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PSOCAKE Psockae is a graphical user interface for viewing Area Detector images (CsPad, pnCCD, Opal etc). It can be used to tune peak finding parameters.

Getting started:

If you have a terminal open, just type:

>> psocake

This will start the psocake application installed on psana machines. You can also choose to input experiment variable:

>> psocake -e cxic0415 -r 14 -d DscCsPad -n 5697

This will start up psocake with experiment cxic0415, run 14, front CsPad and event number 5697.

Pixel values:

Hovering the mouse over a detector pixel displays its x and y pixel position and the ADU value.

Moving the green rectangle on the detector updates the ROI histogram.

Note the /Display/ADU threshold is set to 20 by default, so any pixels with less than 20 ADUs will be displayed as 0.

Image control:

Clicking on the "Prev evt" and "Next evt" changes the event you are looking at.

"Save evt" allows you to save a Numpy array of the event that is on display.

"Generate Powder" launches an MPI job that saves a virtual powder pattern (mean,std,max) in a Numpy array.

"Load evt" allows you to load one of these Numpy arrays.

Hit finding parameters:

By clicking on /Hit finder/Classify, you can optimize the hit finding parameters for your experiment.

Choose the available algorithm from the drop down menu in /Hit finder/Algorithm

Algorithms and its parameters are described in detail here: Peak finding algorithm parameters

Change the corresponding algorithm parameters by clicking on +.

Tip: Clicking on a parameter value and hovering the mouse displays a short description of the parameter.

Diffraction geometry:

By filling in the detector geometry information in this panel, psocake will draw resolution rings.

You can override the resolution ring by specifying /Resolution rings/Resolution (pixels).

Image scroll:

Clicking on the "Load image stack" button in the Image Scroll panel will load 60 images in memory starting from specified Event Number.

It allows the user to scroll through images fast and get a feel for the variations in the data.

Common mode correction:

By clicking on /Display/Common mode/Apply common mode, you can optimize the common mode parameters for your experiment.

Parameters {0, 1, 2, 3} are described in detail here: Common mode algorithm parameters

Usually, Parameters {0, 1, 2, 3} = [3 1000 1000 128] works well for the CsPad.

Get the latest version:

To get the latest version of psocake, download the source code like this:

>> newrel ana-current ana-psocake

>> cd ana-psocake

>> kinit

>> sit_setup

>> addpkg psocake HEAD

>> scons

>> cd psocake/src

>> python gui.pyHere's a tutorial for using psocake for peak finding: Psocake SFX tutorial#StartingpsocakeinSFXmode