Versions Compared


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  1. RawTrackerHitFitterDriver fits time vs ADC signal from raw data into fitted hits collection.
  2. DataTrackerHitDriver creates stereo hit pairs from fitted hits.
  3. HelicalTrackHitDriver creates 3D hits hit clusters from clusters of input stereo hits.
  4. TrackerReconDriver runs track finding multiple times with different tracking strategy files, creating a track collection for each strategy.
  5. The MergeTrackCollections Driver is used to merge the multiple track collections together.
  6. The GBLRefitterDriver refits the tracks using GBL.
  7. TrackDataDriver adds a Generic Object collection containing additional information about the track for persistency.

The tracking packages in lcsim form the basis for HPS's tracking algorithms through usage and extension.  Seed Tracker is used for track finding using a set of input tracking strategies.  The track fit from lcsim is further refined using a Java implementation (port) of the GBL C++ algorithm. 

ECal Reconstruction

These are the basic steps of the ECal reconstruction:

  1. EcalRawConverterDriver converts RawTrackerHit input collection into CalorimeterHit collection.
  2. ReconClusterDriver uses the ReconClusterer to create calorimeter Cluster collection from input hits collection.


Reconstructed Particles

Track-cluster matching associates ECal clusters with tracks, and vertex reconstruction is performed.  The matching tracks and clusters are be associated together into a ReconstructedParticle collection.
