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titleTable of Contents
Table of Contents

Input Examples

A complete example for a lossless cavity

Code Block
Wiki Markup
h3. A complete example for a lossless cavity
  ModelInfo: {
    File: dds3.ncdf                             //mesh file. It is the file converted using acdtool
    BoundaryCondition: {                   //specify boundary conditions. The numbers here are sideset in cubit
      Magnetic: 1, 2                           //reference surfaces 1 and 2 are symmetric planes
      Electric: 3 4                               //set reference surfaces 3 and 4 to be electric boundary condition
      Exterior: 6                                 //surface group 6 (maybe many surfaces) is metal
   SurfaceMaterial: {                          //for each metal (exterior) surface group, list the sigma values
      ReferenceNumber: 6
      Sigma: 5.8e7

  FiniteElement: {
     Order: 2                                     //set the finite element basis function order to be used.
     CurvedSurfaces: on

  EigenSolver: {
      NumEigenvalues:     1                //want to compute 1 mode
      FrequencyShift: 		10.e9     //the eigenfrequency of the mode should be above 10GHz

  CheckPoint: {
    Action: save
    Directory: eigens                         //eigenvectors are saved out into this directory

  PostProcess: {
    Toggle: off                                   //postprocess switch
    ModeFile: dds                              //The prefix of the mode filename.

  Log: thisrun.log                              //If you want more printout logged into the file
































































Code Block
  acdtool postprocess eigentomode eigens
h3. A complete example about a cavity 

A complete example about a cavity with lossy materials

Code Block
with lossy materials
 ModelInfo: {
  File: ./pillbox.ncdf
  BoundaryCondition: {
    Electric: 1,2,3,4
    Exterior: 6
   Material : {
     Attribute: 1
     Epsilon:   1.0
     Mu:        1.0
   Material : {
      Attribute: 2
      Epsilon:   1.0
      Mu:        1.0
      EpsilonImag: -0.2        //lossy material

  FiniteElement: {
   Order: 1
   Curved Surfaces: off

  PostProcess: {
    Toggle: off
    ModeFile: mode
    SymmetryFactor: 2

  EigenSolver: {
    NumEigenvalues:     2
    FrequencyShift: 		5e9
h3. A complete example with waveguide loaded cavity


A complete example with periodic boundary conditions

Code Block

ModelInfo: {
    File: cell1fourthc026ds-pbc.ncdf
    BoundaryCondition: {
      Magnetic: 1, 2,3,4
    Periodic_M: 3 Exterior: 6
 //master surface
    WaveguidePeriodic_S: 7 4   //forslave eachsurface, numberthe appearedmesh here,should itbe shouldexactly havesame atas leastthose oneon Portthe containermaster later.surface

  FiniteElementExterior: {6
    OrderTheta: -150          1//phase
    Curved Surfaces: on

  PostProcessFiniteElement: {
  Order: 2
  ToggleCurvedSurfaces: on
    ModeFileScalarPotential: test
1 //use A-V formulation

  Toggle: on
  ModeFile: mode
  SymmetryFactor:  8.
EigenSolver: {
    NumEigenvalues:     1
    FrequencyShift: 	10e9

A complete example with waveguide loaded cavity

Code Block

  CheckPointModelInfo: {
    ActionFile: savecell1fourth.ncdf
    DirectoryBoundaryCondition: eigens{

   PortMagnetic: {1,2,3,4
      Exterior:  ReferenceNumber6
      Waveguide: 7     //thisfor each number appeared here, it should matchhave surfaceat groupsleast inone waveguidePort boundarycontainer conditionlater.
 Absorbing and Waveguide have the same effects. Origin:Omega3P internally will figure  0.0, 0.0415, 0.0out which BC to use.
 //the origin of the 2D port in the 3D coordinate system

  FiniteElement: {
    Order:          XDirection: 1.0, 0.0,
    Curved 0.0 Surfaces: on

 //the xPostProcess: axis{
 of  the 2DToggle: porton
 in the 3D coordinateModeFile: systemtest

  EigenSolver: {
    YDirectionNumEigenvalues: 0.0, 0.0,   -1.0
   //the y axis of the 2D port in the 3D coordinate systemFrequencyShift: 		9.e9

  CheckPoint: {
    Action: save
    Directory: eigens

  ESolverPort: {
        ReferenceNumber: 7     //this number Type:should Analyticmatch surface groups in waveguide boundary condition.
        //analyticOrigin: expression is used
  0.0, 0.0415, 0.0    //the origin of the 2D port in the Mode: {3D coordinate system
        XDirection: 1.0, 0.0,    0.0    //the x axis of the 2D WaveguideType:port Rectangularin the 3D coordinate system
 //it is a rectangular waveguide
   YDirection: 0.0, 0.0,   -1.0   //the y axis of the 2D port in the 3D coordinate system
  ModeType      ESolver: TE{
 1 0              Type: Analytic     //load the TE10 mode
      //analytic expression is used
                AMode: 0.028499{
                        WaveguideType: Rectangular     //dimensionit is ofa therectangular waveguide in x
                        BModeType: 0.0134053TE 1 0                    //load the TE10 mode
  //dimension  of the waveguide in y
A: 0.028499          }
h3. Load TEM mode in a coax waveguide
   Port: {
    //dimension of the waveguide ReferenceNumber:in 2x
         Origin:     0.0, 0.0, 0.011
        ESolverB: {
0.0134053                Type: Analytic
          //dimension of the waveguide in  Mode: {y
                        WaveguideType: Coax}

Load TEM mode in a coax waveguide

Code Block

   Port: {
        ModeTypeReferenceNumber: TEM2
        Origin:        0.0, 0.0, 0.011
        AESolver: 0.0011{
   //smaller radius
            Type: Analytic
           B: 0.0033  //larger radius
 Mode: {


h3. Load TE11 mode in a circular waveguide
   Port: {
WaveguideType: Coax
                   ReferenceNumber: 2
    ModeType: TEM
   Origin:     0.0, 0.0, 0.1
        XDirection: 1.0,  0.0,   A: 0.0
0011  //smaller radius
     YDirection: 0.0,  1.0,    0.0
        ESolver: {
   B: 0.0033  //larger radius
         Type: Analytic

Load TE11 mode in a circular waveguide

Code Block
Mode:  {
   Port: {
        ReferenceNumber: 2
        Origin:   Waveguide type: Circular
   0.0, 0.0, 0.1
        XDirection: 1.0,  0.0,    0.0
       Mode typeYDirection: 0.0, TE 1 1.0,    0.0
        ESolver: {
                AType: 0.03Analytic
Mode:  {

h3. Load two TE modes in the same rectangular waveguide
  Port: {
   Waveguide   Reference numbertype: 9  // FPCCircular
      Origin: 0.0, 0.198907, -0.4479152585
      XDirection:  -1.0, 0.0, 0.0
     Mode YDirectiontype: 0.0, 0.0,TE 1 1.0
      ESolver:  {
      A: 0.03
      Type: Analytic
             Mode: {}

Load two TE modes in the same rectangular waveguide

Code Block

  Port: {
      Reference WaveguideTypenumber: Rectangular
9  // FPC
      Origin: 0.0, 0.198907, -0.4479152585
         ModeTypeXDirection: TE -1 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
      YDirection: 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
      ESolver:  {
    A: 0.1348935946  
      Type: Analytic
              BMode: 0.024973714999999970 {

  PortWaveguideType: { Rectangular
      Reference number: 9  // FPC
      Origin: 0.0, 0.198907, -0.4479152585
 ModeType: TE 1   XDirection:  -1.0, 0.0, 0.0
        YDirection: 0.0, 0.0, 1.0          A: 0.1348935946
      ESolver:  {
             TypeB: Analytic0.024973714999999970
 Mode:  {

  Port: {
      Reference number: 9      WaveguideType: Rectangular// FPC
      Origin: 0.0, 0.198907, -0.4479152585
            ModeTypeXDirection: TE 2 -1.0, 0.0, 0.0
      YDirection: 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
      ESolver: {
     A: 0.1348935946  
     Type: Analytic
               BMode: 0.024973714999999970  {
  WaveguideType: }

h3. Make a non-planar surface absorbing boundary
  Port: {
             ReferenceNumber: 5       ModeType: TE 2  0
   //reference surface ID
    Origin:     0.0, 0.0, 0.0     A:  //not used
      XDirection: 1.0, 0.0,    0.0    //not used
    YDirectionB: 0.0, 1.0,024973714999999970
     0.0    //not used
    ESolver: {}
      Type: Analytic}

Make a non-planar surface absorbing boundary

Code Block

  Port: Mode:{
    ReferenceNumber: 5              //reference    Mode number: 1surface ID
    Origin:     0.0, 0.0, 0.0       //not used
    Waveguide typeXDirection: ABC
 1.0, 0.0,    0.0    //not used
    YDirection: 0.0, 1.0,    0.0     Mode type//not used
    ESolver: ABC{
      Type: }Analytic

h3. LinearSolver options in EigenSolver container
* The first option is that user does not provide anything. The EigenSolver container in the input file looks like:
  EigenSolver: {
                       Mode number: 1
    FrequencyShift:       Waveguide type: ABC
 In this case, Omega3P will use the default option for linear solver for solving shifted linear systems

