Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. raw image,
  2. image in the window with amplitudes above the threshold_low
    • few peaks at the edges were discarded by the window limits,
    • image still contains many 1-photon pixels, which need to be eliminated,
  3. smeared image,
  4. raw image with found peaks (marked by the red circles)
  5. zoom of the previous plot.

Example for Module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFilter

Code Block

source         = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key            = peaks
threshold_peak = 5
threshold_total= 0
n_peaks_min    = 10
print_bits     = 11
fname          = img
selection_mode = SELECTION_ON

Example for Module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder and ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFilter for CSPad

Module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder works on image. In order to apply this algorithm to CSPad the image should be produced. In next example the image is produced using consequtive modules cspad_mod.CsPadCalib, ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply, and CSPadPixCoords.CSPadImageProducer:

Code Block

files   = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc \

events      =  1000
experiment  = cxii0212
calib-dir   = ana-cxii0212/calib

modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \
          ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply \
          CSPadPixCoords.CSPadImageProducer \
          ImgAlgos.ImgPeakFinder \
          ImgAlgos.ImgPeakFilter \

inputKey      = 
outputKey     = calibrated
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = yes

source            = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
inkey             = calibrated
outkey            = masked_arr
mask_fname        = <your-local-directory>/<mask-file-name>.dat
masked_amp        =  0
print_bits        =  5
mask_control_bits = 15

calibDir       = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/calib
typeGroupName  = CsPad::CalibV1
source         = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
key            = masked_arr
imgkey         = img
print_bits     =  0
#tiltIsApplied  = true

source         = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key            = img
peaksKey       = peaks
threshold_low  = 2
threshold_high = 5
sigma          = 1.5
smear_radius   = 5
peak_radius    = 7
xmin           = 20
xmax           = 1700
ymin           = 20
ymax           = 1700
#testEvent      = 5
print_bits     = 3
#finderIsOn     = true

source         = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key            = peaks
threshold_peak = 5
threshold_total= 0
n_peaks_min    = 10
print_bits     = 11
fname          = cspad-img
selection_mode = SELECTION_ON

source         = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
key            = img
fname          = cspad-img
#eventSave     = 1
saveAll        = true

Example for Module ImgAlgos.SaveImageInFile

Code Block

modules = ... ImgAlgos.SaveImageInFile:1 ...

source         = DetInfo(:Opal1000)   # or CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
key            = img
fname          = my-img
#eventSave     = 5
saveAll        = true

Example for Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrAverage

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrAverage
