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The phase locker IOC provides the controls to interface with the phase locker firmware.  The latter takes at its inputs a VCO-controlled RF signal and an RF-reference signal of the same frequency.  Subsequently, the computed phase error between the two signals is used to estimate a correction voltage, which in turn gets applied to the VCO to tune the VCO-generated signal.  This is repeated until the two signals are locked together in phase within an acceptable margin.




The diagram below sheds more light in the process outlined above.


Create the ycpswAsynDriver with a dictionary option, i.e. use a limited number of interfaces to the FPGA registers, and load the YAML tree hierarchy.

Code Block
# ===========================================
#              DRIVER SETUP
# ===========================================

# Use Automatic generation of records from the YAML definition
# 0 = No, 1 = Yes
epicsEnvSet("AUTO_GEN", 0)

# Dictionary file for manual (empty string if none)
epicsEnvSet("DICT_FILE", "phaseLocker.dict")

YCPSWASYNConfig("${PORT}", "", "${PREFIX}", "${AUTO_GEN}", "$(YAML_DIR)/${DICT_FILE}", "")
asynSetTraceMask("${PORT}",, -1, 0)


A complete list of the phase locker IOC Process Variables (PVs) can be found in the page linked below, along with revision dates based on feedback received from the naming team.

Linac Locking - Phase Locker IOC (PVs [sioc-sys0-ms10) PVs]

New Displays

Currently, there is no phase locker test stand in Dev and hence only the Production display is available.


To access and launch the display linac locking dashboard GUI in Production, follow the steps outlined below. 



log onto the appropriate host (Production ==>  lcls-srv01) and then run the command mslk_dashboard:



skoufis]$ mslk_dashboard
[2024-03-18 15:26:22,275] [INFO    ] - Using PyDM via SSH. Reverting to Software Rendering.

Upon running the command successfully, the following display is invoked.  Choose Phase Locker Expert to monitor the phase locker IOC.

Image Added

Old Displays

Note that the preferred way of accessing the display is the one shown above.  However, below, we include instructions on how to launch the old display directly if needed.


To access and launch the display in Production, follow the steps outlined below. 

Code Block
[softegr@lcls-srv01 skoufis]$ cd $EPICS_IOCS/sioc-sys0-ms10/iocSpecificRelease/masterSourceApp/srcDisplay/
[softegr@lcls-srv01 skoufis cd $EPICS_IOCS/sioc-sys0-ms10/iocSpecificRelease/masterSourceApp/srcDisplay/
[softegr@lcls-srv01 skoufis]$ cat masterSourceApp/srcDisplay/README.phaselocker 

To run the phase locker screen in production, follow these steps from within this directory:

1. $ source /usr/local/lcls/epics/setup/epicsenv-
2. $ source /usr/local/lcls/tools/script/ENVS64.bash
3. $ pydm -m "PREFIX=PRL:SYS0:1" plocker.ui
PRL:SYS0:1" plocker.ui

The Phase Locker Expert is an engineering screen intended to be used by the firmware engineer for tuning until a locked state is achieved.

Image Added

Register Configuration For Locked State

The registers have been tuned to achieve a lock in Production.  See below the display with the selected values.  These values are also captured by autosave.

Image Added


The released software will be made available in the main IOC release area post-deployment (Dev: /afs/slac/g/lcls/epics/iocTop/masterSource/, Production:/usr/local/lcls/epics/iocTop/masterSource/).  See below for the specific repositories and tags.


See firmware release details below.


View file
nameLCLS 476MHz VCO Phase Locking Firmware Design.docx

View file
nameStep by step guide_476VCO test.docx