Versions Compared


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Code Block
    xc_um = 109.92 * np.array(
            [[ 473.38,  685.26,  155.01,  154.08,  266.81,   53.95,  583.04,  582.15],  
             [ 989.30,  987.12, 1096.93,  884.11, 1413.16, 1414.94, 1500.83, 1288.02],  
             [1142.59,  930.23, 1459.44, 1460.67, 1347.57, 1559.93, 1032.27, 1033.44],  
             [ 626.78,  627.42,  516.03,  729.15,  198.28,  198.01,  115.31,  327.66]])

    yc_um = 109.92 * np.array(
            [[1028.07, 1026.28, 1139.46,  926.91, 1456.78, 1457.35, 1539.71, 1327.89],  
             [1180.51,  967.36, 1497.74, 1498.54, 1385.08, 1598.19, 1069.65, 1069.93],  
             [ 664.89,  666.83,  553.60,  765.91,  237.53,  236.06,  152.17,  365.47],  
             [ 510.38,  722.95,  193.33,  193.41,  308.04,   95.25,  625.28,  624.14]])

    orient_deg = np.array(
                    [[  90.,   90.,    0.,    0.,  270.,  270.,    0.,    0.],
                     [   0.,    0.,  270.,  270.,  180.,  180.,  270.,  270.],
                     [  90.,   90.,    0.,    0.,  270.,  270.,    0.,    0.],
                     [   0.,    0.,  270.,  270.,  180.,  180.,  270.,  270.]])
    tilt_deg = np.array(
                    [[0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],  
                     [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],  
                     [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],  
                     [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]])

ALL arrays are shown here FOR TEST PURPOSE ONLY !!! any they are not consistent with any real detector. The orient_deg is not consistent with real orientation as well...

These arrays of alignment parameters are used for initialization of the CSPadPixCoordsWODB class object, which can be used to get X,Y-coordinate arrays as shown below:

Code Block
    w = CSPadPixCoordsWODB(xc_um, yc_um, orient_deg, tilt_deg)
    X,Y = w.get_cspad_pix_coordinate_arrays_pix ()

where X.shape = Y.shape = (4, 8, 185, 388) and obviously can be re-shaped to (32, 185, 388). Then, it is easy to produce image of coordinate arrays using numpy 2D histogramming method:

Code Block
    xsize = X.max() + 1
    ysize = Y.max() + 1
    Img, Xedges, Yedges = np.histogram2d(X.flatten(), Y.flatten(), bins=[xsize,ysize], range=[[0,xsize],[0,ysize]], normed=False, weights=None)

Image Added
In order to get an image of intensity the weights array needs to be provided.Image Removed
