Versions Compared


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The file with accumulated hit pixels pixel hits can be obtained using configuration file:

Code Block
# File: psana-amo74213-r0093-opal-img-hit-finder.cfg

#files = /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo74213/xtc/e269-r0093-s05-c00.xtc
files = exp=amo74213:run=93:xtc

modules = ImgAlgos.CameraImageProducer \
          ImgAlgos.ImgHitFinder \
skip-events = 0
events      = 1000

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = 
key_out         = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      = 1

source           = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in           = img
key_out          = img_hits
fname_peds       = img-ave-for-peds-r0093.dat
fname_mask       = 
fname_gain       = 
fname_thre       = img-rms-for-thre-r0093.dat
masked_value     = 0
thre_mode        = 3
#thre_mode        = 2
thre_param       = 5
thre_below_value = 0
thre_above_value = 1
win_row_min      = 10
win_row_max      = 1000
win_col_min      = 10
win_col_max      = 1000
print_bits       = 39

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key             = img_hits
sumfile         = img-sum-result
#avefile         = img-ave-result
#rmsfile         = img-rms-result
print_bits      = 25

and run it by the command:


Which creates the file: img-sum-result-r0093.dat (for thre_mode = 3):
Image Removedimg-sum-result-r0093.dat (2 and thre_mode = 2)3, respectively:
Image Added

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgSpectra
