etc/httpd/.  main config files is in conf/httpd.conf.  Specified "DocumentRoot" that maps "root directory" of URLs to point to /var/www/html/.  this is a link to NFS /reg/g/psdm/web/pswww/html/.  This stuff is not in SVN but should be.  some account info in apps/config/

RegDB is in svn.  RegDB/web/html is deployed by deployment script as apps/regdb/html.  Allows php to work.  Similarly REGDB/web/lib is deployed as apps/lib/regdb/.  Igor first deployes it into apps-dev which then deploys it into apps.  Script to do this is in /reg/g/psdm/web/apps/releases/relclone clones apps-dev.  /reg/g/psdm/web/apps/releases/development-gapon/.relbase points to afs. relclone copies from this dev area into production.


Apache modules are in /etc/httpd/modules/.  there is also a conf.modules.d used by rhel7.  these .conf modules are loaded by apache in numeric order, as specified by the first two numbers in the filename.  conf.d/ssl.crt has the https ssl certificates, and must be updated once per year.  john bartelt is the person to ask for these ssl certificates.  conf/kerberos has "key tab" for remctl to talk to NIS server to create groups (file is named maint-pcds.keytab).  HTTP.keytab is for talking to the KDC web server?

We use "pluggable" authentication servers (e.g. ws-auth, ws-pam).  confd/.htpasswd manages authentication techniques for various special accounts.  use htpasswd to update this file.  "icws" maps to ws-auth.  special account for a particular service must be registered in ws-auth/<your-service>.  URLs containing /ws-auth/myproxy are forwarded to a destination address for a service (e.g. http://psanaphi103:5060) using "ProxyPass" keyword for apache. This file might be in /etc/httpd/conf.d/psdm_ws.conf.

kerberos is configured in /etc/krb.5.conf (e.g. default "realm" SLAC.STANFORD.EDU").

SVN is /reg/g/psdm/svnrepo/conf/auth-kerb.conf has list of people allowed to access svn stuff.

/etc/httpd/conf.d/svn.conf has some other SVN configuration stuff.  /reg/g/psdm/svnrepo/confi/auth-readonly.conf has everything readonly.

/etc/httpd/conf.d/auth_kerb.conf loads something.  buildbot.conf forwards to http://psdev106:8010/ where buildbot runs.  userdir.conf has the redirect for users' public_html.  For pam had to create special file /etc/pamd/httpd also /etc/pam.d/sshd  (given to Igor by central IT people).  web servers are started by /etc/rc.local (doesn't work for new RHEL7 systemd stuff).

/reg/g/psdm/psdm/psdatmgr/startup/$HOSTNAME has startup stuff.


Has many services.  can see what services are triggered by looking at browser debugging communication (igor uses chrome for this).  Inventory database ("IREP") client-API is implemented in python.  Could copy ideas from irep code to get fuller python interface for logbook (Chuck has a primitive version for his hashtag/bot prototype).

Small H5 Translation Advice

click translate (look at "developer tools" in chrome)

hdf5_request_new (same service for standard/monitoring, but have different parameters), check authentication, invokes icws

apache has "icws" in a package called interface-controller-web-service written in python by Andy ("pylons" precursor to flask).  should rewrite icws in flask

there is a service polling the database (on psexport03 (standard) 04 (monitoring) as daemon) and does bsub.

daemon monitor jobs and queries status of jobs

the advantage of going through the web service 

javascript /var/www/html/apps/portal/js/HDF5_Translator.js is used for both monitoring/standard

new table in mysql database

make sure searching for hashtags is fast using database "indexing".

icws talks to mysql "interface_db"