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The server VM has been optimized for peak operating speed rather than responsiveness.

Job Manager

The JobManager runs a series of Drivers defined in an lcsim xml file on input events from one or more LCIO files.  The job manager's is listed in the distribution jar's manifest file, making it the default program which will run when using the -jar switch.

The job manager has the following command line arguments.

No Format
[1026 $] java -jar ./hps-java-trunk/distribution/target/hps-distribution-3.6-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar
Feb 18, 2016 4:02:27 PM org.lcsim.job.JobControlManager printHelp
INFO: java org.lcsim.job.JobControlManager [options] steeringFile.xml
 -b,--batch               Run in batch mode in which plots will not be
 -D,--define <arg>        Define a variable with form [name]=[value]
 -d,--detector <arg>      user supplied detector name (careful!)
 -e,--event-print <arg>   Event print interval
 -h,--help                Print help and exit
 -i,--input-file <arg>    Add an LCIO input file to process
 -n,--nevents <arg>       Set the max number of events to process
 -p,--properties <arg>    Load a properties file containing variable
 -r,--resource            Use a steering resource rather than a file
 -R,--run <arg>           user supplied run number (careful!)
 -s,--skip <arg>          Set the number of events to skip
 -w,--rewrite <arg>       Rewrite the XML file with variables resolved
 -x,--dry-run             Perform a dry run which does not process events

This table explains all of the available options.

-bActivates batch mode plotting so plots will not be shown when running job. 
-DAdd a variable definition that applies to the input steering file. 
-dSet the name of the detector model. 
-ePrint out an informational message every N events. 
-hPrint help and exit. 
-iAdd an LCIO input file. 
-nMaximum number of events to run in job. 
-pLoad a properties file containing steering file variable definitions. 
-rTreat the supplied steering as a classpath resource rather than a file. 
-RSet the run number to be used when initializing the conditions system. 
-sSkip N events at the beginning of the job. 
-wRewrite the XML steering file with the variables resolved. 
-xExecute in dry run mode which means actual job will not execute.Can be used to check for initialization errors.

The steering file is supplied as an extra argument rather than with a command switch.

Here is an example using many of these command line arguments.

Code Block
java -jar ./hps-java-trunk/distribution/target/hps-distribution-bin.jar -b -DoutputFile=output -d HPS-EngRun2015-Nominal-v3 -e 100 -i input.slcio -n 1000 -p myvars.prop -r -R 5772 -s 10 -w myjob.xml -x /org/hps/steering/dummy.lcsim

This will not actually work (just provided to show all command line options at once).


Run Scripts

Using your own steering file
