Versions Compared


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Updated on 2012-12-10
(tick) - is done (at least it is assumed for now...)
(plus) - needs more work
(info) - test or deprecated modules
All module names beginning with letters GUI implements different Graphical User Interfaces.


  • (plus) Add button to all plots and gui to submit them in ELog.
  • (tick) Change log presentation for image histogram - log for vertical scale only.

Other things to do


  • Use intensity monitor names in generation of the psana.cfg file
  • Check move window coordinates for plots... Some of them opens in unexpected places.
  • (tick) GUIDark and GUIData - inappropriate change of style for "end" field


  • (tick) GUIDark and GUIData - fixed issue with changing style for "end" fieldis fixed
  • (tick) GUIDark, GUIData, GUIBlamish, GUIFlatField - have changed behavior for non-active buttons:
    • for now it is set to default - frame of buttons disappeared for non-active
    • GUIFlatField has an example of how to set a dynamic style-sheet for non-default behavior styles
  • - change log scale from x to y
  • (tick) - add more fields:
    • radio buttons for normalization
    • check boxes for selection
    • edit fields for Imin and Imax values with changing behavior and style depending on radio and check box status. Check them for equity to default and Imin >= Imax
  • (tick) Check move window coordinates for plots... Some of them opens in unexpected places.
  • (plus) Waiting from Igor the interface modules for submission of message with attachment in ELog


  • Use intensity monitor names in generation of the psana.cfg file