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Description of XTC

The original data objects are produced by on-line system and are shipped to offline in XTC format. LUSI LCLS XTC format inherited its main features from PSDM:BaBar XTC format.

Data types corresponding to various components of XTC are defined in pdsdata package which is provided by on-line group. This package is a part of all standard PSDM releases. All references to class names refer to the C++ classes defined in this package.


There are several convenience classes for reading and examining the content of the XTC files. XtcFileIterator is an iterator class for reading the sequence of datagrams from the XTC files. XtcIterator is an abstract base class for iteration over the content of the single Xtc object. O2OTranslator package has a specific implementation of this iterator called O2OXtcIterator (and friend class O2OXtcScannerI).

Transitions in XTC data

Every object in XTC is a part of the specific "transition" and interpretation of the object contents is done in the context of that particular transition. These types of the transitions are defined now:
