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Please Download and Install Virtual Box before arriving at the workshop.  You will eventually need about 15Gb of space for the VM so make sure that you have that available as well.  Follow the instructions for importing the VM.


 Monday, Feb. 10Tuesday, Feb. 11Wednesday, Feb 12
9:15 Welcome 
  IntroductionsCombined Analysis Topics II


 Fermi Intro. - Julie McEneryFermi+HAWC Combined Analysis - Giacomo VianelloTrigger Options - Asif Imran
9:40 HAWC Intro. - ??(pptx, pdf) - Brenda DingusPatrick Younk - Likelihood Analysis @ HAWCFermi+VERITAS Combined Analysis - ??

VERITAS Intro. - Jamie Holder

HAWC+VERITAS Combined Analysis - ??Michelle Hui & Tom Weisgarber
10:20 BreakBreak
  Analysis Topics IHardware and Simulations I
10:40 Astroparticle Physics - Andy Smith (Utah)Fermi+HAWC Trigger Options - ??Combined Analysis - John Pretz
11:00 EBL with HAWC - Alberto CarramiñanaX-rays: Observations and Strategies - Abe FalconeFermi Observing Modes (ppt, python notebook) - Julie McEnery
11:20 The Crab - Elizabeth HaysSimulating VERITAS - Nahee Park
11:40 LunchLunch
  Data Products/Software/Hands OnHardware and Simulations II
1:00 LAT - Giacomo VianelloCalibrations/Hardware at VERITAS - Sean Griffin
1:20 ... continuedCalibrations/Hardware at HAWC - ??Robert Lauer
1:40 ... continuedLAT Calibration/Hardware Topic - ??Online Analysis - Panel Discussion
2:00 ... continuedBreak
   Analysis Topics IIIII
2:20 BreakExtended Sources at Gamma-rays - Ester Aliu
2:40 VERITAS (pdf, pptx) - Jon DummPulsars at Gamma-rays - Tyrel Johnson (pdf)
3:00 ... continuedGamma-ray Bursts - ??Dark Matter - Pat Harding
3:20 ... continuedBreak
3:40 ... continuedDiscussion
4:00Walk-in Set-upBreak... continued
4:20Walk-in Set-upHAWC (script)- Segev BenZvi, John Pretz & Dan Fiorino... continued
4:40Walk-in Set-up... continued... continued
5:00Walk-in Set-up... continuedBreak
5:20 ... continuedWrap-upReception
5:40 EndEnd