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Problems accessing data, or data seems to have disappeared

Two things to check:

  1. Have you been given access to view the data?
  2. Has the data been removed due to the data retention policy?


If the directory is visible but run 68 is not there, it maybe that the data was removed due to the Data Retention Policy Version 2. The data is still available on disk and can be restored using the Web Portal of Experiments.

If the xtc directory is not visible, make sure you are running on a node that can see the data (i.e, you are on a psana node, rather than a psdev or pslogin node). If it is still not visible, email

How do I


Follow the instructions here: Submitting Batch Jobs


keep programs running if a ssh connection fails

See if you can use the LSF batch nodes for your work. If not, see if nomachine technology will work. Otherwise, there are three unix programs to help with this are tmux, nohup and screen. None of these programs will preserve a graphical program, or a X11 connection, so run your programs in terminal mode.


Here we are capturing the output of the program in myoutput, along with anything it writes to stderr (the 2>&1), then putting it in the background. The job will persist after you logout. You can take a look at the output in the file myoutput the next day. As with tmux you will need to remember the node you launched nohup on.

Why did my batch job


fail? I'm getting 'command not found'

Before running your script, make sure you can run something, for instance do


Check that myscript is executable by yourself, check that you have the correct #! line to start the script.

sit_setup fails in script using ssh

Users have run into issues in the following scenario


Typically option 1) works best.


Topics specific to Psana

Where is my epics variable?

Make sure it is a epics variable - it may be a control monitor variable. An easy way to see what is in the file is to use psana modules that dump data.  For instance:


will almost always show what control variables are defined. It defaults to use the standard Source "ProcInfo()" for control data. It is possible (though very unlikely) for control data to come from a different source. One can use the EventKeys module to see all Source's present, and then specify the source for  DumpControl through a config file.

How do I access data inside a Psana class?

Look for an example in the psana_examples package that dumps this class. There should be both a C++ and Python module that dumps data for the class.

How do I find out the experiment number (expNum) or experiment?

Psana stores both the experiment and expNum in the environment object - Env that Modules are passed, or that one obtains from the DataSource in interactive Psana. See Interactive Analysis document and the C++ reference for Psana::Env

Why isn't there anything in the Psana Event?

This may be due to a problem in the DAQ software that was used during the experiment. The DAQ software may have incorrectly been setting the L3 trim flag. This flag is supposed to be set for events that should not processed (perhaps they did not meet a scientific criteria involving beam energy). When the flag is set, there should be very little in the xtc datagram - save perhaps epics updates. Psana (as of release ana-0.10.2 from October 2013) will by default not deliver these events to the user. The bug is that the flag was set when there was valid data. To force psana to look inside datagram's where L3T was set, use the option l3t-accept-only. To use this option from the command line do:

psana -o psana.l3t-accept-only=0 ...

Or you can add the option to your psana configuration file (if you are using one):


It seems that for as much as 5% of the time, CsPad DataV2 is not in the Event

The only distinction between CsPad DataV1 and DataV2 is the sparsification of particular sections as given in the configuration object. That is DataV2 may be sparser. The actual hardware is kicking out DataV1 but the DAQ event builder is making a DataV2 when it can. Sometimes the DAQ sends the original DataV1 instead of the DataV2. This can be due to limited resources, in particular competition with resources required for compressing cspad in the xtc files. If you do not find a DataV2 in the Event, look for a DataV2

How do I set psana verbosity from the config file?

Most all psana options can be set from both the config file as well as the command line. Unfortunately verbosity cannot be set from a config file. That is


turns on trace or debug level MsgLog messages. The above examples were tested with the bash shell. For full details on configuring the MsgLogger through the MSGLOGCONFIG environment variables, see

Strange Results after doing Math with data in Python

One thing to bear in mind with the data in the Python interface, the detector data is almost always returns as a numpy array of an integral type. For example, after getting a waveform of Acqiris data, if you were to print it out during an interactive Python session, you might see


waveform = waveform.astype(np.float)

Specialized Psana Options, liveTimeOut, firstControlStream, etc

There are a number of specialized options in psana that we do not generally document in the main user documentation. These are options that engineers or , points of contact (POC's), or possibly users may need to deal with special circumstances. We document these here - package.module.optionThese are described in the table below:

package.module.option or psana.optiondata typeoption description


integerlive time out in seconds run running in live mode (defaults to 120)
PSXtcInput.XtcInputModule.runLiveTimeoutintegerstarting in ana-0.13.17, live time out when waiting for a new run (defaults to 0)
psana.first_control_streamintegerwhich stream starts the control or IOC streams (xtcav, etc) defaults to 80
psana.l3t-accept-onlyboolwhen true, checks for trimmed datagrams. If the datagram is trimmed, it does not trigger an event for the user. Trimmed datagrams should be empty. There was a case where trimming was not set up properly, and we needed to turn this off to see the data. Note - this is different then the l3t pass/fail that users POC's may setup - though one does not expect trimmed data unless the l3t is a fail.




Topics specific to hdf5

Why is there both CsPad DataV2 and CsPad DataV1 in the translation?

The only distinction between CsPad DataV1 and DataV2 is the sparsification of particular sections as given in the configuration object. That is DataV2 may be sparser. The actual hardware is kicking out DataV1 but the DAQ event builder is making a DataV2 when it can. Sometimes the DAQ sends the original DataV1 instead of the DataV2. This can be due to limited resources, in particular competition with resources required for compressing cspad in the xtc files.

How do I write hdf5 files from C++ or Python


From Python we recommend h5py. For interactive Python, an example is found at Using h5py to Save Data.
For Python you can also use pytables. This is installed in the analysis release. Do

import tables

In your Python code.


psana.allow-corrupt-epicsboolfor data from before approximately July 2014 when the DAQ epics archiver recorded different variables at different rates, the index files do not contain enough information to properly get access the correct epics values. When this happens, and the user is running in index mode, psana will exit with a fatal error. Setting this flag to True will allow psana to analyze these runs (in index mode) but some of the epics data could be corrupted.




Topics specific to hdf5

Why is there both CsPad DataV2 and CsPad DataV1 in the translation?

The only distinction between CsPad DataV1 and DataV2 is the sparsification of particular sections as given in the configuration object. That is DataV2 may be sparser. The actual hardware is kicking out DataV1 but the DAQ event builder is making a DataV2 when it can. Sometimes the DAQ sends the original DataV1 instead of the DataV2. This can be due to limited resources, in particular competition with resources required for compressing cspad in the xtc files.

How do I write hdf5 files from C++ or Python


From Python we recommend h5py. For interactive Python, an example is found at Using h5py to Save Data.
For Python you can also use pytables. This is installed in the analysis release. Do

import tables

In your Python code.


If developing a Psana module to process xtc, consider splitting your module into a C++ module which puts ndarrays in the event store, and a Python module which retrieves them and writes the hdf5 file using h5py.
You can also work with the C interface to hdf5.  hdf5 is installed as a package in the analysis release. From your C++ If developing a Psana module to process xtc, consider splitting your module into a C++ module which puts ndarrays in the event store, and a Python module which retrieves them and writes the hdf5 file using h5py.
You can also work with the C interface to hdf5.  hdf5 is installed as a package in the analysis release. From your C++ code, do

#include "hdf5/hdf5.h"


Psana Modules - Using the Translator:

The Psana ddl based Translator can be used to write ndarrays, strings and a few simple types that C++ modules register. These will be organized in the same groups that we use to translate xtc to hdf5. Datasets with event times will be written as well. To use this, create a psana config file that turns off the translation of all xtc types but allows translation of ndarrays and strings. An example cfg file is here: psana_translate_noxtc.cfg You would just change the modules and files parameters for psana and the output_file parameter to Translator.H5Output. Load modules before the translator that put ndarrays into the event store. The Translator will pick them up and write them to the hdf5 file


Here we cover topics specific to the offline TimeTool module. The TimeTool results can be obtained in one of two ways depending on the experimental setup. The first is directly during data acquisition, the second is during offline analysis using the psana module TimeTool.Analyze. Regrading data acquisition, for data recorded prior to Oct 13, 2014, the timetool results were always recorded as EPICS PV's. After Oct 13, 2014, they are still recorded as EPICS PV's, but also recorded in their own data type: TimeTool::DataV*. The version increments as the time tool develops. For data recorded up to around November 2014, this was DataV1. Around December of 2014 it changed to DataV2. The preferred method of accessing the data is through the high level DataV* objects, but users must take care to use the correct type. EPICS PV's are still provided for backward compatibility. Regarding offline analysis with the TimeTool.Analyze psana module, similarly to the experiment data files, this module puts a TimeTool::DataV* object in the event store depending on the version of the software. The initial versions of the software put a collection of floats, or ndarrays in the event store (for backward compatibility, it still puts the floats in the event store). Documentation on the psana TimeTool modules can be found in the psana - Module Catalog.

The case studies below reference code in the TimeToolExamples package from the svn users repository at SLAC. The simplest way to work through these case studies is to add this package to a test release and build/run the code - potentially modifying it to run on the experimental data that you are have access to. If you are not at SLAC, downloads of the code are provides below.

Assuming you are at SLAC, start by making a test release:

newrel ana-current myrel
cd myrel
addpkg -u TimeToolExamples V00-00-06

If you have any trouble with the addpkg -u command, you may need to do


to get a kerberos ticket to access the users svn repository. This tag (V00-00-06) has been tested with ana-0.13.10 and should work with later releases as well as earlier releases starting with ana-0.13.3. This is the release when the TimeTool.Analyze package started to use the TimeTool::DataV* objects. It will not work with releases prior to this.

The package includes scripts in the TimeToolExamples/app subdirectory. It is intended that users will modify these scripts for their purposes.

*IMPORTANT* after modifying a script in the app sub-directory of a package, you *MUST* run scons. This installs a copy of the script (with a modification to the #! line) in the myrel/arch directory. The file in myrel/arch is what is actually run.

SXR case study: EVR BYKICK signals no beam

This is the most straightforward way to run the TimeTool and, I believe, the expected way it is run in SXR. The laser is always on, but the beam is not present when the evr bykick code is present. The TimeTool.Analyze module will build up a reference during the BYKICK shots, and compute results for all other shots. An example script which executes this scenario can be found in


After installing the package in a test release as described above and running scons, do

tt_sxr_bykick -h

to get help from the script. The script was developed/tested against this data:

tt_sxr_bykick -e sxri0214 -r 158 -n 100

The -n option is a testing option that limits the number of events to the first 100. The script generated a log plot of the image and plots the time tool pixel position result over the plot.

One can read the code for the script here:

Code Block
titlett_sxr_bykick code
Runs the TimeTool module on a given run and experiment. Uses BYKICK evr code to
identify reference shots (nobeam, but laser present). Plots results.
import argparse
import sys
import psana
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# psana options for main() function below. This
# has the same information as a psana config file, however we include it in the
# script so we can be sure to use the same values in our Python code. This is 
# basically a transcription of the TimeTool/data/sxr_timetool.cfg file into the
# Python dictionary that we can use to set psana options from a script as opposed to
# a config file.
psanaOptions = {
    ########## psana configuration #################
    ########## TimeTool.Analyze configuration #######
    #  Key for fetching timetool camera image
    #  Results are written to <put_key>
    #  Indicate absence of beam for updating reference
    #  Indicate events to skip (no laser, for example)
    #  Polynomial coefficients for position_time calculation
    'TimeTool.Analyze.calib_poly':'0 1 0',
    #  Project onto X axis?
    #  Minimum required bin value of projected data
    #  ROI (x) for signal
    'TimeTool.Analyze.sig_roi_x':'0 1023',
    #  ROI (y) for signal
    'TimeTool.Analyze.sig_roi_y':'408 920',
    #  ROI (x) for sideband
    'TimeTool.Analyze.sb_roi_x':'' ,
    #  ROI (y) for sideband
    #  Rolling average convergence factor (1/Nevents)
    #  Rolling average convergence factor (1/Nevents)
    #  Read weights from a text file
    #  Indicate presence of beam from IpmFexV1::sum() [monochromator]
    #           'TimeTool.Analyze.ipm_beam_threshold':'',
    #  Load initial reference from file
    #  Save final reference to file
    #  Generate histograms for initial events, dumped to root file
    #  Filter weights
    'TimeTool.Analyze.weights':'0.00940119 -0.00359135 -0.01681714 -0.03046231 -0.04553042 -0.06090473 -0.07645332 -0.09188818 -0.10765874 -0.1158105  -0.10755824 -0.09916765 -0.09032289 -0.08058788 -0.0705904  -0.06022352 -0.05040479 -0.04144206 -0.03426838 -0.02688114 -0.0215419  -0.01685951 -0.01215143 -0.00853327 -0.00563934 -0.00109415  0.00262359  0.00584445  0.00910484  0.01416929  0.0184887   0.02284319  0.02976289  0.03677404  0.04431778  0.05415214  0.06436626  0.07429347  0.08364909  0.09269116  0.10163601  0.10940983  0.10899065  0.10079016  0.08416471  0.06855799  0.05286105  0.03735241  0.02294275  0.00853613',
def hatLogTransform(X, preLogOffset=5.0):
    '''For plotting, we transform X to be 
    log(b+X)-log(b)       for the non-negative values of X and 
    -(log(|-b+X|)-log(b)) for the negative values of X
    where b is preLogOffset above. Setting b to 1.0 (min)  emphasizs values between -1 and 1.
    assert preLogOffset >= 1.0
    nonNegative = X >= 0.0
    negative = np.logical_not(nonNegative)
    X[nonNegative] = np.log(preLogOffset+X[nonNegative]) - np.log(preLogOffset)
    X[negative] = -(np.log(np.abs(-preLogOffset+X[negative])) - np.log(preLogOffset))
def plotEvent(camera, bkg, position_pixel, sig_roi_x, sig_roi_y, preLogOffset, stopAfterPlot, plot_offset_x, plotTitle=''):
    '''Creates and clears figure 1. plots hatLogTransform(camera-bkg, preLogOffset). Overlays with a 
    vertical line at position_pixel + plot_offset.
    Optional parameters sig_roi_x, sig_roi_y are for bounding box (where position_pixel was
    computed from) and interactive allows user to hit enter to keep plot on screen.
    opalArr = camera - bkg
    hatLogTransform(opalArr, preLogOffset)
    # plot bounding box where signal computed from
    x1,x2 = sig_roi_x
    y1,y2 = sig_roi_y
