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The HPS Monitoring Application is a Java Swing GUI application which provides an online data monitoring framework for the experiment.  EVIO and LCIO files can be loaded directly, or EVIO data can be read from an ET server and decoded.  The LCIO events built from EVIO can be processed using Drivers defined in an lcsim xml steering file.  Plotting is done using the Java AIDA API with a custom JFreeChart based backend.


The application is part of the HPS Java project, so the Installing HPS Java instructions should be followed to build it.


Code Block
java -Xmx1g -jarcp hps-distribution-bin.jar org.hps.monitoring.application.Main -c settings.prop


Settings can be saved under Save Settings in the Settings menu.

Previously saved settings may also be loaded in the application under Load Settings in the Settings menu.  You should give these files the extension of .prop to indicate that they are Java properties files.  The settings will not take effect until a new session is started.  If there is a currently active session, it will not be affected.


Files added to this list will not appear automatically if the application is closed and reopened.  They must be saved by using the Save Settings menu item under Settings.

Menu Commands

The application menu has the following commands.

Open FileFileopen an EVIO or LCIO data source
Close FileFileclose the current data source (removes from Data Source drop down)
Recent FilesFileselect a recent file
ExitFileexit the application
Open Settings WindowSettingsopen the Settings Window
Load SettingsSettingsload settings from a properties file
Save SettingsSettingssave settings to a properties file
Load Default SettingsSettingsload the application's default settings
Save PlotsPlotssave plots to file (PDF, AIDA, etc.)
Clear PlotsPlotsclear the underlying objects in the AIDA data store
Save ScreenshotToolssave a screenshot of the application window
Log to FileToolslog application messages to file rather than Log Table
MaximizeWindowmaximize the application window
MinimizeWindowminimize the application window
Restore DefaultsWindowrestore the application's default window settings

Data Sources

EVIO Data Source

EVIO files can be loaded using the Open File menu item under File.  These events will be processed using the currently configured event builder to produce in-memory LCIO events which can then be reconstructed.


EcalMonitoringFinal.lcsimECalfull ECal monitoring plots with event display
SensorOccupancyPlots.lcsimSVTsensor occupancy plots with system status monitoring
TrackingAndReconMonitoring.lcsimReconstructionplots of full reconstruction output
SVTMonitoringSVTprimarily SVT data monitoring plots
TriggerDiagnosticsMonitoring.lcsimTriggerpushes information in to the Trigger Diagnostics Panel
