Versions Compared


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Note: Following method gives the git-lfs space error. The git-lfs space is in RedHawk machine not on pslogin. Also, to clone repo on pslogin is not recommended. 

  • Step 1: How to do pslogin:


How to load the firmware programming files into RedHawk machine

  • We User cannot build the firmware on RedHawk machine because Vivado doesn't support the RedHawk machine distro.
  • We User can just build it on Ubuntu then use the python script to program the generated .MCS file. To do that plese pleaseAD follow following steps:
    • Step 1: Go to your Ubuntu server and build the firmware. For more information on how to build the firmware of your project please follow the link given in Related articles.
    • Step 2: Once the FPGA programming files are ready. Copy those files to RedHawk machine by using following command.
      • scp -r /u/gu/adave/Project/snl-trans-FES/firmware/targets/SnlTransFesKcu1500/images pslogin:/cds/home/a/adave/Projects/snl-trans-FES/firmware/targets/SnlTransFesKcu1500
      • Here the FPGA image files from rdsrv310 are being copied and pasted on RedHawk machine's mount-point dir.

How to reprogram the PCIe firmware via Rogue software

  • Step 1: Go to software folder by typing following command.
    • cd user_project/software
  • Step 2: To setup the rogue environment please follow the following command.
    • pskube-minion03 ~$ bash
      bash-4.2$ source ~ruckman/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/
      bash-4.2$ conda activate rogue_v5.15.3
      (rogue_v5.15.3) bash-4.2$
    • This will activate the conda rogue enviroment
  • Step 3: Run the PCIe firmware update script
    • $ python scripts/ --path <PATH_TO_IMAGE_DIR>

      where <PATH_TO_IMAGE_DIR> is path to image directory (example: ../firmware/targets/SnlBesKcu1500/images/)

      Select image number when following message is shown:

    • Rogue/pyrogue version v5.10.0.
      Basedir = /afs/
      Start: Started zmqServer on ports 9099-9101
      Current Firmware Loaded on the PCIe card:
      Path         = PcieTop.AxiPcieCore.AxiVersion
      FwVersion    = 0x1010000
      UpTime       = 0:56:11
      GitHash      = 0x35cdbac182394d890796f4114e5a85f7e9a87966
      XilinxDnaId  = 0x4002000101181bc40480a145
      FwTarget     = SnlBesKcu1500
      BuildEnv     = Vivado v2021.1
      BuildServer  = rdsrv317 (Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS)
      BuildDate    = Thu 09 Dec 2021 12:33:26 PM PST
      Builder      = ruckman
      0 : ../../assets/SnlBesKcu1500/v1.1.0/SnlBesKcu1500-0x01010000-20211209123326-ruckman-35cdbac
      1 : Exit
      Enter image to program into the PCIe card's PROM: <IMAGE_NUMBER>
  • Step 4: Reboot the RedHawk machine by typing following command
    • sudo reboot
  • Step 5: ssh to RedHawk from "pslogin": "ssh psstuart"
  • Step 6: Reload the driver by following steps:
    • $ sudo /u1/aes-stream-drivers/data_dev/driver/load
      $ cat /proc/datadev_0
      -------------- Axi Version ----------------
           Firmware Version : 0x3
                 ScratchPad : 0x0
              Up Time Count : 3292321
                  Device ID : 0x0
                   Git Hash : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
                  DNA Value : 0x00000000430a12684ec7d10100008004
               Build String : DrpTDetSemi: Vivado v2018.2, (x86_64), Built Wed Aug 14 22:34:06 PDT 2019 by weaver

      $ cat /u1/aes-stream-drivers/data_dev/driver/load
      # set up the proper kernel build environment)
      cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build; ./ccur-config -c -n
      # build kernel loadable module
      cd /u1/aes-stream-drivers/data_dev/driver; make clean; make
      # add new driver
      /sbin/insmod /u1/aes-stream-drivers/data_dev/driver/datadev.ko cfgSize=0x200000 cfgRxCount=256 cfgTxCount=16 || exit 1
      # give appropriate group/permissions
      chmod 666 /dev/datadev*

How to install the Rogue With Anaconda

  • Step 1: Go to to get the latest version of anaconda. Example steps for installing anaconda are included below:
    • $ wget
      $ bash

  • Step 2: Use the following command to add anaconda to your environment. This can be added to your .bash_profile.
    • $ source /path/to/my/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/

      Creating A Rogue Environment

  • Step 3: The next step is to create an anaconda environment which includes the Rogue package.
    • $ conda create -n rogue_5.15.3 -c tidair-packages -c conda-forge -c pydm-tag -c tidair-tag rogue=v5.15.3 h5py
    • If you already have an anaconda environment that you would like to install Rogue into:
      • $ conda install -c tidair-tag -c tidair-packages -c conda-forge rogue
        The above commands will install the latest version of Rogue from the master branch. 

The detailed instruction on installing Rogue with Anaconda can be found here.

How to run the software

  • Step 1: Go to software folder by typing following command.
    • cd user_project/software
  • Step 2: To setup the rogue environment please follow the following command.
    • pskube-minion03 ~$ bash
      bash-4.2$ source ~ruckman/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/
      bash-4.2$ conda activate rogue_v5.15.3
      (rogue_v5.15.3) bash-4.2$
    • This will activate the conda rogue enviroment
  • Step 3: open the scripts/ file and comment the default port number.

Image Added

  • Step 4: Go back to the software folder and run the devGui script file.
    • $ python scripts/ --guiType None  --h5Path notebooks/TestDataCheck.h5


How to build firmware for the project:

The detailed instruction on installing Rogue with Anaconda:

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