Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


See also Examples for package pyimgalgos.

Package Translator

The translator package include the H5Output module which translates xtc to hdf5. For more  information see the page The XTC-to-HDF5 Translator

Package psana_test

The psana_test package includes the psana module dump. This will take a standard psana datasource and dump all the event, config, and epics data found. The entire contents of large arrays are not printed. However a checksum over all the array data is, as well as the min, 25th percentile, median, 75th percentile, and max over the data. The dump module does not serve as a good example of how to retrieve and work with objects from the event store – see the psana_examples package for this. The psana_test package is primarily for psana developers to do software testing.

module dump

Running psana_test dump

An example of running the module is

psana -n 2 -m psana_test.dump exp=xpptut13:run=179

This dumps the first two events of run 179 of the xpp tutorial data.

Understanding psana_test dump output

Below we annotate the output that psana_test.dump can produce. All annotations are preceded by a #

Code Block
=== begin job ====
# first the epics aliases are printed during begin job.
Epics Aliases: total = 250
# next the epics pv, as they appear during beginJob.
# This corresponds to the xtc configure transition. 
# At this point, these are ctrl pvs. T
Epics PV
 pvName=HFX:DG2:MMS:08.RBV  pvid=117 dbrtype=34 isCtrl=1 numElements=1 status=0 severity=0 units=mm upper_disp_limit=1.9500e+02 lower_disp_limit=-2.0500e+02 upper_alarm_limit=0.0000e+00 upper_warning_limit=0.0000e+00 lower_warning_limit=0.0000e+00 lower_alarm_limit=0.0000e+00 upper_ctrl_limit=1.9500e+02 lower_ctrl_limit=-2.0500e+02 data=4.2898e+01
# After epics, we get the content of the psana env configStore. 
# The dump module is getting all keys from the configStore(), 
# then retrieving each object. Objects that have a xtc type id, or are
# an numpy array will be printed.

# For each object, we first get a string describing the even key:

type=psana.ControlData.ConfigV2, src=ProcInfo(, pid=7670)

  # then we get the data of the object. Each method is called.
  # methods that return unsigned ints print in hex. 
  # methods that return signed ints print in decimal.
  # methods that return floats print in scientific format with 4 decimals of precision.

  npvControls: 0x1      
  npvMonitors: 0x0    
  npvLabels: 0x0
  events: 0x1E0
  uses_duration: 0x0
  uses_events: 0x1

# methods that return a complex type, like time, will get methods of the complex type indented:
    nanoseconds: 0x0
    seconds: 0x0

# some methods that return a python list. Each element in the list is printed separately:
    name: las_lensh
    index: 0xFFFFFFFF
    value: 0.0000e+00
    array: 0x0

# epics config is not dumped, as it is redundant with what is in the epics store
type=psana.Epics.ConfigV1, src=DetInfo(EpicsArch.0:NoDevice.0)
  epicsConfig not dumped

# cspad config is an example which has methods that return ndarrays
type=psana.CsPad.ConfigV4, src=DetInfo(XppGon.0:Cspad.0)
  numSect: 0x20
  # some methods return a list of simple types, these are printed in one line
  roiMask [0]=0xFF [1]=0xFF [2]=0xFF [3]=0xFF
  numAsicsStored [0]=0x10 [1]=0x10 [2]=0x10 [3]=0x10
      # for an ndarray, we print the type, dimensions, adler32 checksum, and quartile
      # statistics (min, 25th percentile, median, 75th percentile, and max):
      pots: ndarray_uint8_1: dim=[ 80 ] adler32=0x231B31F5 min=0x0 25th=0x3F median=0xB0 75th=0xFF max=0xFF
      gainMap: ndarray_uint16_2: dim=[ 185 x 194 ] adler32=0x18730001 min=0x0 25th=0x0 median=0x0 75th=0x0 max=0x0

=== beginrun 0 ===            # typically, there is nothing new in beginrun
=== begincalibcycle run=0 step=0 ===

# having dumped the entire initial contents of epics and the config store, 
# the dump module will now only print changes to epics or the config.
# That is it remembers how each epics pv and config object printed the last 
# time it saw it. With each new transition, it looks at all the epics pv and
# config objects. If any change, they are dumped.

