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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin


The code is in SVN and can be found by doing:

Code Block

phansson@pcphuat27]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag% svn co svn+ssh://


In order to run it you need a few packages that is used:


Root is needed.


Code Block

phansson@pcphuat27]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag% svn co svn+ssh:// GoodRunsLists

Compile this package:

Code Block

phansson@pcphuat27]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag% cd DataQuality/GoodRunList/cmt
phansson@pcphuat27]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag/DataQuality/GoodRunList/cmt% gmake -f Makefile.Standalone

Copy the shared library to the topology directory where you will run your jobs (thi can be improve at some point):

Code Block

phansson@pcphuat27]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag/DataQuality/GoodRunList% cp ../Standalone/ ../../FlatAna/trunk/topologies/jetmetbtag/

JES uncertainty provider package:

Code Block

phansson@pcphuat27]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag% svn co svn+ssh:// JetUncertainties

This package will be compiled on the fly by FlatAna but you need to copy the root file to the topology directory:

Code Block

phansson@pcphuat27]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag% cp JetUncertainty/JESUncertaintyProvider/share/JESUncertainty.root FlatAna/trunk/topologies/jetmetbtag/

Trigger Navigation Tools:

Code Block

phansson@pcphuat27]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag% svn co svn+ssh:// TriggerMenuNtuple

This package MUST be compiled first!

Code Block

phansson@pcphuat27]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag% cd TriggerMenuNtuple/cmd

Edit the Makefile in this directory.  You must remove the two instances of "-m32" lines 15,20.

Code Block

phansson@pcphuat27]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag/TriggerMenuNtuple/cmd% make

you might need to check that the path to this package are correct in ana.C (your run directory e.g. topology/jetmetbtag/), in particular check a few hard-coded paths (not very nice):

Code Block

gSystem->AddIncludePath(" -I../../../../DataQuality/GoodRunsLists/");

gSystem->AddIncludePath(" -I../../../../JetUncertainties/");


gSystem->AddIncludePath(" -I../../../../TriggerMenuNtuple");


Run an example

In order to run on the example you need a ntuple. This example runs on ntuples in ntuple:
If you run on pcphuat27 then you don't need to manipulate the filelists as described below: user.bcbutler.susySlim11.v1.simple_Bb_B200_L100_herwigpp_susy.merge.NTUP_SUSY.e636_s933_s946_r1831_r1700_p364/

Make sure you manipulate the filelist: 

  1. Open flatana/filelist/filelist.txt and change the path (top line) and directory/path name to match your own paths.
  2. e.g.: change top line-> "/u1/data/"
  3. find the line: "BbB200L100.susy011      1.0             13.0                            usr/p/phansson/data/user.bcbutler.susySlim11.v1.simple_Bb_B200_L100_herwigpp_susy.merge.NTUP_SUSY.e636_s933_s946_r1831_r1700_p364/" 
  4. And change it to: "BbB200L100.susy011      1.0             13.0                            user.bcbutler.susySlim11.v1.simple_Bb_B200_L100_herwigpp_susy.merge.NTUP_SUSY.e636_s933_s946_r1831_r17\
    BbB200L100.susy011      1.0             13.0                            user.bcbutler.susySlim11.v1.simple_Bb_B200_L100_herwigpp_susy.merge.NTUP_SUSY.e636_s933_s946_r1831_r1700_p364/"

All the needed compilations are done automatically in the main root macro ana.C.There is an example in the topologies/example/ directory to start from:
[ The analysis class Topology_cutflow can be run with:

Code Block

[phansson@pcphuat27]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag% cd









jetmetbtag% root -l        

root [0] .L ana.C

root [1] ana("cutflow","BbB200L100.susy011",100)

This should produce root files containing some basic histograms and a log file with event statistics. Have a look at the next section to get more info on what was going on and how to use a generic ntuple.


  1. Find the line /***** ADD YOUR OWN NTUPLE TYPE BELOW and make sure that your new FileEvent class is compiled.
  2. Find the line /***** ADD YOUR OWN FILEEVENT NTUPLE FORMAT BELOW *****/ and make sure that your FileEvent class is loaded (the string in the file list name given as argument is used to determine what file type should be used)