    plt.plot([x1, x2, x2, x1, x1],
             [y1, y1, y2, y2, y1], '-y', linewidth=2, label='roi')
    # plot pixel poisition, add offset 
    plt.plot([position_pixel + plot_offset_x, 
              position_pixel + plot_offset_x],
             [max(1, y1-10), 
              min(opalArr.shape[1], y2+10)], '-r', linewidth=1, label='timeTool position')
    if stopAfterPlot:
        raw_input("hit enter to continue: ")
def main(experiment, run, numEvents, stopAfterPlot, plotBias, preLogOffset, psanaOptions):
    global EVR_BYKICK
    ref_avg_fraction = psanaOptions['TimeTool.Analyze.ref_avg_fraction']
    sig_roi_x = map(int,psanaOptions['TimeTool.Analyze.sig_roi_x'].split())
    sig_roi_y = map(int,psanaOptions['TimeTool.Analyze.sig_roi_y'].split())
    put_key = psanaOptions['TimeTool.Analyze.put_key']
    ds = psana.DataSource('exp=%s:run=%d'%(experiment, run))
    evrSrc = psana.Source('DetInfo(NoDetector.0:Evr.0)')
    opalSrc = psana.Source(psanaOptions['TimeTool.Analyze.get_key'])
    lastByKick = 0
    ourOwnRef = None
    for idx,evt in enumerate(
        evr = evt.get(psana.EvrData.DataV3, evrSrc)
        if evr is None: continue
        evrCodes = [fifoEvent.eventCode() for fifoEvent in evr.fifoEvents()]
        frame = evt.get(psana.Camera.FrameV1, opalSrc)
        if frame is None: continue
        timetool = evt.get(psana.TimeTool.DataV1, put_key) 
        if EVR_BYKICK in evrCodes:
            cameraFrame = np.array(frame.data16(),dtype=np.float)
            if ourOwnRef is None:
                ourOwnRef = cameraFrame
                ourOwnRef = ref_avg_fraction * cameraFrame + (1.0-ref_avg_fraction)*ourOwnRef
            print "event %4d has BYKICK. events since last BYKICK=%4d. evr codes: %s" % (idx, idx-lastByKick, ','.join(map(str,evrCodes)))
        if timetool is not None:
            ratio_ampl_nxt = timetool.amplitude()/(1e-30+timetool.nxt_amplitude())
            print "event %4d has TIMETOOL. pos_pixel=%7.1f amplitude=%7.1e amplitude/nxt_amplitude=%.4f" % \
                        (idx, timetool.position_pixel(), timetool.amplitude(), ratio_ampl_nxt)
            cameraFrame = np.array(frame.data16(),dtype=np.float)
            plotTitle = 'scaled plot of Opal camera - ref. Both positive and negative values on log scale.'
            plotEvent(cameraFrame, ourOwnRef, timetool.position_pixel(), sig_roi_x, sig_roi_y, 
                      preLogOffset, stopAfterPlot, plotBias, plotTitle=plotTitle)
        if numEvents > 0 and idx > numEvents: 
if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
    parser.add_argument('-e', '--exp', type=str, help="experiment, for example sxri0214", required=True)
    parser.add_argument('-r', '--run', type=int, help="run, for example 158", required=True)
    parser.add_argument('-n', '--events', type=int, help="number of events to process, default (0) means all", default=0)
    parser.add_argument('-b', '--plotbias', type=float, help="amount to add to pixel_position during plots, correct for fixed bias", default=26.0)
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--stop', action='store_true', help="when plotting, stop after each plot and wait for user input", default=False)
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--logoffset', type=float, help="for plotting, how to adjust log plot, log(A+x) where x is this parameter", default=1.0)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    main(experiment = args.exp, 
         run =, 
         numEvents =, 
         stopAfterPlot = args.stop,
         plotBias = args.plotbias, 
         preLogOffset = args.logoffset,
         psanaOptions = psanaOptions)



SXR case study: reference/signal in different runs


Chunks, compression, and why is my random access algorithm so slow?

Be default, Hdf5 files are translated in compressed chunks. The compression (standard gzip, with deflate=1 (the range in [0,9])) reduces file size by about 50%. The chunk size varies with the data type. The chunk policy focuses on not having too many chunks, as we believe this degrades performance. Typically we shoot for chunks of 16MB, however for full cspad, this is only 4 objects per chunk - so we default to using 22 objects per chunk - or 100MB chunks. This is fine for a program that linearly reads through a hdf5 file, or a parallel program that divides the file into sections - i.e, start, middle, end, but it is not optimal for a random access analysis.If you read one cspad, you read the other 21 in its chunk, and decompressed the whole 100MB chunk.

In terms of how this plays with the filesystem cache, and hdf5 cache, the filesystem will cache the original data in the hdf5 - so if you revisit cspad from the same chunk, the compressed data may be cached by the filesystem, but hdf5 will have to decompress the whole chunk again. Now hdf5 maintains it's own chunk cache which stores recently used chunks (uncompressed). There is one cache global cache, but one can also create caches on a per dataset basis. The Translator creates datasets with a cache to hold 3 chunks - so a 300MB cache for a cspad dataset. This information is available to any program that reads the hdf5 file, but whether or not it is used is unclear. If you are writing your own program to read an hdf5 file, you can set the overall chunk cache, as well as per dataset cache's explicitly.

There are options with translation to control the objects per chunk. One can also turn off compression when translating.


The TimeTool results can be obtained in one of two ways depending on the experimental setup. The first is directly during data acquisition, the second is during offline analysis using the psana module TimeTool.Analyze. Regrading data acquisition, for data recorded prior to Oct 13, 2014, the timetool results were always recorded as EPICS PV's. After Oct 13, 2014, they are recorded in their own data type: TimeTool::DataV*. The version increments as the time tool develops. For data recorded up to around November 2014, this was DataV1. Around December of 2014 it changed to DataV2. Regarding offline analysis with the TimeTool.Analyze psana module, similarly to the experiment data files, this module puts a TimeTool::DataV* object in the event store depending on the version of the software. Please see the documentation on the TimeTool in the Psana Module Catalog - TimeTool Package


An error occurred during authentication

This is a common error when a user has not obtained an AFS token. You can obtain a token with:


The TimeToolExamples package discusses above includes two files for this case study. The first is the script that designates the sxr experiment data to run on. It is the file TimeToolExamples/app/tt_sxrd5814. You can immediately take a look at the code here: tt_sxrd5814. The second is a library of functions called by the driver script: TimeToolExamples/src/ that you can download here: Instead of the addpkg command above, one can do

newpkg mypkg
mkdir mypkg/src
mkdir mypkg/app

and download the files into


and run


to build the code. The run the script, from the release directory do


Note, users of other experiments will not be able to access the data from this experiment. You will want to modify TimeToolExamples/app/tt_sxrd5814 to read your own data. Note the warning above about running scons after modifying a script in the app subdirectory.


Code Block
ttref_sxrd5814_r0144.txt       # reference that TimeTool.Analayze produced
ttref_sxrd5814_r0144.npy       # our own background reference for plotting
tt_sxrd5814_r0150.h5           # the h5 file with the timetool results for r150


Code Block
h5ls -r tt_sxrd5814_r0150.h5 
/Configure:0000/Run:0000/CalibCycle:0000/TimeTool::DataV1/noSrc__TTANA/data Dataset {500/Inf}
/Configure:0000/Run:0000/CalibCycle:0000/TimeTool::DataV1/noSrc__TTANA/time Dataset {500/Inf}


Code Block
psanacs058:~/rel/TimeTool3 $ h5ls -v tt_sxrd5814_r0150.h5/Configure:0000/Run:0000/CalibCycle:0000/TimeTool::DataV1/noSrc__TTANA/data
data                     Dataset {500/Inf}
    Location:  1:8396
    Links:     1
    Chunks:    {2048} 114688 bytes
    Storage:   28000 logical bytes, 114688 allocated bytes, 24.41% utilization
    Type:      struct {
                   "event_type"       +0    enum native unsigned int {
                       Dark             = 0
                       Reference        = 1
                       Signal           = 2
                   "amplitude"        +8    native double
                   "position_pixel"   +16   native double
                   "position_time"    +24   native double
                   "position_fwhm"    +32   native double
                   "ref_amplitude"    +40   native double
                   "nxt_amplitude"    +48   native double
               } 56 bytes

This shows you the six fields with the TimeTool DataV1 (there may be more if you are working with DataV2 or later), and also the enum values for the first field that identifies the event type.
