Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


See also: Module ImgAlgos::TimeStampFilter and PSXtcOutput::PSXtcOutput

Examples for Package py_img_algos

Package py_img_algos contains python modules which work with both frameworks pyana and psana.

See description of modules in Package py_img_algos.

Example of configuration file for CSPAD

File py-xcs72913-r0049-cspad.cfg:

Code Block

# Run this script:
# psana -c py-xcs72913-r0049-cspad.cfg
# pyana -c py-xcs72913-r0049-cspad.cfg
# Useful commands:
# psana -m EventKeys -n 5 /reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs72913/xtc/e265-r0049-*
# psana -m psana_examples.dump_cspad -n 5 exp=xcs72913:run=49
# pyana -m pyana_examples.dump_cspad -n 5 /reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs72913/xtc/e265-r0049-*

files  = /reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs72913/xtc/e265-r0049-s00-c00.xtc /reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs72913/xtc/e265-r0049-s04-c00.xtc /reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs72913/xtc/e265-r0049-s05-c00.xtc
num-events = 5
#skip-events = 0
#num-cpu = 1
verbose = 1 ; logging output: 0-nothing?, 1+INFO, 2+DEBUG, ...
modules = py_img_algos.tahometer py_img_algos.cspad_arr_producer py_img_algos.cspad_image_producer py_img_algos.image_save_in_file

files = exp=xcs72913:run=49
events = 5                 
#skip-events = 0
modules = py_img_algos.tahometer py_img_algos.cspad_arr_producer py_img_algos.cspad_image_producer py_img_algos.image_save_in_file
verbose = 1 

dn         = 10
print_bits = 255

#source    = -|Cspad-*
source     = XcsEndstation-0|Cspad-0 
data_type  = double
#data_type  = float
#data_type  = unsigned
#data_type  = uint16
val_miss   = 0
key_out    = cspad_array
print_bits = 1

calib_dir  = /reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs72913/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/XcsEndstation.0:Cspad.0/
key_in     = cspad_array
key_out    = cspad_image
print_bits = 1

key_in     = cspad_image
#ofname     = img-for-cspad.tiff ; gif, png, eps, jpg, txt, npy(default) 
print_bits = 255

To run this script use command

psana -c py-xcs72913-r0049-cspad.cfg


pyana -c py-xcs72913-r0049-cspad.cfg

Example of configuration file for CSPAD2x2

File py-meca6113-r0028-cspad2x2.cfg

Code Block

# Run this script:
# psana -c py-meca6113-r0028-cspad2x2.cfg
# pyana -c py-meca6113-r0028-cspad2x2.cfg
# Useful commands:
# psana -m EventKeys -n 5 /reg/d/psdm/mec/meca6113/xtc/e332-r0028-s03-c00.xtc
# psana -m psana_examples.dump_cspad -n 5 exp=meca6113:run=28
# pyana -m pyana_examples.dump_cspad -n 5 /reg/d/psdm/mec/meca6113/xtc/e332-r0028-s03-c00.xtc

files  = /reg/d/psdm/mec/meca6113/xtc/e332-r0028-s03-c00.xtc
num-events = 5
#skip-events = 0
#num-cpu = 1
verbose = 0 ; logging output: 0-nothing?, 1+INFO, 2+DEBUG, ...
modules = py_img_algos.tahometer py_img_algos.cspad_arr_producer py_img_algos.cspad_image_producer py_img_algos.image_save_in_file

files = exp=meca6113:run=28
events = 5 
#skip-events = 0
modules = py_img_algos.tahometer py_img_algos.cspad_arr_producer py_img_algos.cspad_image_producer py_img_algos.image_save_in_file

dn         = 10
print_bits = 255

#source    = -|Cspad-*
source     = MecTargetChamber-0|Cspad2x2-3
#data_type  = double
data_type  = float
#data_type  = unsigned
#data_type  = uint16
#data_type  = uint32
val_miss   = 0
key_out    = cspad_array
print_bits = 255

calib_dir  = /reg/d/psdm/mec/meca6113/calib/CsPad2x2::CalibV1/MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.3/
key_in     = cspad_array
key_out    = cspad_image
print_bits = 1

key_in     = cspad_image
ofname     = img-for-cspad.tiff ; gif, png, eps, jpg, txt, npy(default) 
print_bits = 255

To run this script use command

psana -c py-meca6113-r0028-cspad2x2.cfg


pyana -c py-meca6113-r0028-cspad2x2.cfg
