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CXI has two in-vacuum 2.3M CSPAD pixel-array detectors.  Each detector is stationed downstream of one of CXI's three interaction points and can be read-out individually, together, or independently in independent data streams – allowing CXI the capability to operate two experiments simultaneously using a single X-Ray beam.  When running two experiments during the same shift, the upstream experiment uses the DS1 CSPAD in the primary DAQ from cxi-daq, while the downstream parasitic experiment will use the DS2 CSPAD in the secondary DAQ from cxi-monitor.  The names DS1 and DS2 refer to the vacuum chambers that contain the CSPAD detectors.  


  1. Before turning anything off, disable the IOCs running on the server in the mobile rack.  
    1. Open iocmanager and sort by the "Host" column to list the IOC processes running on the rack's server.  
    2. Move your attention to the "State" column, and for each IOC select "Off" in its respective cell.  
    3. Navigate to the "Configuration" dropdown on the top left and click "Apply".  This will only work if your UNIX account has CXI iocmanager privileges.  You will be prompted to enter your username and password!  A pop-up window appear somewhere inconvenient and ask you to confirm your actions.  
    4. Confirm your actions..

  2. Powering down the rack should be carried out in the following steps:
    1. Make sure the detectors are powered down via EPICS.
    2. Go to the rack and power down each module chassis using its front or real panel power button/switch if it has one. 
    3. Switch off the surge protectors on the rear side of the rack.  
    4. Unplug the surge protectors from the stand outlets on the stand.

  3. Remove the grounding cable and carefully disconnect the CSPAD trunk cable TOP and BOTTOM connectors from the detector chamber flange using a hex wrench.  The pins of these connectors are fragile.  Disconnect motor and vacuum gauge cables from points J1→J7 on the I/O panel mounted to the detector stand.  Keep the cables connected to their interfaces on the rack itself as they will be needed again.  

  4. Look down. There are a few ethernet cables running from the rack to a patch panel beneath the detector stand.  These are for connecting the rack's electronics to the CXI controls network.  Disconnect them from the patch panel.

  5. There are a number of BNC cables and multimode fibers running from the CSPAD concentrator and detector PDU to nearby patch panels.  These are for detector timing and data and go to servers elsewhere in the hutch.  Disconnect them from the patch panel.

  6. Disconnect the copper grounding cable attached to the bottom of the rack.



The process of setting up the mobile rack is essentially the same process as tearing it down in reverse.  Note that these instructions operate under the assumption that the controls signal routing infrastructure is in such a state that plugging devices into IO panels will just "work".  In practice, routing gets mixed up and some patches may not work as expected.  If things aren't working right, check with your controls doctor.

  1. Connect the copper grounding cable to the bottom of the rack.
  2. Below the detector stand is a patch panel for data fibers, RJ45 ethernet cables, BNC triggers, and gauge power and ion current lines.  Connect the ethernet cables from the mobile rack to the RJ45 points on the patch panel.  Any points – it doesn't matter.  The data fibers from the CSPAD concentrator, however, must go to the corresponding fiber patch points with matching labels (eg. RC0, RC1, EVR).  In order to operate CSPAD140k detectors, the detector PDU requires two BNC triggers.  Connect the "DAQ-Trig In" point on the PDU to the patch point labeled "DAQ" and the "Run-Trig In" PDU point to "CNTRL" on the patch panel.  On the CSPAD Concetrator, the "Trig In" is used to trigger the large CSPAD2.3M in the detector chamber.  Some BNC connectors on the detector station patch panels are labeled to indicate which EVR channel it is propagating.  The CSPAD trigger needs to be connected to the BNC point that matches the EVR channel designated to the CSPAD in the CXI DAQ configuration file (/reg/g/pcds/dist/pds/cxi/scripts/{cxi_0.cnf,cxi_1.cnf}).
  3. Connect the motor cables to the detector stand IO panel.  Use the CAPTAR tags on the cables to identify which junction points each cable should be connected.
  4. Carefully connect the CSPAD trunk cable to the detector chamber flange.  The pins for these connectors are fragile.
  5. Plug the power-strips on the side of the rack into 120V outlets on the beamline.  If you plug them into other power-strips, Matt Hayes will find out and revoke your privilege to use electricity at SLAC. He can do that. 
  6. Turn everything in the rack on.
  7. Enable the IOCs using iocmanager.
  8. Lorem ipsum
  9. Wingardium leviosa
  10. Avada kedavra
  11. Don't daisy-chain power!

Detector and Chamber Troubleshooting

First refer to the CSPAD and PGP troubleshooting guide and DAQ troubleshooting guide for detector related problems.  These should sort things out or help narrow down the problem.  If you're still stuck, consider the troubleshooting options below: