Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


In addition there is an outstanding issue with zlib on rhel4, where it seems the libraries fails to build.  We'll have to see if that behavior continues in this next build. (zlib did fail again Oct 2, 2008)

As for tcl/tk 8.4, the plan is that we build python against the same version used by the ftools (sometimes referred to as heasoft).  We have a copy of heasoft installed at SLAC, currently on a rh9 build..but I'll be doing a rhel4 build soon.  That build is located at $GLASTROOT/applications/heasoft/

Versions installed:
numpy 1.2.0
pyfits 1.3
4SuiteXML 1.0.2

We have confirmed We should confirm with Jim Chiang whether that it is numpy or (rather than numarray) we should be supporting.


Emmaunel has installed python 2.5.  I no longer recall which is the more recent module...and I vaguely recall some of Zach Fewtrell's code used the older of the two - perhaps that has changed since last year.



1 at SLAC in the GLAST_EXT rh9_gcc32 area.  Documentation is available at

Testing has commenced:

numpy tested via

python -c 'import numpy; numpy.test()'

pyfits tested by grabbing a FT2 file from:  root:// then:

import pyfitshdulist ='')

4Suite-Xml tested via:

>>> from Ft.Xml import Domlette>>> from Ft.Xml.Xslt import Processor>>> print Processor<module 'Ft.Xml.Xslt.Processor' from '/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/rh9_gcc32/python/2.5.1-gl1/gcc32/lib/python2.5/Ft/Xml/Xslt/Processor.pyc'>


 Update (by Emmanuel Cephas)

  • Installed OmniOrb 4.1.2 at SLAC for rh9_gcc32 and the rhel4 machines
    • The OmniOrb 4.1.2 directory structure is consistent with the convention for SCons (replace rh9_gcc32 with rhel4_gcc34 or redhat4-i686-32bit for the rhel4 machines)
      • .../GLAST_EXT/rh9_gcc32/OmniOrb/4.1.2/gcc32/lib
      • .../GLAST_EXT/rh9_gcc32/OmniOrb/4.1.2/gcc32/include
      • etc..
  • Regenerated the following HepRepCorba files with omniidl  (SEE


  • ) and comitted them to CVS:
    • HepRHepEventServer.hh and
    • HepEventServer.hh and
  •  Testing has commenced.  Heather is testing OmniOrb against a locally modifed OmniOrb CMT requirements file (which points to the 4.1.2 version of OmniOrb with the new directory structure)


Moving to version:  v0r100
