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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Format of data etc

See PingER data flow at SLAC

Saving Analyzed data

The most likely data to be of use to others is the analyzed/aggregated data. This is kept in


/bin/ls: Argument list too long.
Exit 1

So following the guidance in we could try to write a script:

function large_cp ()
{       while read line1; do
                cp -v directory/$line1 /afs/slac/public/users/cottrell/metrics-100-by-node
ls -1 directory/ | large_cp

To provide maximum flexibility we decided to write a script ( to copy and tar the data.

The compression ratio is about 3.2. 

To increase the number of files we could change the ping size from 100 to 1000 (in average_rtt-100-by-node* for example) and the by-node to by-site, i.e. a factor of 4.



To provide maximum flexibility we decided to write a script (/afs/slac/package/pinger/ to copy and tar the data. 

 The directory looks as follows:

[cottrell@pinger ~]$ ls -l /afs/*.tar
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell sf  512297529 Sep 11 16:33 /afs/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell sf  755387730 Sep 11 17:00 /afs/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell sf 1640854797 Sep 11 13:58 /afs/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell sf  293583749 Sep 11 18:59 /afs/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell sf  259801856 Sep 11 19:40 /afs/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell sf 1018523005 Sep 11 14:27 /afs/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell sf  751314261 Sep 11 16:16 /afs/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell sf 1896982390 Sep 11 18:03 /afs/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell sf  297380470 Sep 11 19:53 /afs/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell sf 1464424282 Sep 11 13:16 /afs/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell sf  240217457 Sep 11 19:24 /afs/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell sf  425757104 Sep 11 15:54 /afs/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell sf 1995419214 Sep 11 15:33 /afs/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell sf  587342674 Sep 11 18:39 /afs/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell sf  273680921 Sep 11 18:16 /afs/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell sf  269081359 Sep 11 19:15 /afs/

The compression ratio is about 3.2:1. 

To increase the number of files we could change the ping size from 100 to 1000 (in average_rtt-100-by-node* for example) and the by-node to by-site, i.e. a factor of 4.

As of 9/13/2014 there are about 20GBytes of compressed data and 100,000 files. By 6/24/2019 there are about 33GBytes (do an ls -l /afs/*.tar, import into Excel and use space to divide into columns and sum up the Bytes column).

Multiply by say 3.2 to get uncompressed data and it is about  100GBytes.

Nb the following files do not gunzip:

[root@sc2u0n0 afs]# find . -name "*.gz"



I get:

268cottrell@pinger:/afs/slac/public/users/cottrell/conditional_loss_probability-100-by-node$gunzip /tmp/conditional_loss_probability-100-by-node-1998-02-20.txt.gz

gzip: /tmp/conditional_loss_probability-100-by-node-1998-02-20.txt.gz: invalid compressed data--crc error

gzip: /tmp/conditional_loss_probability-100-by-node-1998-02-20.txt.gz: invalid compressed data--length error

Updating Analyzed data in the archive

The FTP directory appears as:

Image Added

I.e. there are a directory and a tar file for each metric. There is also a  trscron job:

Code Block
lnxcron;480 00 4 * * * /opt/TWWfsw/bin/perl /afs/slac/package/pinger/ #Joao  that
makes the updates at 4:00am each morning.

This updates the above files.

Tar file

The tar file contains files for each day with the hourly data for all the days in the PingER archive

Image Added

The files appear as:

Code Block
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 312.466 290.641 284.717 293.712 272.983 286.128 282.721 280.938 305.152 309.595 302.656 293.713 310.015 282.700 299.544 297.096 288.092 286.728 285.082 285.459 297.283 300.526 290.449 295.673 631.613 588.780 611.781 629.670 580.149 631.359 690.517 526.923 584.238 635.444 749.802 786.702 869.685 981.443 837.803 956.452 858.124 652.750 723.169 704.219 1060.705 642.455 598.416 612.010

The directory contains the daily files that contain the hourly data for the last 6 months:

Image Added

The idea is that the analysis site uploads all the available data from the tar files and then one time can update its files for the last few days using this data from the metric directory, rather than transferring the full tar file (that contains many Gbytes compared to  the hundreds of GBytes in the daily files). The format of the daily files is the same as for the untarred files above. 


The data is available via anonymous ftp via, see here for more on retrieving the data.  For more information see:

Volume of analyzed data May , 2015. There is a script to assist with getting the data volumes at ~cottrell/bin/

Saving Raw Data

The raw data is the data initially recorded every 30 minutes by the measurement script as opposed to the analyzed and aggregated into hourly interval data above. For the record unzipped raw data records look like:

Code Block 100 1178841602 10 10 195.572 196.680 198.257 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 196 195 198 195 197 196 197 195 196 196

The hourly analyzed data has the advantage that it is cleaner since it has had filtering for some bad data, and the FTP archive for the analyzed data is updated daily etc. Gathered raw data for 1998-01 - 2007-07 is saved in 

Code Block
With files of the form:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pinger   iepm 584920 Jan  2  2007 ping-2007-01-01.txt.gz

Gathered data from 2007-07 onwards  is saved in:

Code Block

There are about 270K compressed raw data files in /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerdata/hep/data (found using

ls -l /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerdata/hep/data/* >! junk; wc junk), occupying 300GBytes.

There is also data in the space below but I am unsure of its provenance


Code Block
with files of the form:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell sf 52464462 Jul 20 18:11 ping-2007-04.txt


There is a script To save the raw data use the command /afs/slac/package/pinger/ You can get help on this script by going to and choosing from the pull down list. It lists the directory to find all hosts with data. For each of these hosts it copies all files with names starting ping-* into the anonymous ftp space, then it un-compresses it and tars and compresses it into the FTP space. Partial output from running the script is seen below.


Code Block
Time so far=7688 secs cmd=rm /afs/slac/public/users/cottrell/*
Fri Nov 13 10:14:50 2015 Took 1 secs, for rm /afs/slac/public/users/cottrell/*
Copy data for host(10/199/210)=drwxrwsr-x  2 iepm     iepm    31744 Jul 21 05:23 debug=0, production=true
Time so far=7689 secs cmd=cp -p /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerdata/hep/data/* /afs/slac/public/users/cottrell/
Fri Nov 13 10:15:28 2015 Took 38 secs, for cp -p /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerdata/hep/data/* /afs/slac/public/users/cottrell/
Time so far=7727 secs cmd=gunzip -f /afs/slac/public/users/cottrell/*
Fri Nov 13 10:17:06 2015 Took 98 secs, for gunzip -f /afs/slac/public/users/cottrell/*
Time so far=7825 secs cmd=tar -Pczf /afs/slac/public/users/cottrell/ /afs/slac/public/users/cottrell/*.txt
Fri Nov 13 10:18:04 2015 Took 58 secs, for tar -Pczf /afs/slac/public/users/cottrell/ /afs/slac/public/users/cottrell/*.txt
Fri Nov 13 10:18:04 2015: 168840707 bytes in /afs/slac/public/users/cottrell/, time so far=7883secs

This saves about 200 tar files in They are for data from 2007-07 forwards. They appear as directories with the directory name being the name of the PingER monitoring agent (MA) host.  For example

Image Added

The files are tar files and compressed. Together they occupy about 70GBytes compressed or about 300GBytes uncompressed.

Information on each host MA can be found by going to which can be require'd in a perl script, or for currently working MAs  or in the XML file


/pingerworld/rss.xml .

A directory of the files (using ls -l /afs/slac/public/users/cottrell/*/*tar) can be found here.