* The second option is to use Krylov subspace method with different preconditioner.
{code}Mode type: ABC

LinearSolver options in EigenSolver container

  • The first option is that user does not provide anything. The EigenSolver container in the input file looks like:
    Code Block
      EigenSolver: {
        NumEigenvalues:     1
        FrequencyShift:             10.e9


  • Tolerance: 


  • 1.e-8
    In this case, Omega3P will use the default option for linear solver for solving shifted linear systems
  • The second option is to use float version of the sparse direct solver.
    Code Block
      EigenSolver: {
        NumEigenvalues:     1
        FrequencyShift:             10.e9
        Preconditioner: MUMPSFLOAT //use the float version. memory usage reduced into half.
  • The third option is to use Krylov subspace method with different preconditioner.
    Code Block
      EigenSolver: {
        NumEigenvalues:     1
        FrequencyShift:             10.e9


  • Preconditioner: 


  • MP  










  • //this 


  • use 


  • p-version 


  • of 


  • multilevel 


  • preconditioner.


  •  }
    The code will choose either CG (real matrices) or GMRES (complex matrices) and the p-version
    of multilevel precondtioner as the solver for shifted linear systems.
  • The fourth option is to use out-of-core sparse direct solver (an experimental feature).
    Code Block
      EigenSolver: {
        NumEigenvalues:     1
        FrequencyShift:             10.e9
        Memory: 1000  //


  • if the 


  • memory 


  • usage 


  • of the matrix factor in any process is larger than 1000MBytes,
                                //switch to use out-of-core solver.


How to calculate Wallloss Quality Factor?

There are two ways to do so. Each way has its advantage and disadvantage.

  1. Inside ModelInfo.BoundaryCondition define a set of boundary surfaces as Exterior.
    For each of the boundary surfaces, have a corresponding SurfaceMaterial container inside ModelInfo.
    For example:
    Code Block
     ModelInfo: {
      File: .dds3.ncdf
      BoundaryCondition: {
        Magnetic: 1, 2, 3, 4
        Exterior: 6   // sideset 6 is defined as Exterior BC.
      SurfaceMaterial: {        // have a separate for each number in Exterior BC
        ReferenceNumber: 6  //the corresponding sideset in Exterior BC
        Sigma: 5.8e7            //electrical conductivity of the material
    After that, make sure you toggle the PostProcess on.
    Code Block
     PostProcess: {
      Toggle: on   // this should be on for computing wallloss Q
      ModeFile: ./dds
    After you run omega3p with the input file, you will get a file called "output" under the same directory. Inside the file, it has a summary of results such as:
    Code Block
                Mode : {
                    TotalEnergy : 4.4270939088102e-12
                    QualityFactor : 6478.5096350252
                    File : ./dds.l0.1.144469E+10.m0
                    PowerLoss : 4.9139118623939e-05
                    Frequency : 11444685657.626
    The number after QualityFactor is the one you are looking for. This method uses perturbation theory and has advantage that it is very simple. The computation associated with it is minimal.
  2. Inside ModelInfo.BoundaryCondition, define the set of surfaces as Impedance (instead of Exterior in method 1).
    Set the HFormulation to be 1 (this is very important). Also, have a set of corresponding SurfaceMaterials inside ModelInfo as those in method 1. For example:
    Code Block
     ModelInfo: {
      File: dds3.ncdf
      BoundaryCondition: {
        HFormulation: 1
        Magnetic: 1, 2, 3, 4
        Impedance: 6
      SurfaceMaterial: {
        ReferenceNumber: 6
        Sigma: 5.8e7
    After you run omega3p with the input, in the output file, you will see
    Code Block
            Mode = {
                TotalEnergy = { 6.2827077634198e-07, 0 },
                ExternalQ = 6579.1486638005,
                QualityFactor = inf,
                File = './dds.l0.R1.144619E+10I8.698837E+05.m0',
                PowerLoss = 0,
                Frequency = { 11446188331.641, 869883.69746227 }
    The number after ExternalQ is the wall loss Q you are looking for. During the omega3p run, it should also print out the Q information such as
    Code Block
    COMMIT MODE: 0 FREQ = (11446188331.64141,869883.6974622669)	 k = (239.8943683519209,0.01823141417003215)	 Q = 6579.148663800495
    Note that this method set an impedance boundary condition on those surfaces and make the eigenvalue problem complex and nonlinear. It takes more time and memory to solve the problem. But the field will be in the right phase (even close to the boundary surfaces).

Both methods should give you converged Q results if mesh is dense enough.