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2024-06-17 Test for mpi det.calib standard

ana-4.0.62-py3 [dubrovin@sdfmilan219:~/LCLS/con-py3]$ mpirun -n 1 python Detector/examples/ 1

ana-4.0.62-py3 [dubrovin@sdfmilan219:~/LCLS/con-py3]$ mpirun -n 80 python Detector/examples/ 1

Per event time, sec, for rank 0:

hostname:sdfmilan219 rank:000 cpu:000 cmt:16p-v1 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1559 +/- 0.0020 rms: 0.0032 +/- 0.0014

hostname:sdfmilan219 rank:000 cpu:014 cmt:16p-v1 proc time (sec) mean: 0.2079 +/- 0.0032 rms: 0.0109 +/- 0.0022

2024-06-18 Test for mpi det.calib local with inserted timeing points

Code of local calib_epix10ka_any


    ds = MPIDataSource('exp=xcsl1030422:run=237')
    det = Detector('XcsEndstation.0:Epix10ka2M.0')

List of commands

Code Block
titleList of test commands
> s3dflogin
> psana
srun --partition milano --account lcls:prjdat21 -n 1 --time=01:00:00 --exclusive --pty /bin/bash

In other window
> s3dflogin
ssh -Y sdfmilan050
cd LCLS/con-py3
source /sdf/group/lcls/ds/ana/sw/conda1/manage/bin/
source /sdf/group/lcls/ds/ana/sw/conda1/manage/bin/setup_testrel

mpirun -n   1 python 
Code Block
mpirun -n  80 python Detector/examples/ 1


ana-4.0.62-py3 [dubrovin@sdfmilan219:~/LCLS/con-py3]$ mpirun -n 1 python Detector/examples/ 1

ana-4.0.62-py3 [dubrovin@sdfmilan219:~/LCLS/con-py3]$ mpirun -n 80 python Detector/examples/ 1

Per event time, sec, for rank 0:

hostname:sdfmilan219 rank:000 cpu:000 cmt:16p-v1 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1559 +/- 0.0020 rms: 0.0032 +/- 0.0014

hostname:sdfmilan219 rank:000 cpu:014 cmt:16p-v1 proc time (sec) mean: 0.2079 +/- 0.0032 rms: 0.0109 +/- 0.0022

Ratio: 1.33

2024-06-18 Test for mpi det.calib local with inserted timeing points

Code of local calib_epix10ka_any

Code Block
  def calib_epix10ka_any(det, evt, cmpars=None, **kwa): # cmpars=(7,2,10,10), mbits=None, mask=None, nda_raw=None
    Returns calibrated epix10ka data

    - gets constants
    - gets raw data
    - evaluates (code - pedestal - offset)
    - applys common mode correction if turned on
    - apply gain factor


    - det (psana.Detector) - Detector object
    - evt (psana.Event)    - Event object
    - cmpars (tuple) - common mode parameters
          = None - use pars from calib directory
          = cmpars=(<alg>, <mode>, <maxcorr>)
            alg is not used
            mode =0-correction is not applied, =1-in rows, =2-in cols-WORKS THE BEST
            i.e: cmpars=(7,0,100) or (7,2,100)
    - **kwa - used here and passed to det.mask_comb
      - nda_raw - substitute for det.raw(evt)
      - mbits - deprecated parameter of the det.mask_comb(...), det.mask_v2 is used by default
      - mask - user defined mask passed as optional parameter

    t00 = time()

def calib_epix10ka_any(det, evt, cmpars=None, **kwa): # cmpars=(7,2,10,10), mbits=None, mask=None, nda_raw=None
    Returns calibrated epix10ka data

    - gets constants
    - gets raw data
    - evaluates (code - pedestal - offset)
    - applys common mode correction if turned on
    - apply gain factor


    - det (psana.Detector) - Detector object
    - evt (psana.Event)    - Event object
    - cmpars (tuple) - common mode parameters
          = None - use pars from calib directory
          = cmpars=(<alg>, <mode>, <maxcorr>)
            alg is not used
            mode =0-correction is not applied, =1-in rows, =2-in cols-WORKS THE BEST
            i.e: cmpars=(7,0,100) or (7,2,100)
    - **kwa - used here and passed to det.mask_comb
      - nda_raw - substitute for det.raw(evt)
      - mbits - deprecated parameter of the det.mask_comb(...), det.mask_v2 is used by default
      - mask - user defined mask passed as optional parameter

    t00 = time()

    logger.debug('In calib_epix10ka_any')

    nda_raw = kwa.get('nda_raw', None)
    raw = det.raw(evt) if nda_raw is None else nda_raw # shape:(352, 384) or suppose to be later (<nsegs>, 352, 384) dtype:uint16
    if raw is None: return None

    t01 = time()

    cmp  = det.common_mode(evt) if cmpars is None else cmpars
    gain = det.gain(evt)      # - 4d gains  (7, <nsegs>, 352, 384)
    peds = det.pedestals(evt) # - 4d pedestals
    if gain is None: return None # gain = np.ones_like(peds)  # - 4d gains
    if peds is None: return None # peds = np.zeros_like(peds) # - 4d gains

    t02 = time()

    store = ue.dic_store.get(, None)

    if store is None:
        logger.debug('create store for detector %s' % det.nameIn calib_epix10ka_any')

    nda_raw = kwa.get('nda_raw', None)
        storeraw = ue.dic_store[] = ue.Storage()

        # do ONCE this initialization
        logger.debug(info_ndarr(raw,  '\n  raw ')\
                    +info_ndarr(gain, '\n  gain')\
      raw(evt) if nda_raw is None else nda_raw # shape:(352, 384) or suppose to be later (<nsegs>, 352, 384) dtype:uint16
    if raw is None: return None

    t01 = time()

    cmp  = det.common_mode(evt) if cmpars is None else cmpars
    gain = det.gain(evt)      # - 4d    gains  +info_ndarr(peds7, '\n  peds'))
<nsegs>, 352, 384)
    peds = det.pedestals(evt) # store.gfac- = divide_protected(np.ones_like(gain), gain)
        store.arr14d pedestals
    if gain is None: return None # gain = np.ones_like(raw, dtype=np.int8)

peds)  # - 4d gains
   logger.debug(info_ndarr(store.gfac,  '\n  gfac '))

        # 'FH','FM','FL','AHL-H','AML-M','AHL-L','AML-L'
        #store.gf4 = np.ones_like(raw, dtype=np.int32) * 0.25 # 0.3333 # M - perefierial if peds is None: return None # peds = np.zeros_like(peds) # - 4d gains

    t02 = time()

    store = ue.dic_store.get(, None)

    if store is None:
        #store.gf6 = np.ones_like(raw, dtype=np.int32) * 1    # L - centerlogger.debug('create store for detector %s' %
        store = ue.dic_store[] = ue.Storage()

    t03 = time()

  # do gfacONCE =this store.gfacinitialization

     gmaps = ue.gain_maps_epix10ka_any(det, raw)
 logger.debug(info_ndarr(raw,  '\n  raw ')\
      if gmaps is None: return None
    gr0, gr1, gr2, gr3, gr4, gr5, gr6 = gmaps

 +info_ndarr(gain, '\n  gain')\
      factor =,\
               +info_ndarr(peds, '\n  peds'))

        store.gfac = divide_protected(np.ones_like(gain), gain)
        store.arr1 = (gfac[0,:], gfac[1,:], gfac[2,:], gfac[3,:],\np.ones_like(raw, dtype=np.int8)

        logger.debug(info_ndarr(store.gfac,  '\n  gfac '))

           gfac[4,:], gfac[5,:], gfac[6,:]), default=1) # 2msec

    #==================== TEST RETURN MAP OF PIXEL GAIN MODES# 'FH','FM','FL','AHL-H','AML-M','AHL-L','AML-L'
        #store.gf4 = np.ones_like(raw, dtype=np.int32) * 0.25 # 0.3333 # M - perefierial
    #return map_pixel_gain_mode1(gmaps)
   #store.gf6 #====================

    pedest =,\
   = np.ones_like(raw, dtype=np.int32) * 1    # L - center

    t03 = time()

    gfac = store.gfac

    gmaps    (peds[0,:], peds[1,:], peds[2,:], peds[3,:],\
                        peds[4,:], peds[5,:], peds[6,:]), default=0)

    t04 = time()

    store.counter += 1
    if not store.counter%100:

    arrf = np.array(raw & ue.M14, dtype=np.float32) - pedest

    t05 = time()

    if store.mask is None:
= ue.gain_maps_epix10ka_any(det, raw)
    if gmaps is None: return None
    gr0, gr1, gr2, gr3, gr4, gr5, gr6 = gmaps

    factor =,\
                       (gfac[0,:], gfac[1,:], gfac[2,:], gfac[3,:],\
                        gfac[4,:], gfac[5,:], gfac[6,:]), default=1) # 2msec

    #==================== TEST RETURN MAP OF PIXEL GAIN MODES
    #return map_pixel_gain_mode1(gmaps)

    pedest =,\
              store.mask = det.mask_total(evt, **kwa)
    mask = store.mask

 (peds[0,:], peds[1,:], peds[2,:], peds[3,:],\
    t06 = time()

    logger.debug('common-mode correction pars cmp: %s' % str(cmp))

    if cmp is not None:
   peds[4,:], peds[5,:], peds[6,:]), default=0)

   mode, cormaxt04 = inttime(cmp[1]), cmp[2])

    store.counter += 1
 npixmin = cmp[3] if len(cmp)>3 else 10
      if mode>0 not store.counter%100:
        t0_sec_cm = time()logger.debug(ue.info_gain_mode_arrays1(gmaps)\
        #t2_sec_cm = time()
        arr1 = store.arr1 # np.ones_like(mask+'\n'+ue.info_pixel_gain_mode_statistics1(gmaps))

    arrf = np.array(raw & ue.M14, dtype=np.uint8float32)
 - pedest

    t05  grhm =,time()

   gr1, if gr3,store.mask  gr4), (arr1, arr1, arr1, arr1), default=0)is None:
        gmaskstore.mask = npdet.bitwisemask_andtotal(grhmevt, mask**kwa)
 if mask is notmask None else grhm
= store.mask

    t06 = time()

   if gmask.ndim == 2: gmask.shape = (1,gmask.shape[-2],gmask.shape[-1]logger.debug('common-mode correction pars cmp: %s' % str(cmp))

    if cmp is  #logger.debug(info_ndarr(arr1, '\n  arr1'))
not None:
      mode, cormax =   #logger.debug(info_ndarr(grhm, 'XXXX grhm'))
int(cmp[1]), cmp[2]
      npixmin = cmp[3] if logger.debug(info_ndarr(gmask, 'gmask')\
  len(cmp)>3 else 10
      if mode>0:

        t07 = t0_sec_cm  + '\n= time()

    per panel statistics of #t2_sec_cm-corrected pixels: %s'%= time()
        arr1 = store.arr1 # np.ones_like(mask, dtype=np.uint8)
        grhm = str(np.sum(gmask, axis=(1,2), dtype=np.uint32select((gr0,  gr1,  gr3,  gr4), (arr1, arr1, arr1, arr1), default=0)
        gmask = np.bitwise_and(grhm, mask) if gmaskmask is not None else None))grhm
        if #logger.debug('common-mode mask massaging (sec) = %.6f' % (time()-t2_sec_cm)) # 5msecgmask.ndim == 2: gmask.shape = (1,gmask.shape[-2],gmask.shape[-1])

        #sh = (nsegs, 352, 384#logger.debug(info_ndarr(arr1, '\n  arr1'))
        hrows = 176 # int(352/2#logger.debug(info_ndarr(grhm, 'XXXX grhm'))
        for s in range(arrf.shape[0]):

logger.debug(info_ndarr(gmask, 'gmask')\
          if mode & 4: # in banks: (352/2,384/8)=(176,48) pixels
           + '\n  per panel statistics of cm-corrected pixels: %s'%
                     ue.common_mode_2d_hsplit_nbanks(arrf[s,:hrows,:], mask=gmask[s,:hrows,:], nbanks=8, cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)
    str(np.sum(gmask, axis=(1,2), dtype=np.uint32) if gmask is not None else None))
        ue.common_mode_2d_hsplit_nbanks(arrf[s,hrows:,:], mask=gmask[s,hrows:,:], nbanks=8, cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)

          if mode & 1: # in rows per bank: 384/8 = 48 pixels # 190ms#logger.debug('common-mode mask massaging (sec) = %.6f' % (time()-t2_sec_cm)) # 5msec

        t08 = time()

        #sh = (nsegs, 352, 384)
        hrows = 176  ue.common_mode_rows_hsplit_nbanks(arrf[s,], mask=gmask[s,], nbanks=8, cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin# int(352/2)
        for s in range(arrf.shape[0]):

          t09 = time()

          if mode & 24: # in cols per bankbanks: (352/2 = 176 pixels # 150ms,384/8)=(176,48) pixels
            ue.common_mode_2d_hsplit_colsnbanks(arrf[s,:hrows,:], mask=gmask[s,:hrows,:], nbanks=8, cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)
            ue.common_mode_cols2d_hsplit_nbanks(arrf[s,hrows:,:], mask=gmask[s,hrows:,:], nbanks=8, cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)

        logger.debug('TIME common-mode correctiont10 = %.6f sec for cmp=%s' % (time()-t0_sec_cm, str(cmp)))


          if mode & 1: res# =in arrfrows *per factor if mask is None else arrf * factor * mask # gain correction

bank: 384/8 = 48 pixels # 190ms
           t07 = time( ue.common_mode_rows_hsplit_nbanks(arrf[s,], mask=gmask[s,], nbanks=8, cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)

    logger.debug('TOTAL consumed time (sec) = %.6f' % (t07-t00)\      t11 = time()

          if mode & 2: #  +info_ndarr(factor, '\n  calib_epix10ka factor')\
    in cols per bank: 352/2 = 176 pixels # 150ms
            +info_ndarr(pedest, '\n  calib_epix10ka pedest'))

ue.common_mode_cols(arrf[s,:hrows,:], mask=gmask[s,:hrows,:], cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)
     times = t00, t01, t02, t03, t04, t05, t06, t07
    return res, times

Timing points

  • t00:  at the entrance
  • t01:  det.raw
  • t02:  gain and pedestals - NEEDS TO BE CALLED ONCE, DO NOT NEED IN gain USE factor ONLY!!!
  • t03:  access constants at store - 1-st event consumption
  • t04: factor and pedestals for gain ranges using
  • t05: apply data-bit mask to raw and subtract pedestals
  • t06: access mask - SHOULD BE DONE ONCE
  • t07: apply common mode correction if on

List of commands

Code Block
titleList of test commands
> s3dflogin
> psana
srun --partition milano --account lcls:prjdat21 -n 1 --time=01:00:00 --exclusive --pty /bin/bash

In other window
> s3dflogin
ssh -Y sdfmilan050
cd LCLS/con-py3
source /sdf/group/lcls/ds/ana/sw/conda1/manage/bin/
source /sdf/group/lcls/ds/ana/sw/conda1/manage/bin/setup_testrel

mpirun -n  1 python Detector/examples/ 1
mpirun -n  1 python Detector/examples/ 1
mpirun -n  1 python Detector/examples/ 2
mpirun -n 80 python Detector/examples/ 2


on sdfmilan050

mpirun -n 1 python Detector/examples/ 2

mpirun -n 80 python Detector/examples/ 2

per event time difference betwee points in msec

 ue.common_mode_cols(arrf[s,hrows:,:], mask=gmask[s,hrows:,:], cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)

        logger.debug('TIME common-mode correction = %.6f sec for cmp=%s' % (time()-t0_sec_cm, str(cmp)))

        t12 = time()
        res = arrf * factor if mask is None else arrf * factor * mask # gain correction

    t13 = time()

    logger.debug('TOTAL consumed time (sec) = %.6f' % (t13-t00)\
                +info_ndarr(factor, '\n  calib_epix10ka factor')\
                +info_ndarr(pedest, '\n  calib_epix10ka pedest'))

    return res, (t00, t01, t02, t03, t04, t05, t06, t07, t08, t09, t10, t11, t12, t13)          

Timing points

  • t00: at the entrance
  • t01: det.raw
  • t02: gain and pedestals - NEEDS TO BE CALLED ONCE, DO NOT NEED IN gain USE factor ONLY!!!
  • t03: access constants at store - 1-st event consumption
  • t04: factor and pedestals for gain ranges using
  • t05: apply data-bit mask to raw and subtract pedestals
  • t06: access mask - SHOULD BE DONE ONCE
  • t07: begin common mode algorithm
  • t08: define mask for common mode
  • t09: beginning of the loop over panels for cm
  • t10: cmc in banks: (352/2,384/8)=(176,48) pixels
  • t11: cmc in rows per bank: 384/8 = 48 pixels 
  • t12: cmc  in cols per bank: 352/2 = 176 pixels
  • t13: apply gain and mask to output array

List of commands

Code Block
titleList of test commands
The same as in previous, then

mpirun -n  1 python Detector/examples/ 2
mpirun -n 80 python Detector/examples/ 2


on sdfmilan004

mpirun -n 1 python Detector/examples/ 2

mpirun -n 80 python Detector/examples/ 2

per event time difference betwee points in msec

                           t01       t02       t03      t04         t05       t06       t07       t08     t09           t10      t11        t12        t13

1-core:               0.326   0.021   0.001  10.921   1.338   0.001   0.023   3.960 319.467   3.471   9.426   8.430   1.558

                           0.294   0.020   0.001  11.150   1.275   0.001   0.023   3.968 319.375   3.443   9.424   8.438   1.607

                           0.316   0.021    0.001  11.103   1.291   0.001   0.024   3.974  319.814   3.460   9.436   8.443   1.567

80-core,rank 0: 0.373   0.024   0.002  12.639   1.674   0.001   0.017   4.744 384.576   4.154  11.336  10.108   2.100

                           0.385   0.025   0.002  12.725   1.558   0.001   0.017   4.579 382.630   4.192  11.463  10.118   2.160

                           0.396   0.024   0.002  13.547   1.691   0.001   0.018   4.621 381.572    4.092  11.252  10.070   2.106

Ratio:                  1.22.         t01       t02       t03      t04         t05       t06     t071-core:  1.2.          -       1.14.       1.29    -           -      0.333   0.025   0 1.002  1016.906   1.438   0.001 140.30480-core:             0 1.673   0.039   0.003  17.535   2.406   0.003 178.89020      1.20.     1.20.     1.34   
