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Photon beam events are simulated without pileup, so empty events must be inserted. (FilterMCBunches also deletes events unlikely to cause triggers.)

No Format
java -cp hps-java.jar org.lcsim.hps.users.meeg.FilterMCBunches in.slcio filtered.slcio -e250


Electron beam data for 2014 run

Filter and space out events

If you're running A' or trident events for which a high trigger rate (more than around 1 trigger per 1000 events) is expected, you should insert empty bunches (or use the no-pileup simulation - see below - which runs much faster but is less realistic in simulating detector timing and efficiencies) since the readout simulation simulates pileup in the detectors assuming input events correspond to consecutive 2 ns beam bunches.

No Format

java -cp hps-java.jar org.lcsim.hps.users.meeg.FilterMCBunches in.slcio filtered.slcio -a -e500

Run simulation

Output to EVIO format:

No Format
java -jar hps-java.jar -r /org/lcsim/hps/steering/readout/HPS2014ReadoutToEvio.lcsim -i in.slcio -DoutputFile=readout

Output to LCIO format:

No Format
java -jar hps-java.jar -r /org/lcsim/hps/steering/readout/HPS2014ReadoutToLcio.lcsim -i in.slcio -DoutputFile=readout

Simulate without pileup (each event is treated independently, all detectors are reset between events), output to LCIO format:

No Format

java -jar hps-java.jar -r /org/lcsim/hps/steering/readout/HPS2014ReadoutNoPileup.lcsim -i in.slcio -DoutputFile=readout