Versions Compared


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Package py_img_algos contains python modules which work with both frameworks pyana and psana.
Configuration file for pyana and/or psana should have relevant sections with parameters for [\pyana] and/or [\psana]. Alean section is ignored in each framework at run time. This is the only difference between two frameworks in the configuration file. All module descriptions are the same for two frameworks.

See description of modules in Package py_img_algos.


Code Block
# Run this script:
# psana -c py-xcs72913-r0049-cspad.cfg
# pyana -c py-xcs72913-r0049-cspad.cfg
# Useful commands:
# psana -m EventKeys -n 5 /reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs72913/xtc/e265-r0049-*
# psana -m psana_examples.dump_cspad -n 5 exp=xcs72913:run=49
# pyana -m pyana_examples.dump_cspad -n 5 /reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs72913/xtc/e265-r0049-*

files  = /reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs72913/xtc/e265-r0049-s00-c00.xtc /reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs72913/xtc/e265-r0049-s04-c00.xtc /reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs72913/xtc/e265-r0049-s05-c00.xtc
num-events = 5
#skip-events = 0
#num-cpu = 1
verbose = 1 ; logging output: 0-nothing?, 1+INFO, 2+DEBUG, ...
modules = py_img_algos.tahometer py_img_algos.cspad_arr_producer py_img_algos.cspad_image_producer py_img_algos.image_save_in_file

files = exp=xcs72913:run=49
events = 5                 
#skip-events = 0
modules = py_img_algos.tahometer py_img_algos.cspad_arr_producer py_img_algos.cspad_image_producer py_img_algos.image_save_in_file
verbose = 1 

dn         = 10
print_bits = 255

#source    = -|Cspad-*
source     = XcsEndstation-0|Cspad-0 
data_type  = double
#data_type  = float
#data_type  = unsigned
#data_type  = uint16
val_miss   = 0
key_out    = cspad_array
print_bits = 1

calib_dir  = /reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs72913/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/XcsEndstation.0:Cspad.0/
key_in     = cspad_array
key_out    = cspad_image
print_bits = 1

# Supported output file formats tiff, gif, png, eps, jpg, jpeg, txt, npy(default), npz
key_in     = cspad_image
#ofnameofname     = img-for-cspad.tiff ; gif, png, eps, jpg, txt, npy(default) 
print_bits = 255

To run this script use command


Code Block
# Run this script:
# psana -c py-meca6113-r0028-cspad2x2.cfg
# pyana -c py-meca6113-r0028-cspad2x2.cfg
# Useful commands:
# psana -m EventKeys -n 5 /reg/d/psdm/mec/meca6113/xtc/e332-r0028-s03-c00.xtc
# psana -m psana_examples.dump_cspad -n 5 exp=meca6113:run=28
# pyana -m pyana_examples.dump_cspad -n 5 /reg/d/psdm/mec/meca6113/xtc/e332-r0028-s03-c00.xtc

files  = /reg/d/psdm/mec/meca6113/xtc/e332-r0028-s03-c00.xtc
num-events = 5
#skip-events = 0
#num-cpu = 1
verbose = 0 ; logging output: 0-nothing?, 1+INFO, 2+DEBUG, ...
modules = py_img_algos.tahometer py_img_algos.cspad_arr_producer py_img_algos.cspad_image_producer py_img_algos.image_save_in_file

files = exp=meca6113:run=28
events = 5 
#skip-events = 0
modules = py_img_algos.tahometer py_img_algos.cspad_arr_producer py_img_algos.cspad_image_producer py_img_algos.image_save_in_file

dn         = 10
print_bits = 255

#source    = -|Cspad-*
source     = MecTargetChamber-0|Cspad2x2-3
#data_type  = double
data_type  = float
#data_type  = unsigned
#data_type  = uint16
#data_type  = uint32
val_miss   = 0
key_out    = cspadcspad2x2_array
print_bits = 255

calib_dir  = /reg/d/psdm/mec/meca6113/calib/CsPad2x2::CalibV1/MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.3/
key_in     = cspadcspad2x2_array
key_out    = cspadcspad2x2_image
print_bits = 1

# Supported output file formats tiff, gif, png, eps, jpg, jpeg, txt, npy(default), npz
key_in     = cspadcspad2x2_image
ofname     = img-for-cspadcspad2x2.tiff ; gif, png, eps, jpg, txt, npy(default) 
print_bits = 255

To run this script use command
