Versions Compared


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Code Block
from psana_test import obj2str, epicsPvToStr

def getPsanaState(event, configStore, epicsStore):
    evtDict = {}
    cfgDict = {}
    epicsDict = {}
    for key in event.keys():
        if key.type() is None: continue
        obj = event.get(key.type(), key.src(), key.key())
        if (obj is None): continue
        if not hasattr(obj,'TypeId'):  continue
    for key in configStore.keys():
        if key.type() is None: continue
        obj = configStore.get(key.type(), key.src())
        if (obj is None): continue
        if not hasattr(obj,'TypeId'):  continue
    for pvName in epicsStore.pvNames():
        pv = epicsStore.getPV(pvName)
        if not pv: continue
        epicsDict[pvName] = epicsPvToStr(pv)
    return evtDict, cfgDict, epicsDict


Package TimeTool

Modules for analyzing recorded data from a timetool camera setup. The timetool camera measures the time difference between laser and FEL in one of two methods:

  1. spatial encoding, where the X-rays change the reflectivity of a material and the laser probesthat change by the incident angle of its wavefront; or
  2. spectral encoding, where the X-rays change the transmission of a material and the chirped laser probes it by a change in the spectral components of the transmitted laser.

Below the package modules are described. The package includes sample configuration files that describe all the options. From a psana release directory, users are encouraged to add the TimeTool package to obtain the latest source. For instance:

Code Block
newrel ana-current myrel
cd myrel
kinit             # get ticket to check out package from svn repository
addpkg TimeTool
# now examine the files in TimeTool/data:  sxr_timetool.cfg  sxr_timetool_setup.cfg  xpp_timetool.cfg  xpptut.cfg is a python script to calculate the digital filter weights.

Module Analyze

a module that analyzes the camera image by projecting a region of interest onto an axis and dividing by a reference projection acquired without the FEL.  The resulting projection is processed by a digital filter which yields a peak at the location of the change in reflectivity/transmission.  The resulting parameters are written into the psana event. The default behavior is to write these values in as a set of double's. Unfortunately double's are presently not visible to Python scripts or modules in the psana framework. In the next analysis release (ana-0.13.1) these values can also written as a set of ndarray's, each with one double. These will be visible on the Python side. This can be done by adding the option


to the config file. To use the features prior to that release, when adding the TimeTool package to your test release, do

addpkg TimeTool V00-00-03

Module Check

a module that retrieves results from the event for either the above module or from data recorded online.

Module Setup

a module that calculates the reference autocorrelation function from events without FEL for use in the digital filter construction.

