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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


Currently all the associations are stored on a single collection of AcdTkrHitPoca objects.  These are sorted by active distance.   This means that AcdTkrHitPoca's from later tracks can be placed before ones from the best track.  

Wiki MarkupIn the new algorithm the&nbsp; AcdTkrHitPoca are sorted by Veto esitmator.&nbsp; This is constructed by combining terms for the geometry and terms for the signal size &nbsp;&nbsp; VetoSigmaProj = active3D < 0 ? 0 :&nbsp; active3D / activeDist3DErrProj; &nbsp;&nbsp; VetoSigmaHit = 2. / algorithm the  AcdTkrHitPoca are sorted by Veto esitmator.  This is constructed by combining terms for the geometry and terms for the signal size
   VetoSigmaProj = active3D < 0 ? 0 :  active3D / activeDist3DErrProj;
   VetoSigmaHit = 2. / pocaData.m_cosTheta < totalMips ? 0 :&nbsp;   (( 2. / pocaData.m_cosTheta) - totalMips)/0.45&nbsp; \[ tiles \] &nbsp;&nbsp; VetoSigmaHit 45  [ tiles ]
   VetoSigmaHit =1.5 < totalMips ? 0 :&nbsp;   (1.5 - totalMips) \ [ ribbons \ ]

Both terms are constructed so that:


Currently all the associations are stored on a single collection of AcdTkrGapPoca objects.  These are sorted by active distance.   This means that AcdTkrGapPoca's from later tracks can be placed before ones from the best track.  

Wiki MarkupIn the new algorithm the&nbsp; AcdTkrGapPoca are sorted by VetoProbabliity.&nbsp; This is constructed by adding terms for the geometry and terms for the signal size &nbsp;&nbsp; VetoSigmaProj = Intergal of&nbsp; (distance / activeDist3DErrProj ) across the gap, then converted to sigma. We take the integral instead of just using the sigma to the near edge because care about the chance that the track went into the gap, not the chance that it missed the particular tile in question.&nbsp; This reduces the esimator if the gap is very small, or the error bars are large. &nbsp;&nbsp; VetoSigmaHit =1.5&nbsp; \[ gaps covered by ribbons \] &nbsp;&nbsp; VetoSigmaHit = 0 \[ gaps not covered by ribbons \algorithm the  AcdTkrGapPoca are sorted by VetoProbabliity.  This is constructed by adding terms for the geometry and terms for the signal size
   VetoSigmaProj = Intergal of  (distance / activeDist3DErrProj ) across the gap, then converted to sigma.
We take the integral instead of just using the sigma to the near edge because care about the chance that the track went into the gap, not the chance that it missed the particular tile in question.  This reduces the esimator if the gap is very small, or the error bars are large.
   VetoSigmaHit =1.5  [ gaps covered by ribbons ]
   VetoSigmaHit = 0 [ gaps not covered by ribbons ]

Both terms are constructed so that:
