Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin


 The RRD files can be found at /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerdata/hep/RRDCache 


an in depth description of the actual rrd commands used to create the rrds and the relevant update code should be defined here. Note that this should be agnostic of the perl code (ie command line usage should be possibel from your examples)



overview of the how the files interrelate; how the program scripts are run (detail of the cron jobs etc).

Package Description

This is the Perl module that acts as a daemon process and runs as a cron every night, to call the main conversion module, which is the As it traverses the PingER data and converts it into SmokePing format .rrd files using the, it also enters information into the srcdest.txt file of the data converted. This information includes the name of monitoring sites and under the name of each monitoring site is listed the identification keys corresponding each monitoring site. The identification key consists of the following information with an underscore between each piece of information:

  • The monitoring site host name
  • The remote site host name
  • Number of bytes per ping
  • Number of pings sent to remote host

An example of information contained in the srcdest.txt file is:

Code Block


The four stars separate the information of one monitoring site from the other. The benefit of this srcdest.txt file is that a list of keys against which the converted data is available, is formed so that when a user clicks on one item in the list the graph.cgi can plot the converted data against the key. Conversely if the file was not there, and the user entered his choice of monitoring site, remote site, ping packet site, number of ping packets hoping that the data for this combination is present, he might be  wrong. It's easy for the user to select what exists, then to let him guess by allowing him to make the selection. 

This is the main conversion code, which is called by the daemon process daily to convert the data for the last 120 days from that date. After an RRD file has been formed for a single source and destination pair (and number of bytes per ping and pings per remote site), then next day only one day's data will be appended at the end of the file and the data for the first day removed. In this way there will always be data in the file for the "last" 120 days. It is necessary to mention that PingER files within a particular folder consist of all the data for a source (one folder for each source is there).

CGI Modules 

There are three CGI modules. 


Displays the data in srcdest.txt file to the user, so that the user can make his selection


Generates graphs using the rrd graph method. 


It is called from graph.cgi and displays the contents of the image to the user. 







 The three main functions used are: 




 Command line usage

Code Block

rrdtool create sss.rrd --start 1174347943 --step 1800 DS:uptime:GAUGE:3600:0:UDS:loss:GAUGE:3600:0:UDS:median:GAUGE:3600:0:
Code Block

rrdtool update sss.rrd 1174477592 : NaN:0:0.0251:0.0248:0.0249:0.025:0.025:0.0251:0.0251:0.0251:0.0252:0.0254:0.026


The scripts that produce the Pinger data files and the RRD files are placed at : /afs/ (Added by AmberZeb 03/07/2012)

The scripts that produce the RRDs are located in /afs/slac/g/scs/net/netmon/pinger_smokeping/bin.
The CGI scripts are located in /afs/slac/g/www/cgi-wrap-bin/net/shahryar/smokeping.


overview of the how the files interrelate; how the program scripts are run (detail of the cron jobs etc).

Package Description

This is the Perl module that acts as a daemon process and runs as a cron every night, to call the main conversion module, which is the As it traverses the PingER data and converts it into SmokePing format .rrd files using the, it also enters information into the srcdest.txt file of the data converted. This information includes the name of monitoring sites and under the name of each monitoring site is listed the identification keys corresponding each monitoring site. The identification key consists of the following information with an underscore between each piece of information:

  • The monitoring site host name
  • The remote site host name
  • Number of bytes per ping
  • Number of pings sent to remote host

An example of information contained in the srcdest.txt file is:

Code Block

The four stars separate the information of one monitoring site from the other. The benefit of this srcdest.txt file is that a list of keys against which the converted data is available, is formed so that when a user clicks on one item in the list the graph.cgi can plot the converted data against the key. Conversely if the file was not there, and the user entered his choice of monitoring site, remote site, ping packet site, number of ping packets hoping that the data for this combination is present, he might be  wrong. It's easy for the user to select what exists, then to let him guess by allowing him to make the selection. 

This is the main conversion code, which is called by the daemon process daily to convert the data for the last 120 days from that date. After an RRD file has been formed for a single source and destination pair (and number of bytes per ping and pings per remote site), then next day only one day's data will be appended at the end of the file and the data for the first day removed. In this way there will always be data in the file for the "last" 120 days. It is necessary to mention that PingER files within a particular folder consist of all the data for a source (one folder for each source is there).

CGI Modules 

There are three CGI modules. 


Displays the data in srcdest.txt file to the user, so that the user can make his selection


Generates graphs using the rrd graph method. 


It is called from graph.cgi and displays the contents of the image to the user. 



This program is to be setup as a cron job to run every 24 hours (after installing on a server with a PingER data source)
This script is to be run once the data for all sources have been brought to the server from various monitoring sites using
This program finds unique SourceSite_DestinationSite_PacketsSize_NumberOfPings(maximum) combinations and creates a srcdest.txt file agaist each combination.
It calls the PingERtoSmokeping application to convert the data agaist each of the unique SourceSite_DestinationSite_PacketsSize_NumberOfPings(maximum) combinations found. is a tool to convert PingER data files into Smokeping data files.
The output of this program is an rrd file for a SourceSite_DestinationSite_PacketsSize_NumberOfPing combination present in a PingER data file.
This tool does not take any arguments from command line.

Configuration files



The file that stores unique SourceSite_DestinationSite_PacketsSize_NumberOfPings(maximum) combinations found in PingER data.




Displays the  SourceSite_DestinationSite_PacketsSize_NumberOfPings(maximum) RRDs(data) available for the monitoring site or node slected from by user.


Generates graphs from the rrd files on the fly and display them to the user and then deletes the graph from cache


Displays the contents of the image to the user

Detailed description can be found at MAGGIE - SEECS - Smokeping.

Performance Analysis

 In order to get  list of unique Source Destination pairs (links) used to traverses through all the raw pinger files for the last 120 days and generated the list. This was extremely expensive in terms  of time consumed so we needed to reduce this. This was reduced to one day which made the code 120 times more faster.

I used the Benchmark library and applied it on create_File function. Here is the result of creating 10 RRDs on nfs space

Code Block

CreateRRD took:38 wallclock secs (19.76 usr  3.99


... is a tool to convert PingER data files into Smokeping data files.
The output of this program is an rrd file for a SourceSite_DestinationSite_PacketsSize_NumberOfPing combination present in a PingER data file.
This tool does not take any arguments from command line.


Configuration files






The file that stores unique SourceSite_DestinationSite_PacketsSize_NumberOfPings(maximum) combinations found in PingER data.










Generates graphs from the rrd files on the fly and display them to the user and then deletes the graph from cache




Displays the contents of the image to the user

Detailed description can be found at



perhaps you should develop an automated installation script rather than document all of this.

  • Modify the following path to point to the bin directory containing the
    Code Block
    use lib qw(/home/bin);
  • Change following paths according to local system. Point this path to the pinger data files directory
    Code Block
    my $some_dir="/home/pinger/pingerdata/hep/data";
  • Point this path to the directory SRCDEST_FILE
    Code Block
    my $srcdest="/home/SRCDEST_FILE";

  • When installing PingERtoSmokeping, this file has to be adjusted to fit your local system. Two paths have to be changed. These path is located at the begining of PingERtoSmokeping:The $main_path should point to the source folder which contains the PingER files
  • Code Block
    my $main_path='/home/PingER_Data_Storage/';
  • The $pathofrrdcache should point to the folder RRDCache, which will contain the RRDs
    Code Block
    my $pathofrrdcache="/home/RRDCache"; 
  • Change the mainpath to point to the srcdest.txt file
    Code Block
    my $mainpath="/home/SRCDEST_FILE/srcdest.txt";
  • Change this path to point to the folder contaning the file:
    Code Block
  • Add following lines to the current mon-lib, rigth above the if ($type =~ /HISTO/) or use the mon-lib file available with the distribution
    Code Block
    if ($type =\~ /SMOKE/) {
    $site = "$table\[$i\]\[$nodecolumn-5\]";
     {$more = "&by=node";}
     {$more = "&by=site";}
     $label = "";
     $min = "";
     $data = "";
  • Add the following line into
    Code Block
    $config{URLCOLUMN0} = "SMOKE http://www.<server>.com/OtherParams2.cgi?src_regexp= ";
  • This is to be added above the following line:
    Code Block
    $config{URLCOLUMN1} = "COLLECTION ";
  • Change the following path to point to 'rrdtool' installation 
    Code Block
    use lib qw( /usr/local/rrdtool-1.2.12/lib/perl );
  • Change following link(present on line 36,242) to point to installation of Graph.cgi:
    Code Block
  • also modify the following relative path to GraphCache from folder containg Graph.cgi
    Code Block
    my $imgsrc='../GraphCache';
    It is used in:
    line (IMG SRC=\'$imgsrc/$destlink1.png\')
    line (IMG SRC=\'$imgsrc/$destlink1"."_mini.png\')



Performance Analysis

 In order to get  list of unique Source Destination pairs (links) used to traverses through all the raw pinger files for the last 120 days and generated the list. This was extremely expensive in terms  of time consumed so we needed to reduce this. This was reduced to one day which made the code 120 times more faster.

I used the Benchmark library and applied it on create_File function. Here is the result of creating 10 RRDs on nfs space

Code Block

CreateRRD took:38 wallclock secs (19.76 usr&nbsp; 3.99 sys \+&nbsp; 2.57 cusr&nbsp; 0.82 csys = 27.14 CPU)
CreateRRD took:38 wallclock secs (20.06 usr&nbsp; 3.39 sys \+&nbsp; 2.46 cusr&nbsp; 0.84 csys = 26.75 CPU)
CreateRRD took:67 wallclock secs (21.25 usr&nbsp; 9.75 sys \+&nbsp; 2.49 cusr&nbsp; 1.03 csys = 34.52 CPU)
CreateRRD took:66 wallclock secs (21.19 usr&nbsp; 9.06 sys \+&nbsp; 2.73 cusr&nbsp; 0.90 csys = 33.88 CPU)
CreateRRD took:68 wallclock secs (20.97 usr&nbsp; 9.47 sys \+&nbsp; 2.78 cusr&nbsp; 0.74 csys = 33.96 CPU)
CreateRRD took:68 wallclock secs (20.80 usr&nbsp; 9.40 sys \+&nbsp; 2.44 cusr&nbsp; 0.96 csys = 33.60 CPU)
CreateRRD took:23 wallclock secs (19.19 usr&nbsp; 0.86 sys \+&nbsp; 2.27 cusr&nbsp; 0.91 csys = 23.23 CPU)
CreateRRD took:23 wallclock secs (19.09 usr&nbsp; 1.13 sys \+&nbsp; 2.55 cusr&nbsp; 0.92 csys = 23.69 CPU)
CreateRRD took:66 wallclock secs (21.13 usr&nbsp; 8.45 sys \+&nbsp; 2.53 cusr&nbsp; 0.93 csys = 33.04 CPU)
CreateRRD took:67 wallclock secs (21.24 usr&nbsp; 9.61 sys \+&nbsp; 2.23 cusr&nbsp; 0.91 csys = 33.99 CPU)


    I created the same 10 RRD files on local disk, clearly its less expensive to write to local disk.

Code Block

CreateRRD took:22 wallclock secs (19.75 usr&nbsp; 0.79 sys \+&nbsp; 2.60 cusr&nbsp; 0.75 csys = 23.89 CPU)
CreateRRD took:21 wallclock secs (19.66 usr&nbsp; 0.85 sys \+&nbsp; 2.70 cusr&nbsp; 0.76 csys = 23.97 CPU)
CreateRRD took:24 wallclock secs (20.49 usr&nbsp; 1.44 sys \+&nbsp; 2.49 cusr&nbsp; 0.83 csys = 25.25 CPU)
CreateRRD took:23 wallclock secs (20.77 usr&nbsp; 1.11 sys \+&nbsp; 2.5357 cusr&nbsp; 0.8882 csys = 2527.2914 CPU)
CreateRRD took:2338 wallclock secs (20.8806 usr&nbsp; 13.2639 sys \+&nbsp; 2.4046 cusr&nbsp; 0.9084 csys = 2526.4475 CPU)
CreateRRD took:2467 wallclock secs (2021.9125 usr&nbsp; 19.0675 sys \+&nbsp; 2.3949 cusr&nbsp; 01.9603 csys = 2534.3252 CPU)
CreateRRD took:2166 wallclock secs (21.19.11 usr&nbsp; 09.5006 sys \+&nbsp; 2.4273 cusr&nbsp; 0.9790 csys = 2333.0088 CPU)
CreateRRD took:2168 wallclock secs (1920.1397 usr&nbsp; 09.6247 sys \+&nbsp; 2.5878 cusr&nbsp; 10.0274 csys = 2333.3596 CPU)
CreateRRD took:2368 wallclock secs (20.7780 usr&nbsp; 19.1240 sys \+&nbsp; 2.5644 cusr&nbsp; 0.8296 csys = 2533.2760 CPU)
CreateRRD took:23 wallclock secs (2019.7919 usr&nbsp; 10.1286 sys \+&nbsp; 2.3627 cusr&nbsp; 0.8791 csys = 2523.1423 CPU)&nbsp;

 The update function takes very little time as compared to create function.  Here is the data for the update function for the same three RRDs

Code Block
CreateRRD took:23 4 wallclock secs ( 319.5609 usr&nbsp; 01.0513 sys \+&nbsp; 02.4355 cusr&nbsp; 0.0592 csys =&nbsp; 423.0969 CPU)
CreateRRD took: 366 wallclock secs ( 321.5513 usr&nbsp; 08.0445 sys \+&nbsp; 02.4453 cusr&nbsp; 0.0193 csys =&nbsp; 433.04 CPU)
CreateRRD took:67 4 wallclock secs ( 321.5724 usr&nbsp; 0.07 sys \+&nbsp; 0.54 cusr&nbsp; 0.09 csys =9.61 sys \+&nbsp; 42.27 CPU)

The code created new RRD files based on unique source, destination and number of packets sent. Since the number of packets sent is variable for each day, it created a new RRD file each day which is very expensive. An average of 100 additional RRDs were created every day which costs 10 hours time to run. I have set the value of the number of packets sent to 10, so now  only the previous RRDs will be updated and no new RRD will be created. So this will cause the script to run much faster( will takes on average 10 hours less to run daily).

Deployment of PingertoSmokePing


Depends on rrdtool version 1.2.12 or newer version of it. Therefore it must be installed. The RRD tool is already installed on PingER machine.

Security Checks

 The perl taint option -T is used in order to taint the input which the cgi will get from the user also "strict" is used.

CGI Scripts


Configuration Steps:

  • I changed the following path to point to 'rrdtool' installation. The path should go up to the 'perl' directory as follows:
Code Block

use lib "/afs/";
use lib "/afs/";

the above library paths should not be used, there is a sitewide distribution of rrdtool under /package/rrdtool. if this does not work, then you should work with sysadmin to get it to work.

The problem I faced with this is that it was unable to link the dynamic library (.so) file at the run time which I ran it from Flora but when I ran it from 


flora is a sun machine. i don't believe the rrd stuff is deployed on it.

PingER it worked fine. The problem was due to the fact that Flora is a 64 bit machine.

Code Block

my $imgsrc="$HOME/pinger_smokeping/html/GraphCache where $HOME is my home directory where the project is placed.


* *I have written saveimage.cgi which is called from graph.cgi and it prints the image data to the browser. The image is created temporarily and is deleted after it is show to the user.

The image is created in /tmp/ directory


Displays the SourceSite_DestinationSite_PacketsSize_NumberOfPings(maximum) RRDs(data) available for the monitoring site or node slected from by user.

Configuration Steps:

  • I changed the mainpath to point to the srcdest.txt file:
    Code Block
    my $mainpath="$HOME/pinger_smokeping/SRCDEST_FILE/srcdest.txt";

where $HOME is  home directory where the project is placed.

  • I changed this path to point to the folder contaning the file: my $base_dir="$HOME/pinger_smokeping";
  • I also had to put <HTML> nad <BODY> tags to see the output correctly in the browser which otherwise gave error. This script takes two parameters as

1. src_regexp (Monitoring Site)
2. by site | node

  • I used the version provided with the distribution. I added this link to form.cgi Line 504:
Code Block


= "SMOKE []";
  • I also had to chage require statement at line 96 to point it to new
Code Block

require "$base_dir/";


Code Block

  • Also the path of was changed in to point to the new 

These three scripts are deployed at Test server (/afs/

which I guess is not accessable from outside world. These scripts are deployed at:

23 cusr&nbsp; 0.91 csys = 33.99 CPU)

    I created the same 10 RRD files on local disk, clearly its less expensive to write to local disk.

Code Block

CreateRRD took:22 wallclock secs (19.75 usr&nbsp; 0.79 sys \+&nbsp; 2.60 cusr&nbsp; 0.75 csys = 23.89 CPU)
CreateRRD took:21 wallclock secs (19.66 usr&nbsp; 0.85 sys \+&nbsp; 2.70 cusr&nbsp; 0.76 csys = 23.97 CPU)
CreateRRD took:24 wallclock secs (20.49 usr&nbsp; 1.44 sys \+&nbsp; 2.49 cusr&nbsp; 0.83 csys = 25.25 CPU)
CreateRRD took:23 wallclock secs (20.77 usr&nbsp; 1.11 sys \+&nbsp; 2.53 cusr&nbsp; 0.88 csys = 25.29 CPU)
CreateRRD took:23 wallclock secs (20.88 usr&nbsp; 1.26 sys \+&nbsp; 2.40 cusr&nbsp; 0.90 csys = 25.44 CPU)
CreateRRD took:24 wallclock secs (20.91 usr&nbsp; 1.06 sys \+&nbsp; 2.39 cusr&nbsp; 0.96 csys = 25.32 CPU)
CreateRRD took:21 wallclock secs (19.11 usr&nbsp; 0.50 sys \+&nbsp; 2.42 cusr&nbsp; 0.97 csys = 23.00 CPU)
CreateRRD took:21 wallclock secs (19.13 usr&nbsp; 0.62 sys \+&nbsp; 2.58 cusr&nbsp; 1.02 csys = 23.35 CPU)
CreateRRD took:23 wallclock secs (20.77 usr&nbsp; 1.12 sys \+&nbsp; 2.56 cusr&nbsp; 0.82 csys = 25.27 CPU)
CreateRRD took:23 wallclock secs (20.79 usr&nbsp; 1.12 sys \+&nbsp; 2.36 cusr&nbsp; 0.87 csys = 25.14 CPU)&nbsp;

 The update function takes very little time as compared to create function.  Here is the data for the update function for the same three RRDs

Code Block

CreateRRD took: 4 wallclock secs ( 3.56 usr&nbsp; 0.05 sys \+&nbsp; 0.43 cusr&nbsp; 0.05 csys =&nbsp; 4.09 CPU)
CreateRRD took: 3 wallclock secs ( 3.55 usr&nbsp; 0.04 sys \+&nbsp; 0.44 cusr&nbsp; 0.01 csys =&nbsp; 4.04 CPU)
CreateRRD took: 4 wallclock secs ( 3.57 usr&nbsp; 0.07 sys \+&nbsp; 0.54 cusr&nbsp; 0.09 csys =&nbsp; 4.27 CPU)

The code created new RRD files based on unique source, destination and number of packets sent. Since the number of packets sent is variable for each day, it created a new RRD file each day which is very expensive. An average of 100 additional RRDs were created every day which costs 10 hours time to run. I have set the value of the number of packets sent to 10, so now  only the previous RRDs will be updated and no new RRD will be created. So this will cause the script to run much faster( will takes on average 10 hours less to run daily).

On a pinger machine with 2 X 2.00 GHZ processors it takes 95 secs to create a new rrd file and few seconds to update. Total files to be created/updated are 630. So, for the first time a rough estimate is 16.25 hrs to complete the job

Cron Jobs

I have run as a cron job which is supposed to run every 24 hours to generate the rrd files for unique source destination pairs. The cron job is set as a TrsCron tab and is supposed to run at 12:00 am midnight on tersk08 machine.


 Here is an example of a congested link in China  ( You can clearly see the day night effect here and huge losses. In first graph shows the data for the last two days in this case. (By default it shows the last 120 days and can be changed by selecting the date). The second one shows the data for the last 10 days and the third one shows the data for the last 30 days.

Interpreting the Graph

Smoke colors

Include Page
Smoke Colors
Smoke Colors