Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
  • Python 2.5.1 (built against tcltk 8.4)
  • cfitsio v3060A (patch)
  • xerces 2.7.0-gl1 (patch)
  • NumPy 1.2.0
  • PyFITS 1.3
  • 4Suite-XML 1.0.2
  • IPython
  • OmniOrb
  • ROOT v5.20.00-gl1


  1. Unpack the CFITSIO source files into a V:/Glast_Software/Toaster/GLAST_EXT/VC8/cfitsio/v3060A/cfitsio-v3.060A/ (or the location where you want to install)
  2. Execute C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003\vcvars32.bat
  3. Go to start->Programs->Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 ->Visual Studio .NET Tools
  4. Right-click "Visual Studio .NET 2003 Command Prompt"
  5. Edit the "Start in:" text box
    1. Enter the location of the unpacked cfitsio-v3.060A tar ball
      2. "V:/Glast_Software/Toaster/GLAST_EXT/VC8/cfitsio/v3060A/cfitsio-v3.060A/
  2. Go to start->Programs->Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 ->Visual Studio .NET Tools -> "Visual Studio .NET 2003 Command Prompt"
  3. Enter the following commands:
    1. nmake winDumpExts.mak
    2. nmake makefile.vcc


    1. From within xerces-c-src_2_7_0-gl1-mac, copy (the contents) MacOSDefs.hpp-original to xerces/src/xercesc/util/Platforms/MacOS/MacOSDefs.hpp
    2. Repeat step 3 from above
  1. Grab, and extract, the original xerces-2.7.0 from /nfs/farm/g/glast/u05/extlib/xerces/xerces-c-src_2_7_0.tar.gz
    1. Code Block
      setenv XERCESCROOT <path-to-xerces-c-src_2_7_0>/xerces-c-src_2_7_0
      cd xerces-c-src_2_7_0
      cd src/xercesc
      ./runConfigure -p macosx -n native -t native -P <install-path>


NumPy 1.2.0

Windows operating system 


  1. Download the source
  2. Extract the contents of the tar.gz file
  3. cd into the directory numpy-1.2.0
  4. Run with the python instance for which you want to install numpy-1.2.0 against
    • Example
      • */afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/*redhat4-i686-32bit/python/2.5.1-gl1/bin/python install


PyFITS 1.3

Windows operating system 


  1. Download the source;
  2. Extract the contents of the tar.gz file
  3. cd into the directory pyfits-1.3
  4. Run with the python instance for which you want to install pyfits-1.3 against
    • Example
      • /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat4-i686-32bit/python/2.5.1-gl1/bin/python install


4Suite-XML 1.0.2

Windows operating system 


  1. Download the source
  2. Extract the contents of the tar.gz file
  3. cd into the directory 4Suite-XML-1.0.2
  4. Run with the python instance for which you want to install 4Suite-XML-1.0.2 against, and specify the "config --home" option to point to the installation directory of Python
    • Example
      • /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/rh9_gcc32/python/2.5.1-gl1/gcc32/bin/python config --home=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/rh9_gcc32/python/2.5.1-gl1/gcc32
  5. Run " install" with the python instance for which you want to install 4Suite-XML-1.0.2 against
    • #** /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/rh9_gcc32/python/2.5.1-gl1/gcc32/bin/python install

IPython 0.9.1

 Linux/Mac operating system
