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This page will contain links and instructions for installing the software used in the Timing Studies. Most of it is part of the ALCPG physics software suite, for more information and links see this page.

The ILC group has a great guide on setting up most of this software on Windows and Linux. Though it is a bit dated, it is still useful.

Table of Contents


Software to Install

  • Java
  • Java Analysis Suite 3 (JAS3)
  • Netbeans
  • org.lcsim and associated libraries
Operating Systems

This guide will be primarily written for UNIX users, but everything should work on Windows as well. Most of the software already has guides for installation in both Linux and Windows environments. (OSX support?)


Most versions of Java are supported, but using version 1.6 or 1.7 of either the closed or open source libraries will ensure best results.

Sun Java 1.6.29 can be downloaded for any OS here.


Be sure to install the four plugins mentioned in the ILC instructions, org.lcsim, HepRep Plugin, WIRED 4 and WIRED 4 Base Library.

On Linux JAS3 is not installed as an application, simply extract it to a folder and run the jas3 script. If you have problems, ensure the jas3 script is executable.

In GNOME3, and perhaps other DE's, JAS3 may have buggy dropdown menus while the application window is maximized. You'll have to manually resize it to almost fullscreen.


As mentioned in the Tutorial page, the current version of Netbeans (7) has Maven support. To get the org.lcsim packages