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  • brief history, description of the project and the objectives
  • link to main SLAC page and also NUST
  • list of names, contact details (email, etc), their affiliation, and they scope of job in the project
  • a link to the data collected from UNIMAS and also other hosts in UM, USM, and UTM when they have their monitoring host running
  • link to meeting minutes in Confluence
  • WE We need to add Bebo as an advisor

Badrul at UM set up a Google Groups email list at All have been invited. It is in production use, please use it.

It would help to have an MoU between SLAC and the UTM. Les will look into thishas sent a request to his legal folks to ask how to proceed and whether he can share the UNIMAS MoU with UTM and UM.  he hopes to hear back in the coming 10 days.


Johari is putting together a web site for the workshop at UNIMAS.

Johari recommended a future PingER workshop later this year. This time it would be in a Peninsular Malaysia site hosted at either UTM or UM. Hanan at UTM has agreed to take the lead.  We need to get 4 or 5 universities involved. We will need travel funding to fund Les. Les has provided his CV to assist in the paper work. This may be associated with a thesis review or something similar. Update?

We need to set some dates. Anjum prefers it to be out of semester time but that is not critical. Les has a constraint  starting July 12th through August 4th. Hanan may have a constraint early June.  Malaysia has a lot of public holiday. What is the period that we are looking at? (June - July?), 

 A quick list: 10th July to 8th August is fasting month (Ramadhan); 25.05.2013 - 09.06.2013  School Holiday in Malaysia. 

Apart from that, if we target a lot of academician, then the best time would be during semester break, will get the dates for that.

*Should we set up a Doodle page, see*Image Added. ?


Johari has submitted a proposal for FRGS (Fundamental Research Grant Scheme). There are 5 members of the proposal (5 is the max). Johari decided to get 2 more people from the group in UNIMAS to join the PingER project, thus we are unable to include our counterparts in UM and UTM (Dr Abdullah and Prof Hanan). We can go for a bigger project such as the eScience or LRGS (Long-term Research Grant Scheme) which can accommodate a larger number of people, more funding and encourage cross institutions collaboration.

At a later stage the infrastructure and data can be used for research in: anomaly detection; correlation of performance across multiple routes; and for GeoLocation. Johari would like to see UM and UTM, which are research universities, strongly engaged in the next round of research proposals. Anjum mentioned a paper on Evaluation of IP Geolocation Algorithms on PingER and PlanetLab Infrastructures, by Fida Gilani et. al. submitted to IEEE INFOCOM 2011UNIMAS. This could be updated with new data and maybe submitted to a different venue. Anjum forwarded a copy of the paper to Johari, Abdullah and Hanan with copies to the team. The idea is to see whether there is interest at UTM, UM or UNIMAS. Johari has put together a draft that has been reviewed by Anjum. It will need to be shared when closer to completion. Update?


There is a problem with the UNIMAS traceroute. It appears is behind a NAT that is not passing the traceroute UDP probes. Other hosts at UNIMAS are not seeing the problem, so Johari believes it may have to do with the IPTABLES in Traceroute using the -I option (send the probes using ICMP rather than UDP) seems to work (but needs root access). Thus it would appear not to be in the return (ICMP "time exceeded") response. The probes (when not using the -I option are UDP packets using sequentially ports 33434 - 33465 for up to 30 hops). It is possible that ports > some number may be blocked.


traceroute -I www, works which suggest the UDP probes to UDP ports 33434 - 33465 are being blocked.  Saqib is working with the IT department to understand. The output is different from the web prowser and the command line. the command line using traceroute looks fine. The web server stops after the 4th hop.  The web server issues the command traceroute -m 30 -q 3 The m is  the max number of hops,  the q is the number of probes per hop, is the IP address of It should work with this command from the command line. It could be a timeout problem (it would be good to time traceroute -m 30 -q 3 command).

The addresses assigned to the servers are:
physical ip :
external ip 1 :
external ip 2 :

Saqib is starting to look at anomalies as a start in a case study for Malaysia and S.E Asia.
