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titleWhat is a Driver?

In the context of LCSim and HPS Java, a driver Driver is an event processing component that operates on each event in within a record processing loop and may add new object collections to the event.  For example, a driver might convert ADC data to a hits collection Driver could convert a collection of digits (raw data) to hits, or it could perform a track finding algorithm and create add new track object collections.


The reconstruction Driver chain is defined in production steering files such as EngineeringRun2015FullRecon.lcsim, which are kept in this SVN folder and typically accessed as a class resource from a jar file.


The following information is current as of February 28, 2016 (Physics Run 2016) but it may become outdated as the reconstruction changes. Consult the latest versions of the steering files for the most up to date information.

Driver NameDriver ClassDescription


RfFitterDriverconverts accelerator's RF wave form to time and inserts into event


calculates per channel running averages for ECal signal pedestals
EcalRawConverterEcalRawConverterDriverconverts ECal digits to CalorimeterHit collection with energy and time measurements
ReconClustererReconClusterDriverperforms calorimeter clustering algorithm on ECal hits
CopyCollectionCopyClusterCollectionDrivercopies calorimeter clusters to new collection to preserve uncorrected energy measurements
RawTrackerHitSensorSetupRawTrackerHitSensorSetupassigns RawTrackerHits to their sensors for use by track recon
RawTrackerHitFitterDriverRawTrackerHitFitterDriverfits ADC vs time signal to produce fitted hits collection
TrackerHitDriverDataTrackerHitDrivercreates stereo pairs from from SVT strip hits
HelicalTrackHitDriverHelicalTrackHitDrivercreates 3D hits from clusters of stereo pairs
TrackReconSeed345Conf2Extd16TrackerReconDriverruns track finding using layers 3, 4 & 5 as a seed, layer 2 to confirm, and layers 1 and 6 to extend
TrackReconSeed456Conf3Extd21TrackerReconDriverruns track finding using layers 4, 5 & 6 as a seed, layer 3 to confirm, and layers 2 and 1 to extend
TrackReconSeed123Conf4Extd56TrackerReconDriverruns track finding using layers 1, 2 & 3 as a seed, layer 4 to confirm, and layers 5 and 6 to extend
TrackReconSeed123Conf5Extd46TrackerReconDriverruns track finding using layers 1, 2 & 3 as a seed, layer 5 to confirm, and layers 4 and 6 to extend
MergeTrackCollectionsMergeTrackCollectionsmerge collections from track finding into single output collection
GBLRefitterDriverGBLRefitterDriverperforms GBL track refit
TrackDataDriverTrackDataDriveradds additional collections containing track information to output event

creates output reconstructed particle collection, associating tracks with clusters

also performs vertex reconstruction

LCIOWriterLCIODriverwrites output LCIO file
CleanupDriverReadoutCleanupDrivercleanup readout state for next event (clears assignments of SVT raw hits to sensors)
AidaSaveDriverAidaSaveDriversaves AIDA plots to file at end of job
