Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • build – This contains the platform dependent information for a particular build.
  • buildPackage – This contains the platform independent information for a particular build.
  • entry - this table was migraged from glastdb and hold the log entries from the operation of all the RM processes.  Logs are kept for 5 days and then removed to prevent the database from filling up.
  • extLib – This contains the external libraries used for a particular build.
  • os – This contains a list of operating systems currently supported.
  • outputMessage – This contains the checkout or compile output for a particular build.
  • package – This contains a list of checkout packages currently supported.
  • settings – This contains both global and build specific settings for the Release Manager.
  • subPackage – This contains a list of subPackages and their compile status for a particular build.
  • subPackageCompileFailures – This contains the location of specific compile failures in the compile output for a particular subPackage.
  • variant – This contains a list of supported variants.
  • versionType – This contains a list of supported versionTypes.


  • checkoutBuild – This executable checks out code from cvs in preparation to building it.
  • cleanBuild – This executable erases parts of a build that are not needed for execution (source code and temporary files).
  • compileBuild – This executable builds the code checked out with checkoutBuild.
  • createDoxygen – This executable generates doxygen output for a build.
  • deleteBuild – This executable is an interactive program to trigger the RM to erase a build.  By default, the entry will remain in the database.
    ex. deleteBuild --package ScienceTools --versionType Integration --version 3366 --os Windows-i386-32bit-vc90 --variant Debug --complete
    versionType may be Integration "Release Candidate", or Release
    The --complete option erases the build and also removes the entry from the database.  This is used when one wishes to re-trigger a build.
  • eraseBuild – This executable erases everything belonging to a build and marks the build as hidden in the database.  This is called by deleteBuild and most likely never need be called directly by a user.  As this is the program called by deleteBuild to actually do the remove, it also supports the --complete option.
  • finishBuild – This executable marks the build as having finished.
  • releaseManagerDaemon – This executable runs in the background submitting new builds to the workflow.
  • testBuild – This executable runs the unit tests for a particular build.
  • triggerBuild – This executable can be used to trigger a new build.
  • createReleaseBuild – This executable creates the tar.gz/zip files of the release and externals for the installer.
