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Johari recommended a future PingER workshop later this year. This time it would be in a Peninsular Malaysia site hosted at either UTM or UM. Hanan at UTM has agreed to take the lead.  We  *We need to get 4 or 5 universities involved. We will need travel funding to fund Les. IT *It looks like it will be the week of JUne June 24-29 at UM. For exact date, will decide at the end of the month after discussing with Abdullah and Johari.

Will Anjum and Kashif attend, is funding needed? Update Hanan?


Johari has submitted a proposal for FRGS (Fundamental Research Grant Scheme). We hope to hear more in April.  We can go for a bigger project such as the eScience or LRGS (Long-term Research Grant Scheme) which can accommodate a larger number of people, more funding and encourage cross institutions collaboration. As for research, we need to clarify a few matters: 


The UTM Pinger site is to get the data. .  

The traceroute server is also running. It is at: Saqib discovered the problem was a timeout in Saqib has extended the timeout and it works better.  here  There may still be timeout problems and Saqib will experiment with longer timeouts of up to 280ms.


From Arshad: Rector has agreed to support one person visit to SLAC. Raja has been nominated.    It Invitation was sent to Raja  just before the last meeting.

Arshad and the NUST Rector visited UM and UTM earlier this week. They visited UM Monday at about 10:30AM along with the NUST Pakistan delegation. They visited the Deputy Vice Chancellor and the EE Dept in Faculty of Engineering. At this occasion they also sent email to Abdullah, Fidah, Badrul, and Salwa, to engage in a discussion on  collaboration in the PingER project being pursued by NUST team in partnership with Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) USA.  Badrul was unable to meet due to the short notice and a prior engagement. The visit to UTM was postponed due to the NUST rector Rector getting sick.

Any feed back - Anjum?


With Malaysia moving quickly to IPv6 (already Nava at USM has sent Les an IPv6 address that he recommends monitoring), converting PingER (especially the gathering, analysis) work with IPv6 is an interesting problem. Anjum believes he could provide an undergraduate to start on this. SLAC looks like it may be getting some traction to enable IPv6 on a some subnets. We have SLAC has an official Provider Indpendent IPV6 address space and are putting together a small project. We will start with DNS, the site web server and email.
