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The latest version of XtcExplorer is V00-01-2021.
This latest version involves major changes to how pyana handles plotting for images and diodes, as well as improvements to the GUI functionality and pyana modules. It is a bit transitional, not all aspect are tested, so please report any bugs that you see, or if you miss any features that disappeared in the development process.
If you encounter problems, please let me know, and use V00-01-19 instead while you wait for a bugfix.


  1. Set up your release work directory:
    You should always run this code from your own release working directory.
    See Account Setup for more details on how to set up the analysis environment:
    Code Block
    [user@pslogin ~] newrel ana-current myrelease
    [user@pslogin ~] cd myrelease
    [user@pslogin myrelease] sit_setup

  2. Check out the XtcExplorer package from the SVN software repository:
    This step is optional. But without it, you will not be able to edit/customize any source files.
    You need an afs token to check out the package, which on pslogin is automatic (I think), but if you're on psananeh/psanafeh, issue a kinit command first:
    Code Block
    [user@pslogin myrelease] kinit
    Password for user@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU:
    Now you're ready to check out the package and "compile":
    Code Block
    [user@pslogin myrelease] addpkg XtcExplorer
    [user@pslogin myrelease] scons
    Note! You can also do 'addpkg XtcExplorer VXX-XX-XX' to get a specific version of the package, or 'addpkg XtcExplorer HEAD' to get the very latest version.

  3. Run the program:
    Launch the GUI with the command 'xtcexplorer' and optionaly give the input xtc files that you want to read
    as arguments. You can also browse to find files after launching the browser.

    To have access to the xtc files, you need to login to psana psananeh/psanafeh for this:
    Code Block
    [user@psanaXXX myrelease] sit_setup
    [user@psanaXXX myrelease] xtcexplorer /reg/d/psdm/CXI/cxi22010/xtc/e60-r0465-s0*


xtcexplorer will launch the main GUI. At startup, it has two sections:


The main GUI do two things: 1) select xtcfiles, 2) check the contents of the file(s):

  • File section: Different ways to get the files:
  1. as arguments when you launch the explorer, e.g. xtcexplorer /reg/d/psdm/CXI/cxi22010/xtc/e60-r0465-s0*
  2. select instrument, experiment and runnumber from the pull-down menus
  3. open a file browser to look for the files.
    A "Clear File List" button removes all filenames from the list.
  • You have three options for adding files:
    1. You can supply file names at the command line when launching the application.
    2. A "File Browser" button opens a file browser, where you can select one or more files.
    3. Or you can type file name by hand in the input line.
    Scan section: Once you Check the file contents ("scan the file")"
    Once you are done with selecting files, you should push one of the "Scan" buttons to connect and scan the files. If the file is large, the "Scan File(s)" button will be disabled. Push the "Quick Scan" to get a summary of the file contents.
    Note, for most purposes, a "Quick Scan" is sufficient. If you need to scan the whole file, e.g. if you want to know the total number of events, number of calibration cycles, etc, you can enable the "Scan File(s)" button.

    Once the file(s) have been scanned, a new GUI will pop up and show information about the file content and help with further processing of the data in pyana.


This module extracts and displays data from IPIMB type detectors. There are , monitoring boards with four diodes each.
The datastream contains two types of information: IpimbData (raw data) and IpmFex (feature extracted data). Only the last type of data is currently implemented, but other data can also be added. Currently the display will show a plot of the intensity measured in each of the four channels, the beam spot position estimated from sums and differences of the individual intensity measurements, and the sum of the four measurements as a function of time. The plot included below has these plots for 4 different IPIMB detector sources
What exactly to display is defined in, but the plotting is done by the DataDisplay object in the library.
This is currently being revised, and has some shortcomings that will be fixed shortly. Currently only one or two diode sources can be displayed at a given time.

Code Block

sources     # list of IPIMB addresses
quantities  # keywords defining what to plot. The following keywords are defined:
            #   fex:pos        plot position based on sum and difference of the 4 diodes
            #   fex:sum        plot sum of signal from all 4 diodes
            #   fex:channels   plot all 4 channels (fex value)
            #   fex:chX        plot fex value from channel X, X=0,1,2,3

sources     # list of IPIMB  addresses
quantities  # keywords defining raw:chXwhat gets stored. Currently the module   plot raw value from channel X, X=0,1,2,3
            #   raw:chXvolt    plot raw voltage from channel X, X=0,1,2,3stores "everything", so this can be ignored. 

Example of how to run this pyana module by itself, i.e. no GUI, processing 300 events and using an xtcexplorer-generated config file:
