Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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The PingER Metrics Intensity Mapsare  are intensity maps of the Internet performance as measured by PingER. Having gathered data since 1998, the charts enable the users to study the trends and significant improvements as well as degradations. The different sets of charts (w.r.t. regions) enables the users to study the progress made by countries in comparison to their neighbours as well as the world in general.


Average RTT (ms)
(World, 2008)

Minimum RTT (ms)
(Africa, 2006)

Normalized Throughput (Kbps)
(World, 2008)

Unreachability (%)
(World, 2008)


Each of the intensity maps (also known as heat maps) present a single metric as observed by PingER monitoring nodes. Each country is coloured with respect to the measured performance by selecting colours from the gradient defined at the bottom. The measurement at the left bottom (white) defines the minimum value observed, where as the measurement at the right bottom (solid colour) defines the maximum value observed. The tabs are labeled with the metric name along with their units.


To create the intensity maps, the data must be loaded in a data structure (as explained by the Google Visualization API and) shown below:

Code Block

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["intensitymap"]});
      function drawChart() {
        var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
        data.addColumn('string', '', 'Country');
        data.addColumn('number', 'Average RTT (ms)', 'a');
        data.addColumn('number', 'Normalized Throughput (Kbps)', 'b');
        data.addColumn('number', 'Internet Users (#)', 'c');
        data.addColumn('number', 'Internet Penetration (%)', 'd');
        data.addColumn('number', 'Minimum RTT (ms)', 'e');
        data.addColumn('number', 'Packet Loss (%)', 'f');
        data.addColumn('number', 'Unreachability (%)', 'g');
        data.addColumn('number', 'Jitter (ms)', 'h');


        data.setValue(0, 0, "AF");
        data.setValue(0, 1, 743.925);
        data.setValue(0, 2, 2029.71824405769);
        data.setValue(0, 3, 25000);
        data.setValue(0, 4, 0.1);
        data.setValue(0, 5, 690.421);
        data.setValue(0, 6, 1.115);
        data.setValue(0, 7, 6.217);
        data.setValue(0, 8, 12.922);

        data.setValue(1, 0, "DZ");
        data.setValue(1, 1, 251.264);
        data.setValue(1, 2, 1818.78324078846);
        data.setValue(1, 3, 845000);
        data.setValue(1, 4, 2.6);
        data.setValue(1, 5, 208.571);
        data.setValue(1, 6, 1.103);
        data.setValue(1, 7, 8.006);
        data.setValue(1, 8, 4.764);

        data.setValue(2, 0, "AD");
        data.setValue(2, 1, 167.507);
        data.setValue(2, 2, 11732.2839646154);
        data.setValue(2, 3, 24500);
        data.setValue(2, 4, 35.7);
        data.setValue(2, 5, 158.672);
        data.setValue(2, 6, 0.033);
        data.setValue(2, 7, 1.734);
        data.setValue(2, 8, 0.765);

        var chart = new google.visualization.IntensityMap(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
        chart.draw(data, {});

    <div id="chart_div"></div>


Following are the files involved in the process of generating the HTML page:


No Format

File path: /afs/slac/package/pinger/intensity-map/

trscrontab entry: There is none

The script that defines the input arguments to generate the relevant .html filesThe ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 codes are stored locally at:

No Format

File path: /afs/slac/package/pinger/intensity-map/countrygenerate-intensity-codesmaps.csvpl

Filetrscrontab format:
Pakistan, PK
Korea  Rep, KR
United States,US


No Format

File path:entry: pinger 2 2 * * * /afs/slac/package/pinger/motionintensity-chart/population.csv
File format:
#Country, Year, Population, Internet Users, Internet Penetration, DOI, HDI
United States, 2008, 303824646, 213364918, 70.7, 0.62, 0.951
map/ \
> /afs/slac/package/pinger/intensity-map/generate-intensity-maps.stdout #Takes < 1 min OK on RHEL6

The ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 codes are stored locally at:

No Format
File path: /afs/slac/package/pinger/intensity-map/country-codes.csv

File format:
Pakistan, PK
Korea  Rep, KR
United States,US


No Format
File path: /afs/slac/package/pinger/motion-chart/population.csv

File format:
#Country, Year, Population, Internet Users, Internet Penetration, DOI, HDI
United States, 2008, 303824646, 213364918, 70.7, 0.62, 0.951

PingER data (obtained from prmout) Average RTT, Jitter (IPDV),  PingER data (obtained from prmout) Average RTT, Jitter (IPDV), Minimum RTT, Normalized Throughput, Packet Loss and Unreachability as seen from CERN, SLAC and ICTP:

No Format

File formats:
allyearly: #allyearly,?,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008
monthly: #monthly,?,Oct2008,Sep2008,Aug2008, ... Jan2007,Dec2006,Nov2006
last60days:  #last60days,?,08Oct27,08Oct26,08Oct25,08Oct24, ... 08Aug31,08Aug30,08Aug29

File paths:






Country to region mapping:

No Format

File path: /afs/
File format: Country Name        Region Name
Note that the country name and region name are separated by a tab.


 Following is the pseudo code for implementation:

No Format

1. Load the country to region mapping to the hash-table "%region" which uses the country
    names (as defined by PingER) as the index.
    e.g. $region{'Kenya'} = Africa and
           $region{'Korea, Rep'} = East Asia.

2. Load the PingER data to the data structure "%data" which uses PingER metrics as the index.

    Here each entry stores a reference to a unique hash-table defined to store the PingER data
    related to a country. Understandably the second hash-table uses country names as the index.
    Each entry of the hash-table stores a reference to another hash-table used for storing
    performance measurements for the country. Here timestamps are used as indices.
    e.g. $data{'minrtt'}->{'Kenya'}->{'1998'},
           $data{'packetloss'}->{'United States'}->{'Oct2008'} and
    The metrics used are: minrtt, avgrtt, nthroughput, ipdv, packetloss and unreachability.

    An important factor to consider here is the file format. The yearly data from prmout is listed
    in an ascending order from left to right, where as for monthly and daily data, the
    measurements are listed in a descending order. Thus while loading, the iterators need to
    be defined accordingly.

3. Load the demographics to the data structure "%data" which uses labels as the index.
    Here each entry stores a reference to a unique hash-table defined to store the demographics
    of a country. The second hash-table uses country names as the index. Each entry of
    the hash-table stores a reference to another hash-table used for storing statistics
    for the country. Here timestamps are used as indices.
    e.g.  $data{'populationinetpenetration'}->{'KenyaPakistan'}->{'199808Oct27'},

    The metrics used are: inetusers and inetpenetration.

4. Generate  $data{'doi'}->{'United States'}->{'Oct2008'} and

    The metrics used are: population, inetusers, inetpenetration, doi and hdi.

4. Generate the the .html file in compliance with the Google Visualization API constraints.
    Here the data is loaded in the following format (code in Javascript):
              data.addColumn('string', '', 'Country');
              data.addColumn('date'number', 'Average RTT (ms)', 'Montha');
              data.addColumn('stringnumber', 'Normalized Throughput (Kbps)', 'Regionb');
              data.addColumn('number', 'AverageInternet RTTUsers (ms#)', 'c');
              data.addColumn('number', 'NormalizedInternet ThroughputPenetration (Kbps%)', 'd');
              data.addColumn('number', 'InternetMinimum UsersRTT (#ms)', 'e');
              data.addColumn('number', 'InternetPacket PenetrationLoss (%)', 'f');
              data.addColumn('number', 'PopulationUnreachability (#%)', 'g');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Minimum RTTJitter (ms)', 'h');

    N.B. the data must be uploaded in a chronologically ascending data.addColumn('number', 'Packet Loss (%)');

5. Create .html files for each vantage point: CERN Switzerland (CH.CERN.N2),
    SLAC   data.addColumn('number', 'Unreachability (%)');USA (EDU.SLAC.STANFORD.N3), ICTP Italy (IT.ICTP.N1)
    for each region: Africa, Balkans, Central Asia, East   data.addColumn('number', 'Jitter (ms)');Asia, Europe, Latin America,
    Middle East, North America, Oceania, S.E. Asia, South   data.addColumn('number', 'DOI Index');Asia, World, for each
    granularity: Yearly (since 1998), Monthly (last 20 months) and Daily data.addColumn('number', 'HDI Index');
    N.B. the data must be uploaded in a chronologically ascending order.
5. Create .html files for each vantage point: CERN Switzerland (CH.CERN.N2),
    for each region: Africa, Balkans, Central Asia, East Asia, Europe, Latin America,
    Middle East, North America, Oceania, S.E. Asia, South Asia, World, for each
    granularity: Yearly (since 1998), Monthly (last 20 months) and Daily (last 3 weeks).

Updating data files

The PingER data files are generated using the prm scripts. There are some trscronjobs running under  They appear as:

(last 3 weeks).

Updating data files

The PingER data files are generated using the prm scripts. There are some trscronjobs running under  They appear as:

No Format
################################################################################ runs monthly to create the executive plots to be accessesd via:
pinger;600 30 02 1 * * /afs/ \
        -c /afs/

#And yearly (Jan 5th at 4:30am) to get the yearly data.
pinger;600 30 04 05 1 * /afs/ \
        -c /afs/

#It also runs each morning to update the last 21 days information.
pinger;600 30 00 * * * /afs/ \
        -c /afs/

#Create the motion bubble plots:
pinger;10 00 08 *
No Format

################################################################################ runs monthly to create the executive plots to be accessesd via:
pinger;600 30 02 1 * * /afs/ \
        -c /afs/

#And yearly (Jan 5th at 4:30am) to get the yearly data.
pinger;600 30 04 05 1 * /afs/ \
        -c /afs/

#It also runs each morning to update the last 21 days information.
pinger;600 30 00 * * * /afs/ \
        -c /afs/

#Create the motion bubble plots:
pinger;10 00 08 * * * /afs/slac/package/pinger/motion-chart/

On the other hand, the demographics need to be updated manually. One of the simplest methods would be to load the flat file in Microsoft Excel and use the VLOOKUP method to add additional statistics in new columns for each country. Note that each country defines a new row of data for each year. Consider the following example:

No Format

#Country,Year,Population,Internet Users,Internet Penetration,DOI,HDI
United States,1998,276115288,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,1999,279294713,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2000,282338631,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2001,285023886,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2002,287675526,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2003,290342554,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2004,293027571,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2005,295734134,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2006,298444215,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2007,301139947,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2008,303824646,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951

 Note that the country names used here must be the same as those used by PingER. The source of the data presented here is mentioned in the section 'Miscellaneous Details'.

Generating up-to-date PingER Metric Motion Charts

To generate up to date .html files of the PingER metric motion charts execute the following script:

No Format


The charts generated (listed below) may then viewed publicly via SLAC's web server.

On the other hand, the demographics need to be updated manually. One of the simplest methods would be to load the flat file in Microsoft Excel and use the VLOOKUP method to add additional statistics in new columns for each country. Note that each country defines a new row of data for each year. Consider the following example:

No Format
#Country,Year,Population,Internet Users,Internet Penetration,DOI,HDI

United States,1998,276115288,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,1999,279294713,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2000,282338631,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2001,285023886,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2002,287675526,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2003,290342554,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2004,293027571,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2005,295734134,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2006,298444215,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2007,301139947,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2008,303824646,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951

Note that the country names used here must be the same as those used by PingER. The source of the data presented here is mentioned in the section 'Miscellaneous Details'.

Generating up-to-date Intensity Maps

To generate up to date .html files of the PingER intensity maps execute the following script:

No Format

The charts generated (listed below) may then viewed publicly via SLAC's web server.

No Format
No Format

Miscellaneous Details

  • Tool: The interactive graph was generated using the Google Motion Chart Widget.the Google Visualization API for intensity maps
  • Data: The data presented here was collected by the PingER project, processed by prmout. The same data is available in tabular format. The statistics of Population were acquired from the U.S. Census Bureau, the country to region mapping was obtained by the geographical database maintained by the PingER project, where as the Internet usage statistics were taken from Internet World Stats. Please note that while all the statistics were acquired over several years (i.e. since 1998), the Internet usage statistics were documented in Nov. 2007.
  • Loading: The time to load and render the web page is largely determined speed of the link, the file length (about a MByte that is determined by the number of metrics and frequency of data points and the number of metrics) and the speed of the client rendering.
  • Metrics: Average RTT (ms), Normalized Throughput (Kbps), Internet Users (#), Internet Penetration (%), Population (#), Minimum RTT (ms), Packet Loss (%), Unreachability (%), Jitter (ms), DOI Index, HDI Index,
  • Authors: Umar Kalim & Les Cottrell 10/10/2008, version 1.3. Idea champion: Shahryar Khan.