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To create a new data provider on SLC, we begin on an AFS unix node and use facilities in the Aida makefile system for creating the CORBA stubs and skeletons of a new Aida server. We then copy all the files so created over to VMS and continue real development there (where real developers work):

Code Block
rdh@tersk09 $ mkdir work2
rdh@tersk09 $ cd work2
rdh@tersk09 $ cvs co package/aida
cvs checkout: Updating package/aida
U package/aida/.classpath....

Source the Aida development setup files. Note the 2nd argument to aidaSetEnvDev.csh is the directory of your development instance of aida (what you created in the previous step):

Code Block
rdh@tersk09 $ source /afs/slac/g/cd/soft/dev/script/ENVS.csh
rdh@tersk09 $ source /afs/slac/g/cd/soft/dev/script/aidaSetEnvDev.csh dev ${HOME}/work2/package/aida

cd to the dp directory

Code Block
rdh@tersk09 $ cd package/aida/edu/stanford/slac/aida/dp/

Create a new Data Provider (dp) directory. Then copy an existing Makefile.sun4 from one of the existing dps, on which we'll base a new one.

Code Block
rdh@tersk09 $ mkdir dpSlcMagnet
rdh@tersk09 $ cd dpSlcMagnet/
rdh@tersk09 $ cp ../dpSlcModel/Makefile.sun4 .

Modify the Makefile, replacing the PACKAGE, MODULE and INTERFACENAME values with values appropriate for your new data provider.

Code Block
rdh@tersk09 $ emacs Makefile.sun4

Run the Makefile.sun4; this will create all client and server sides, except the file. You will create an file by hand later.Ignore the jidl complaint about not finding an idl file, it's not supposed to.

Code Block
rdh@tersk09 $ gmake -f Makefile.sun4
jidl: couldn't open /u/cd/rdh/work2/package/aida/idl/dpSlcMagnet.idl
echo 'me first'
me first
sed -e 's/THIS/dpSlcMagnet/g' ....


Code Block
#include "dpslcbpm_jni.h"


Create the dp<servername>_jni_helper.c file. This is the module that defines the functions that access the control system. The names of the functions it *defines* must all be in upper-case (due to the compiling and linking configurations specified in and the build com files). But the functions that those function call (in the control system shareables), need not be in upper-case.
