Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Had to get subnet enabled for  IPv6 - Mark.
    • To find subnet for the host (e.g. pinger) use NetDB (or ping, or ifconfig on actual host) to find IPv4 address
    • Use  to find list of subnets
    • Enter first 3 octets of the host (e.g. 134.79.197.)  in the filter
  • Taylor blocked ipv6 by default for security reasons, so had to request to enable IPv6 for pinger in Taylor (INC0175010) - Karl
    • for taylor.opts on a linux server, I believe would look something like ipv6addr=2620:114:d000:25a1::80/64,2620:114:d000:25a1::1

  • Modifications to the PAN rules - Kent
  • It needed an IPv6 address in NetDB
    • It may seem to have an IPv6 address by looking at ifconfig you may see

      Code Block
      eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:56:BE:3D:4C 
      inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
      inet6 addr: 2620:114:d000:2716:250:56ff:febe:3d4c/64 Scope:Global
      inet6 addr: fe80::250:56ff:febe:3d4c/64 Scope:Link

      The global ipv6 address which is currently configured on this host is probably the slaac (auto-configured) from the router.
      If the last couple octets look like a MAC address (versus zero or a very small number), then the address was almost certainly auto-configured. 

      The other way to convince yourself is to look at the DNS record for the given system (e.g. “host www3”). If there is no IPv6 address displayed, then the address got autoconfigured. 

      Code Block
      447cottrell@rhel6-64f:~$host www3 has address
    • If it does not have an IPv6 address then we have to assign one from the relevant range (e.g. for www3)

      Code Block
      ksa@cdlogin3 $ /afs/slac/g/scs/net/bin/subnet all | grep SERV01-DMZ-WEBSERV    SERV01-DMZ-WEBSERV       Serv01 Web Servers DMZ (vlan 1814)
      2620:114:d000:2716:: SERV01-DMZ-WEBSERV      2620:114:d000:2716::1    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:: Serv01 Web Servers DMZ (vlan 1814)
    • To test:

      Code Block
      ksa@www3 $ curl -I -v www3 * About to connect() to www3 port 80 (#0) * Trying 2620:114:d000:2716::8... connected * Connected to www3 (2620:114:d000:2716::8) port 80 (#0) [?]

Modifications Required

Modified to enable both the hostname and IPv6 address to be the same. It is integrated with the new xml files generated from NODEDETAILS.  It is backward compatible. Version >= 3.0 is IPv6 version.

Modified to make work on Solaris and Linux:

my $version="7.3, 12/13/2017, Les Cottrell";
# Added \[\] to untainting of dig command. Appears to be needed for IPv6.
# Do not avoid testing internal domains if server is IPv6 host,
# Added avoid calling gethostbyname6 if hostname is already an ipv6 address
# Fixed how Solaris mis-interprets system(@args) sometimes (saw in IPv6)

We added the option --inet4-only to the wget command, else the cromjob  timed out after 8550 seconds . when the tokens ran out.

Created to add the PingER IPv6 MA 2001:da8:270:2018:f816:3eff:fef3:bd3. See here for addition.

Copied to and modified to use the  /afs/slac/package/pinger/ file and write to the /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerdata/ipv6/data/ directory (e.g. /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerdata/ipv6/data/2001:da8:270:2018:f816:3eff:fef3:bd3/ping-2017-12-19.txt.gz) when running 2001:da8:270:2018:f816:3eff:fef3:bd3 2017-12-19 1. Also replaced IPv4 address checks with sub chck_ip{} to test for both IPv4 and IPv6 addressesIPv6 addresses.

We added the option --prefer-family=ipv4 to the wget options. This redcuced the time for /afs/slac/package/pinger/ -h -D 0 from 190 seconds to 10 10 seconds.

10 seconds. 

Call with:  --usemetric --dataset ipv6 --by by-node --size 100 --set_metric 3 --date 2017-12-19


The other analyze scripts (daily, monthly and yearly) did not need modification.

APEX/Oracle user interface to PingER NODEDETAILS database

This did not accept IPv6 Addresses, see INC0176849 and INC0176966. The NODEDETAILS Oracle Apex database now accepts IPv6 addresses as the name (in case there is no name for the host) and as the IP address. It is backward compatible and also (as before) accepts IPv4 addresses in both fields. 


The script creates the configuration file /afs/ for the SLAC MA. 

We modified to add a subroutine to use dig to find the IPv6 address of a host and also to validate the hostname and Iv6 address. These were used in script

There were no changes.

Need to add a colon (: ) to the list of characters allowed by cgi-wrap. This goes in the rules file.

Typical PingER Raw Data 2607:f8b0:4007:802::200e 56 1524939147 10 10 9.632 9.690 9.860 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9.63 9.63 9.74 9.86 9.66 9.65 9.70 9.67 9.64 9.67

IPv6 Targets

See Validating ICMP ping measurements against TCP nping measurements
