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A module that analyzes the camera image by projecting a region of interest onto an axis and dividing by a reference projection acquired without the FEL.  The resulting projection is processed by a digital filter which yields a peak at the location of the change in reflectivity/transmission.  The resulting parameters are written into the psana event. The type of the parameter depends on the release. Starting with ana-0.13.10, a TimeTool::DataV2 object in put in the event store. ana-0.13.3 put a TimeTool::DataV1 object in the event store. In ana-0.14.4 and later, this is how one gets the data, a TimeTool::DataV2 object. Older releases would also add the output as doubles or ndarrays, but this is no longer the case with ana-0.14.4 and later.

Accessing Results from Analyze (ana-0.14.4 and later)

Code Block
ttData = evt.get(TimeTool.DataV2, self.timeToolKey)
ttdata.position_pixel() # position of edge, in pixels
ttdata.amplitude()      # amplitude of edge, in pixels
ttdata.nxt_amplitude()  # amplitude of second-most-significant edge, in pixels
ttdata.position_fwhm()  # FullWidthHalfMax of the differentiated signal (corresponds to slope of edge) in pixels
ttdata.position_time()  # position of the most significant edge, in fs

Note that the position_time() results depend on have appropriate calibration constants deployed.

Controlling Laser/Beam Logic
