Versions Compared


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Distribution Jar

It is assumed in the instructions below that hps-distribution-bin.jar refers to a local copy of the HPS Java distribution from the target dir with an actual version.  

For instance, after building the HPS Java project locally, the my distribution jar for the copy of HPS Java I am using can be found here.

Code Block
cd hps-java-trunk; ls distribution/target/hps-distribution-3.6-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar

Actual version numbers are In the commands below, the version, here "3.6-SNAPSHOT", is left out for brevity, but when executing commands you need to point to an actual distribution jar you have built or downloaded.

This The jar file contains all of the project's dependencies in a distribution that can be run standalone using the java command.


Assuming you have followed the instructions at Installing HPS Java, you can run the standalone jar file two ways.

Running the Default Main


Using the -jar switch from the command line will run the main from the class JobManager, which is listened in the manifest inside the jar.


Without any arguments it will print the command line options and then exit.

Running a Specified Class's Main


You can also run the main method from any class in the jar.


Some XML steering files have variables that need to be resolved with command line arguments.


Steering File Variables

For instance, suppose the XML file has this variable definition.


The standard steering files are in trunk/steering-files/src/main/resources/org/hps/steering/.

Logging and Debugging


HPS Java uses the built-in logging facilities of Java described in the logging package documentation.

Every package in


HPS Java has a default level which


is set in the following config file.

Code Block


This config, or any other custom logging config file, can be activated from the command line by setting the config file property to its path.

Code Block
cd hps-java-trunk; java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=


This is handled by:

The levels in descending order are:

SEVERE (highest value)
FINEST (lowest value)



Each logger is configured for an entire package rather than individual classes.

No Format
# evio
org.hps.evio.level = CONFIG

In this config, any class in the org.hps.evio package will have a log level of CONFIG.

These are the available log levels, in descending order.

SEVEREsevere error message usually meaning program should haltunrecoverable errors that halt the program
WARNINGwarning message indicating a non-fatal error or problemwarning messages
INFOinformational messagesinformational messages that should usually print when the program runs
CONFIGconfiguration messagesprinting out config information for a class or tool
ALLprint all error messages 
OFFdisable all messages 

Each logger inherits by default from the global log setting.

This is defined in the config file as follows.

No Format
# default global level
.level = WARNING

So if a package is not explicitly configured, it will inherit the WARNING log level from the global logger.