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It would help to have an MoU between SLAC and the UTM. Les has sent a request to his legal folks to ask how to proceed and whether he can share the UNIMAS MoU with UTM and UM.  he hopes to hear back in the coming 10 days. We will also need agreement to share from UNIMAS.


Johari is putting together a web site for the workshop at UNIMAS.


traceroute -I www, works which suggest the UDP probes to UDP ports 33434 - 33465 are being blocked.  Saqib is working with the IT department to understand. The output is different from the web browser and the command line. The command line using traceroute looks fine. The web server stops after the 4th hop.  The web server issues the command traceroute -m 30 -q 3 The m is  the max number of hops,  the q is the number of probes per hop, is the IP address of It should work with this command This also works from the command line. It could be a timeout problem (it would be good to time traceroute -m 30 -q 3 command).  Also look in the webserver log for possible failure causes.

Anjum has postulated that there may a load balancer induced problem.

The addresses assigned to the servers are:
physical ip :
external ip 1 :
external ip 2 :

Saqib is starting to look at anomalies as a start in a case study for Malaysia and S.E Asia. Progress?


Dr Nor Badrul Anuar Jumaat has installedl PingER on a cloud at UM. The machines are virtualized and  running Ubuntu Linux. Anjum pointed out that at NUST they are having a problem with a virtual machine running and the /tmp/ disk space filling up. Anjum is exploring this in more detail, so at the moment it is just a head's up. Johari has sent Kashif's workshop presentations to Dr. Nor.   The name and address of the server is ( The UM monitoring host has been added to the NODELIST PingER meta data base at SLAC a nd the <HostList> for Malaysian and S.E Asian hosts has been added to the pinger.xml file at UM. We need to get the latest installed. Since the traceroute is working, "we" can start to make a routing study similar to


From Arshad: Rector has agreed to support one person visit to SLAC. Raja has been nominated. He has sent a cv to Les and has filled out the DoE form. Les crafted the invitation and it has been sent to upper management for signature Dec 21, 2012.Les  briefed the SLAC Cybersecurity person on 1/10/2013. He has also filled out another form for hosting visitors from sensitive nations. Les has taken and passed the training on hosting visitors from sensitive nations. Cybersecurity want more details on what Raja can access and Les has provided it. SLAC CyberSecurity say they do not approve or disapprove visitors so I have requested (2/8/2013) the CIO to sign and pass to the CEO for signature. Raja has completed his paperwork and is ready to submit. As soon as Les hears the letter has been signed by the CIO (and before it is sent to Raja), Les will get back to Raja to proceed. The December report on Pakistani educational node connectivity has been sent to the Rector for distribution to HEC. This was posted at has sent 2 reminders to the cybersecrity person and engaged the CIO in the latest. 

Potential projects

See list of Projects


Build and install a new file with the improved version of

PingER at SLAC


The annual report to the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) Standing Committee on Inter-regional Connectivity (SCIC) has also been completed. 
