Versions Compared


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Ping is simple utility which Pinger uses for analyzing the connectivity of nodes. Sometimes the* *problem is that many hosts do not give high priority to pings and many block it. This results in high RTT for pings. It is a big difference for closer hosts than far hosts.In order to find the difference if exist, we recorded response time of pings vs HTTP hosts from SLAC to other hosts.see datasheet here

Interesting We found that the relative difference is quite small. Relative difference is a ratio between ping time and HTTP time responses.

we took Relative difference as Pingminrtt-httpminrtt/(0.5* (Pingminrtt+httpminrtt)). it helps in finding how big the difference ,we can expect from ping RTT relative to HTTP RTT

The x-axis shows the interval between min and max of relative differences .Left Yaxis shows how many times a particular difference value exists .The right Yaxis is cumulative %age which shows what percentage out of the total,a particular interval value is occurring.

Differences are quite small as we can see from x-axis bin intervals. More over,ping and HTTP min RTT of almost all of the nodes are having insignificant difference which confirms that if we ping a node using ping utility or HTTP, it would not be much of a difference.

70%-94% of times, the relative difference lies between 0-0.04 which is again a very small value.