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Obtain software

First you will need the iepm-bw source code. Typically this is obtained from SLAC by logging on (if you have an account) or by an email request to  He Either you or he  will tar up the entire v3src directory, below are the commands he will probably to use:

Code Block

>cd $bandsrc


>tar -cvf v3src .tar


>gzip -c v3src.tar /tmp/v3src.tar.gz


>ls -l /tmp/v3src.tar.gz


-rw-r--r--    1 cottrell sf       125632972 May 17 12:34 /tmp/v3src.tar.gz


>rm v3src.tarcp /tmp/v3


>mv /tmp/v3src.tar.gz ./


>ls -l v3src.tar.gz


-rw-r--r--    1 cottrell sf       125632972 May 17 12:34 v3src.tar.gz


>cd /afs/slac/public/users/cottrell


>cp $bandsrc/v3src.tar.gz ./

This requires a lot of disk space (e.g. v3src.tar is ~ 180MBytes). It creates a file $bandsrc/v3src.tar.gz which is probably too big to email so it is made available by anonymous ftp. To access it use:

Code Block



Connected to (




220-By using this system you expressly consent to the terms and


...220 FTP server ready.


Name ( anonymous331 Anonymous login ok, send your complete email address as your password.








230-Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Anonymous FTP Server






ftp> binary


200 Type set to I


ftp>cd users/cottrell


ftp> ls


227 Entering Passive Mode (134,79,18,30,188,42).


150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list


dr-xr-xr-x   2 ftp      ftp          4096 May 17 19:45 .


dr-xr-xr-x   2 ftp      ftp          4096 May 14 18:21 ..


-r--r--r--   1 ftp      ftp           335 Oct  5  2001


-r--r--r--   1 ftp      ftp           304 Feb  9  1996 pgp.publickey


-r--r--r--   1 ftp      ftp      125632972 May 17 19:45 v3src.tar.gz


226 Transfer complete.ftp> get v3src.tar.gz


local: v3src.tar.gz remote: v3src.tar.gz


227 Entering Passive Mode (134,79,18,30,188,44).


150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for v3src.tar.gz (125632972 bytes)


226 Transfer complete.


125632972 bytes received in 28.4 secs (4.3e+03 Kbytes/sec)





You will need to unzip and detar the file using: tar -xzvf v3src.tar.gz 


Currently there is no automated way to install the IEPM-BW monitoring kit on a host. Here are the steps which should be followed, in order, to install the monitoring host software.This assumes that the requirements for hardware and software configuration have been met. Note that if the default account 'iepm' with home directory '/home/iepm' is used,  the source directory '/home/iepm/v3src' is used for the source, '/home/iepm/mysql' is used for the data base, then much of the installation can be done by cutting and pasting from this documentation.


  1. Decide what accounts are going to be needed. Assume the account 'cal' will have root privileges and be used for operations requiring root. Assume that the monitoring will run under the non-root access account 'iepm'. Both, for purposes of this documentation are assumed to be in group '<account group>, 'slac'. For this example, I will assume that the home directory for the 'cal' account is '/home/cal', and the home directory for the 'iepm' account is '/home/iepm'. For the sake of consistency beteween monitoring systems, the account 'iepm' with '/home/iepm' is strongly recommended.
  2. The monitoring host has a name. This is referred to as '<fully qualified monitoring host name>'.
  3. The monitoring host should be given an <aliasname>  that starts with 'iepm-bw'. The idea is to hide the real name of the node, but provide it with a name that can recognize its place in the world. This is important. Examples include:
    • iepm-bw.caltech.ul-org
    • iepm-bw.snv.ul-org
  4. If the account mysql:mysql has not been allocated, allocate it by:
    Code Block
    groupadd -g 20000 mysql
    useradd -u 20000 -g mysql mysql
  5. Decide on the directory structure for the mysql data base and the monitoring code. It is best to have the mysql data base on a separate physical disk from the system disk, but if this is not possible, use '/home/iepm/mysql' as the base. Make the mysql directory.
    Code Block
    mkdir /home/iepm/mysql
    chown mysql:mysql /home/iepm/mysql
  6. Create a configuration file for /etc/my.cnf which MySQL will use when you install the database.
    Code Block
  7. If mysql is already running, it is running with the 'test' database. Kill the mysql daemons.
  8. Restart MySQL with 'mysqld_safe&'. This will restart the MySQL server with the configuration file /etc/my.cnf.
  9. Create the data base by executing 'mysql_install_db'.
  10. Change the ownership of '/home/iepm/mysql' by the command chown 'chown -R mysql:mysql /home/iepm/mysql'.
  11. Set the database root password with 'mysqladmin -u root password "new password" '.
  12. You are now ready to create the directories with '/home/iepm/mysql' that must be owned by the iepm account. These directories are used by the iepm monitoring to track the state of the monitoring system. Execute the following commands with 'iepm:slac' replaced with 'slac' replaced by the appropirate group for the 'iepm' account.
    Code Block
    # the data directory is where the results from the probes are stored.
    # These files are picked up by the 'load-datad' daemon and put into the database.
    mkdir /home/iepm/mysql/data
    chown iepm:slac /home/iepm/mysql/data
    # the logs directory contain the log files from each process
    mkdir /home/iepm/mysql/logs
    chown iepm:slac /home/iepm/mysql/logs
    # the pids from the daemons are stored here
    mkdir /home/iepm/mysql/pids
    chown iepm:slac /home/iepm/mysql/pids
    # the files in the keepalives directory are used by the monitoring software to ascertain that
    # the daemons are running
    mkdir /home/iepm/mysql/keepalives
    # prime the pump with:
    touch /home/iepm/mysql/keepalives/traced.alive
    touch /home/iepm/mysql/keepalives/pingd.alive
    touch /home/iepm/mysql/keepalives/bw-synched.alive
    touch /home/iepm/mysql/keepalives/pathchirpd.alive
    touch /home/iepm/mysql/keepalives/load-datad.alive
    touch /home/iepm/mysql/keepalives/load-scheduled.alive
    touch /home/iepm/mysql/keepalives/owpingd.alive
    # set the permissions so that the iepm account can access them
    chown -R iepm:slac /home/iepm/mysql/data
    chown -R iepm:slac /home/iepm/mysql/logs
    chown -R iepm:slac /home/iepm/mysql/keepalives
    chown -R iepm:slac /home/iepm/mysql/pids
  13. The output from the analysis and reports must go into a directory which is writeable by the 'iepm' account. Generally this is '/home/iepm/public_html'. Make this directory with:
    Code Block
    mkdir /home/iepm/public_html
    mkdir /home/iepm/public_html/<aliasname>
    chown -R iepm:<account> /home/iepm/public_html
    Where <account> is the account your unix id is under. For example, mine is 'cal:sf' (i.e. <account> would be replaced by sf) and our iepm group account was 'iepm:sf'. Depending upon how the /home/iepm/public_html directory was created...for example if I created it via sudo from my cal account, then owner must be set to the 'iepm:<account>' where in SLAC's case <account> is 'sf', but in other cases it mught not be.
  14. Create a link to this area from /var/www/html
    Code Block
    ln -s /home/iepm/public_html/<aliasname> /var/www/html/<aliasname>
  15. IEPM-BW requires a simple configuration file, '/etc/iepm.cnf'. The contents of /etc/iepm.cnf should contain:
    Code Block
    # required iepm configuration parameters
    # /etc/iepm.conf
    dataBase = "iepm"
    dataBaseHost = "<fully qualified monitoring host name>"
    dataBaseDir = "/home/iepm/mysql"
    iepmSrcDir = "/home/iepm/v3src"
    updateAcct = "iepm"
    acctGroup = "<account group>"
    readAcct = "readonly"
    # This is provided as the monitoring host and database host could be different machines
    # It is not advisable for them to be different. In monitoring a network, one should avoid using the
    # network for the monitoriong control and data logging.
    monHost = "<fully qualified monitoring host name>";
    aliasName = "<aliasname>";
    monHostip = "<monitoring host ip address>";
    mysqlport = 3306;
    #Connie Logg 5/12/04 <- configurator's name and date please

The following installation instructions do not need root privileges can be performed under the iepm account


Installing the iepmtools directory


Include Page
Installing the iepmtools Directory
Installing the iepmtools Directory
Include Page
IEPM:IEPM-BW Database SetupIEPM:
IEPM-BW Database Setup

Loading the IEPM Database
