Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
files   = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name>.xtc
modules = ImgAlgos.CameraImageProducer \
events  = 10

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = 
key_out         = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      = 1

source                 = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key                    = img
key_peaks_out          = peaks
#key_signal_out        = signal-arr
#hot_pix_mask_inp_file = ana-misc-exp/mask.dat
#hot_pix_mask_out_file = noise-mask-out.dat
#frac_noisy_evts_file  = noise-frac-out.dat
evt_file_out           = tmp/img-

rmin                =    10
dr                  =     1
SoNThr_noise        =     3
SoNThr_signal       =     3
frac_noisy_imgs     =   0.9
peak_npix_min       =     3
peak_npix_max       =   100
peak_amp_tot_thr    =     0.
peak_SoN_thr        =     4.
event_npeak_min     =     5
event_npeak_max     =  1000
event_amp_tot_thr   =     0.
nevents_mask_update =     0
nevents_mask_accum  =    50
selection_mode      = SELECTION_ON
out_file_bits       =    15
print_bits          =   513


Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgHitFinder

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgHitFinder

ImgHitFinder in regular mode needs in file with pedestals (offset) to correct the image and file with threshold.
In amo74213 run 93 these files can be obtained directly from data, discarding signal hits as outliers using
ImgAlgos.ImgAverage module as follows with configuration file:

Code Block

# File: psana-amo74213-r0093-opal-img-average.cfg

#files = /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo74213/xtc/e269-r0093-s05-c00.xtc
files = exp=amo74213:run=93:xtc

modules = ImgAlgos.CameraImageProducer \
skip-events = 0
events      = 1000

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = 
key_out         = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      = 1

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key             = img
avefile         = img-ave-for-peds
rmsfile         = img-rms-for-thre
evts_stage1     = 100
evts_stage2     = 100
gate_width1     = 50
gate_width2     = 10
print_bits      = 31

Run psana using command:

Code Block

psana -c psana-amo74213-r0093-opal-img-average.cfg

At the end of this procedure two files will be created:

  • img-ave-for-peds-r0093.dat - may be used for pedestal subtraction:
    Image Added Image Added
  • img-rms-for-thre-r0093.dat - may be used multiplied by number of rms as a threshold:
    Image Added Image Added

The file with accumulated hit pixels can be obtained using configuration file:

Code Block

# File: psana-amo74213-r0093-opal-img-hit-finder.cfg

#files = /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo74213/xtc/e269-r0093-s05-c00.xtc
files = exp=amo74213:run=93:xtc

modules = ImgAlgos.CameraImageProducer \
          ImgAlgos.ImgHitFinder \
skip-events = 0
events      = 1000

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = 
key_out         = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      = 1

source           = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in           = img
key_out          = img_hits
fname_peds       = img-ave-for-peds-r0093.dat
fname_mask       = 
fname_gain       = 
fname_thre       = img-rms-for-thre-r0093.dat
masked_value     = 0
thre_mode        = 3
thre_param       = 5
thre_below_value = 0
thre_above_value = 1
win_row_min      = 10
win_row_max      = 1000
win_col_min      = 10
win_col_max      = 1000
print_bits       = 39

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key             = img_hits
sumfile         = img-sum-result
#avefile         = img-ave-result
#rmsfile         = img-rms-result
print_bits      = 25

and run it by the command:

Code Block

psana -c psana-amo74213-r0093-opal-img-hit-finder.cfg

Which creates the file: img-sum-result-r0093.dat (thre_mode = 3):
Image Added

img-sum-result-r0093.dat (thre_mode = 2):
Image Added

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgSpectra

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgSpectra
Configuration file for psana:
