Versions Compared


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  • eXist (XML db)
  • rrdtools
  • axis (soap)


  • trying install on net-desk1: changing tomcat to run on port 80 (so security don't complain), run as root due to privalegded ports.
  • default users do not include the necessary admin and manager roles in tomcat-users.xml. adding them in allows the built in manager app.


  • downloaded war file instead of full distro.
  • added exist-1.0rc.war to deloyed.
  • tomcat installs the war as exist-1.0rc; therefore the links don't work as it expects exist directory in webapps. therefore, added symlink.
  • added a rrdmaservice and lookupservice users to the exist db (as per the instructions).
  • dubious as this will work as i am using the tomcat war, rather than an external service running on port 8680 (as per instructuions)
  • sooo... also installed the jetty/html version as per the instructions (20060316), and repeated the user additions and the mkcol commands.


  • perfsonar release recommends 1.2.1; only version 1.4 available on apache site.
  • need to link the folder axis/webapps/axis to the tomcat webapps directory.


  • trying GUI install
  • needs to pick up the ENV settings for the fields (too much to change)
  • need to add AXIS_PATH/WEB-INF/lib/*.jar to CLASSPATH
  • also RRDTOOL_PATH/lib
  • and PERFSONAR_PATH/contrib/rrdjtool/build
  • selected to install everything; changed ports to 80 and changed exist port to 80
  • on configuring the exist stuff; a prompt comes up to connect to service. the URL is incomplete (after the hypen) - doesn't really matter as the readme says that i've done all this anyway (user creation).
  • also complains of cgmod a+x; file doesn't appear to exist in installation