# The control data changed in the calib cycle:

type=psana.ControlData.ConfigV2, src=ProcInfo(, pid=7670)
  npvControls: 0x1
  npvMonitors: 0x0
  npvLabels: 0x0
  events: 0x1E0
  uses_duration: 0x0
  uses_events: 0x1
    nanoseconds: 0x0
    seconds: 0x0
    name: las_lensh
    index: 0xFFFFFFFF
    value: -4.9997e-01
    array: 0x0

# next we see event data, printing the following:
=== event: run=0 step=0 event=0 seconds= 1362889345 nanoseconds= 770371931 fiducials= 19593
# at this point, all epics pv's are replaced with TIME pv's, not the stamp.sec, stamp.nsec below:
Epics PV
  pvName=OTRS:DMP1:695:FLT2_PNEU  pvid=87 dbrtype=17 isTime=1 numElements=1 status=17 severity=3 stamp.sec=0 stamp.nsec=0 data=0x0
  pvName=OTRS:DMP1:695:Image:ArrayData  pvid=81 dbrtype=19 isTime=1 numElements=1424 status=0 severity=0 stamp.sec=765084864 stamp.nsec=401243855 data=ndarray_int32_1: dim=[ 1424 ] adler32=0xA4FBE55A min=71 25th=117 median=132 75th=149 max=223
# while most epics pv's have one value, there are some with more than one, such as ArrayData above. If it has less than 20 values, they are all printed, otherwise an array summary of the data is printed, as above.

# now we get into regular event data
type=psana.EvrData.DataV3, src=DetInfo(NoDetector.0:Evr.0)
  numFifoEvents: 0x2
    timestampHigh: 0x4C89
    timestampLow: 0x32A6
    eventCode: 0x29
    timestampHigh: 0x4C89
    timestampLow: 0x2E4C
    eventCode: 0x8C
type=psana.CsPad.DataV2, src=DetInfo(XppGon.0:Cspad.0)
    seq_count: 0x1
    ticks: 0x329D
    fiducials: 0x4C89
    sb_temp: ndarray_uint16_1: dim=[ 4 ] adler32=0x4FC00AC min=0x7 25th=0x8 median=0x9 75th=0x291 max=0x291
    frame_type: 0x4
    data: ndarray_int16_3: dim=[ 8 x 185 x 388 ] adler32=0xAD5ACF7F min=0 25th=1281 median=1346 75th=1475 max=16383
    virtual_channel: 0x0
    lane: 0x0
    tid: 0x0
    acq_count: 0x85
    op_code: 0x85
    quad: 0x0
    sectionMask: 0xFF
    seq_count: 0x1
    ticks: 0x329D
    fiducials: 0x4C89
    sb_temp: ndarray_uint16_1: dim=[ 4 ] adler32=0x2DB006A min=0x7 25th=0xA median=0xA 75th=0x34B max=0x34B
    frame_type: 0x4
    data: ndarray_int16_3: dim=[ 8 x 185 x 388 ] adler32=0xD28441BE min=0 25th=1316 median=1374 75th=1504 max=16383
    virtual_channel: 0x0
    lane: 0x0
    tid: 0x0
    acq_count: 0x85
    op_code: 0x85
    quad: 0x1
    sectionMask: 0xFF

src aliases

If a source alias has been defined, it will show up when the event key is printed:

type=psana.Pimax.FrameV1, src=DetInfo(AmoEndstation.0:Pimax.0) alias=pimax


Several options allow you to control the output of psana_test.dump

The most useful are

include = term1 term2
exclude = term1 term2

These are used to filter the key strings. For example, running

psana -m psana_test.dump -o psana_test.dump.include=10k exp=mob30114:run=145

Would only dump event keys that had 10k in them, effectively giving you only Epix::Config10KV1 and psana.Epix.ElementV1 since these are the only types coming from the source DetInfo(NoDetector.0:Epix10k.0).

Other options one could set are:

epics = False
aliases = False
config = False
counter = False
indent = 4

Library Usage

Two functions are provided in the Python psana_test package that allow Python scripts to turn Psana objects into strings. A Python script could include the following function to build dictionaries describing the state of the event, configStore, and epicsStore:

Code Block
from psana_test import obj2str, epicsPvToStr

def getPsanaState(event, configStore, epicsStore):
    evtDict = {}
    cfgDict = {}
    epicsDict = {}
    for key in event.keys():
        if key.type() is None: continue
        obj = event.get(key.type(), key.src(), key.key())
        if (obj is None): continue
        if not hasattr(obj,'TypeId'):  continue
    for key in configStore.keys():
        if key.type() is None: continue
        obj = configStore.get(key.type(), key.src())
        if (obj is None): continue
        if not hasattr(obj,'TypeId'):  continue
    for pvName in epicsStore.pvNames():
        pv = epicsStore.getPV(pvName)
        if not pv: continue
        epicsDict[pvName] = epicsPvToStr(pv)
    return evtDict, cfgDict, epicsDict


