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  1. Choosing a file from a directory of mkb files, and assigning it to a knob. This is done in XAL knobs by the Open File dialog, which opens a dialog onto the Default Folder. We can also put the files on the Web, accessed through the XAl knobs web page.
  2. Displaying the contents of some knob files directly as a button push. Contents of the file are displayed by the Knobs app.
  3. Organizing mkbs that have a common subject, into groups on a panel or onto different panels. XAL knobs does organization by Knob Groups.

Save and Load

TODOYou can save and reload knobs. The knobs are organized by Groups. If the All group is selected, you will see the knobs in all groups.

Problems and Issues

  1. Knobs app can't set non-EPICS devices (eg correctors), so;
    1. In "drilldown" mode it offers you devices to set that it can't in fact set (eg having selected BX02 TO QM15, you select Y corrector YC21303 (which is in fact an SLC CS corrector), select FieldSet (which you shouldn't have been able to do) and then it can't connect.
      WORK AROUND: Be conscious of what's SLC and what EPICS. See resources 0,1.
    2. It makes bumps using correctors it can't set!
      Eg: Select sequence indexes 2,3,4,5. Make Vertical design offset knobs. The first knob created is BPM21301. This contains 3 correctors, all SLC! Eg YXC21303 - YCOR:LI21:303. So, knob can't be implemented. This problem seems particularly acute for Vertical bumps! Are more of our horizontal correctors EPICS?
      NO work around. *Will have to fix so that that elements which are not settable="true" in the xdxf file, are not included.
  2. Knobs->"Proprotional Coefficients" spelt wrongly.
  3. Knobs Editor uses SNS type names, which themselves use >1 name eg hcorr == dch == horrzcorr => X correctors.
