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Day shift: 9am–9pm /  Night shift : 9pm–9am


  • SLAC Rd53a device 0x0A97 (25x100 pixel 150um active thickness) replaces the current channel D 0x0A57 (50x50) early enough in the morning to allow Timon tuning it remotely 
  • SLAC RD53a readout tests with TLU 
  • Setup a cleaned up TTL beam trigger from Ch-11 for cosmic telescope to see if the double timing peaks still exist.
  • Main data taking runs will be steep tilted 25x100 sensors. One DUT at a time, first 0x0A54 (100um LBNL) then 0x0A97 (150um SLAC). 

Activities:  Adrien, Mark, Charilou, Cesar, SD 

10:30 Replaced 0x0A58(labelled A57 in the configs) with SLAC RD53A device 0x0A97.



Our pixel threshold

is 1000e



11:12 Beam was up and started taking runs, but no events were being built, called Timon and he said module A54 does not like to be power cycled. So we requested access to go down and fix it. Fortunately on power cycle was sufficient to bring A54 back. 

11:47 Beam was turned back on after module started working again and Run 541 was started with just one Yarr producer in the run control for the LBL RD53A A54 module. Timon is working on tuning the SLAC device to get it up and taking data.


13:40 Timon finished remotely tuning the SLAC module A97 but when a run was started there were no hits seen by the module and there were some infrequent readout errors (received data not valid). Timon is attempting to fix the problem but for now only the LBL module A54 is being run.

Run_544 (13 deg)

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Run_565 (62 deg)Image RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed

Access to remove the A97 to leave A54 by itself and changed to large tilt angle ~ -60o (had to rotate clockwise when looking from above, since mount frame would be in the beam line before sensor if rotated the other way).  Made choice of 60 degrees based on expectation of long cluster of 8x25um pixels for 100um thick sensor. More steep tilt would need to remount RD53a to the opposite side of frame to avoid frame in the beam line.  Couldn't mount 2nd sensor - missing screws to slide 2nd frame into beam line. One device at a time is better anyway to reduce the large multiple scattering at this steep angle. For this tile angle, hits will traverse pixel sideways with a path length of 25um/cos(60deg) ~29um.  Expected signal  peak for such short length is <2000e and really needs pixel threshold to be 1000e or less. Our pixel threshold is tuned for 1000e.        

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The resulting ~4-5 pixel length of "clusters"  might be due to the artificial local XY coordinates are define against the 50x50 chip channel grid to achieve 25 micron pitch with staggered bumps ?    


Run_544 (13 deg)

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Run_565 (62 deg)Image AddedImage AddedImage Added


17:50  Took a short run with cosmic telescope joining the main partition (so that trigger is driven by Ch-10 with NIM Quad discriminator cleanup). The FE-I4 data had no no double timing peak here in comparison to the standalone cosmicGui run just taken with trigger Ch-10 (TTL). This seems to indicate the standalone Ch-11 cosmic triggers was causing the double time peaks. The RTM ports were meant to be NIM so we were triggering on -ve undershoort after ripples of the main TTL trigger pulse ?    


RunStartEnd time#eventsRD53a DUTParticle rateComments
54111:4812:2210kC280hit/planeHV: 60 Lost beam for a couple minutes at beginning of run.
54212:2312:5610kC340hit/planeHV: 60
54413:0113:3410kC HV changed back to 100V for this and rest of runs
54613:4013:451.5kC, D Timon tuned SLAC module(D) but when the run was started no hits were seen and some sparse readout errors showed up.
55615:4516:199.9kC575hit/planeChanged angle to 60 degrees. SLAC module not connected; can't mount due to short screws. Forgot to reset histograms before start; rest around 800-900 events.
55816:3217:059.9kC20hits/planeAsked for smaller number of particles; aiming for MIMOSA->30 particles and RD53A->20.
56217:5018:032kC Added cosmic telescope to eudaq. Stopped because RCE producer died.
56819:5720:3010KC Asked for lower rate (5 particles/bcc) for tracking reconstructions. 2hits/plane for RD53A. 7hits/plane for MIMOSA.
57021:04 21:38 10KC Last run of the night.


21:40. We're done! Called to stop beam for entry. Going to pack up.